For time:
1 Rope Climb, 18'
270m Farmer's Carry, 40lb/25lb
40 Weighted Step ups, alternating legs 40lb/25lb, 20"/16"
40 Goblet squats 40lb/25lb
There is a 5 burpee penalty every time the dumbbells are put down. The goblet squats are done with one dumbbell.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Judge Hiroshi and the ladies of platform two
Happy birthday, Gerrit G!
17 SBK athletes have signed up for Fight Gone Bad 5! Once we hit 30 registered we'll start assigning teams. Paulie and Becca are already working on the FGBV t-shirt logo. This will no doubt be our biggest fight yet! Sign up here
Upcoming Foundations:
August Evening Cycle
Dates: 8/16-9/8
Times: Mondays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9:15pm
Register Here!
5 Reasons I Quit Coffee CrossFit Invictus