For Time:
Row 250m
9 Muscle Ups
9 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 500m
6 Muscle Ups
6 Push Jerks, 135/95
Row 750m
3 Muscle Ups
3 Push Jerks, 135/95
Post time and Rx to comments.
"Baby Bierkraft"
Congratulations to Ben and Serena on the birth of their first son, Kenyon J Granger, 6lb 9oz
Congratulations also to:
Pam O for getting her first Double Unders yesterday!
Deb P for getting through the strict transition on the muscle up yesterday.. Ring dip training time!
Welcome back from Africa, Coach Margie!
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Ragnar Relay Team is almost complete! We have 11 out of 12 athletes registred for this 200 mile relay race from Woodstock to NYC.
Our Team:
Sarah H (C)
Joe W
Bjorn B
Charmel R
Juliana A
Dan R
Asta F
Noah A
Jess B
Steph p
Dan L
6 men and 5 females.. who will step up to be our 12th spot on the team?