Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings
Post rounds completed to comments.
compare to 10.2.08
(HSPU E2/4)
Eva T does "Nate"
On February 5th and 6th CFSBK will be hosting MobilityWOD posterboy Kelly Starrett for the CrossFit Mobility Certification. Once registration goes live we'll post it on the blog!
Team SBK at the NY Ragnar Relay!
Want to run from Woodstock to NYC? You don't have to go it alone,
Crossfit South Brooklyn is putting together one or more relay teams
for the New York Ragnar Relay! Teams of 12 will race 178 miles from
Woodstock to NYC. Each team member will complete 3 legs over the
course, legs range from 2.7 to 8.3 miles and are of varying
difficulty. Total distance per runner ranges from 11.6 to 19.7 miles.
This will be an unforgettable experience! But there is a lot to talk
about in order to gather our team(s) together. If you are interested
in attending an informational session to learn more contact
sarah(AT) with your contact info and days/times
that would be most convenient for you.
In the meantime, visit to learn more!
Has anyone here ran the Ragnar before? If so post your experience to comments.
Check out Meghan R's interview on
Olympian Chad Vaughn: Speed and Power CrossFit Journal
Blood, Blisters, Sexism and Pull-ups CrossFit Journal
The Pronated Squat – So Ugly, So Dysfunctional CrossFit Invictus