use 75% 1RM Press or 66% 1RM of Push press
super set 5-10 strict chins/pullups with each work set of press (no failing on this)
Post loads/chins or pull-up scores to comments.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Push press
Lateral jumps over an obstacle
Athletes will use the same load for the WOD as they did for their Press.
Post Rx and time to comments.
Memory Lane pt. 2: Overhead Squat Prep at the Lyceum
Also, if anyone has a photography background and can photograph the event for us (we'll provide a camera) please let us know!
Calling all Level 1 certified CrossFitters
Got your L1? We're looking for some people to volunteer as judges for the event on Saturday. You'll be judging athletes compete in the Deadlift, Push-up and Box Jump triplet.
What movement from this weekend's sectional WOD do you think would be the toughest for you? What would be the easiest?
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