Handstand Skill Work
Spend 15 mnutes working at the appropriate level on one or more of the following Handstand progressions. Get plenty of rest between efforts and focus on perfect positions in a fresh state.
A) Working on a smooth Wall Kick-Up
Rest as needed. When they’re consistently controlled, correct, and somewhat graceful, move on. The linked video is somewhat long but well worth a watch if you struggle with kicking up consistently.
B) Kicking up to a partner
Holding inversions focused on stacking for sets of :05-:15 seconds. Partners alternate. Rest as needed.
C) Working controlled kicking up with no spotter and safe exit strategies
D) Static Unsupported Handstand Attempts and/or Handstand Walking
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Week 1 of 4
20 Minutes for Quality:
65m Single-Arm Farmer Carry, each
12e Split Stance Band Rows
8 Alternating Turkish Get-Ups
Post work to comments.
Just in time for spooky season, we now have limited edition hoodies featuring Tokebi‘s incredibly cool take on the CFSBK logo. Pick one up at the front desk or in our online store!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Jen Wuotinen is our October Athlete of the Month. Learn all about this 7amer in Tuesday’s post. Congrats, Jen!
2. A new training cycle started this week. Go HERE to find out what you can expect in group classes through the end of the Open.
3. All are invited join CFSBK member Clay Ross’s Billboard Chart topping jazz group Ranky Tanky for their debut at the legendary Blue Note Jazz Club in NYC on November 5th and 6th with shows at 8pm and 10:30pm on both nights. Tickets can be purchased here!
4. On Friday, November 8th, Morgan N. will be partnering with Sweat to Change, an organization that empowers through fitness and community and gives back philanthropically. They’ll be doing a workout at the new rowing studio in Union Square, Rowgatta, followed by a conversation on how to be financially fit. All proceeds from the event go to City Harvest. The link to register is here.
5. Lisa C. is gathering signatures to try to get a greenmarket to come to Thomas Greene Park. Sign the petition here!
6. Last but certainly not least, the CrossFit Open is underway! Check out photos from 20.1 here, take a look at our leaderboards here, and watch this week’s Update Show here.
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