Box Squat
Work up to a heavy, but not max-effort, triple of Box Squats.
Post loads to comments.
Week 1 of 4
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
Box Jumps 24/20
2x Double-Unders (10-20.30…)
Modify the Dubs to Alternating Foot Steps or Singles as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
“Toni, how did 20.1 go?” Photos from our first Friday Night Lights event of the Open are up on Flickr. Thanks to everyone who came out! See you again this Friday…
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 10/14/19 – S 11/10/19 (4 weeks)
Goals: This 4-week cycle will run us through the 2019 Crossfit Open Redux! Open workouts will be the group class for Saturdays. Understanding the fact that we won’t know what movements will be programmed until Thursday evenings, we’ll aim to be on fresh legs and ready for anything (just about) on Saturdays. Olympic lifting will show up Tuesdays and/or Thursdays and/or Sundays, depending again on what the Open Workouts are. The general template will look as follows:
Heavy Squat or Hinge Variant + Medium Intensity Metcon
Skill Work + High Intensity Metcon
Heavy Press Variant + Low Intensity Aerobic Metcon
Medium Intensity Aerobic Intervals
Unilateral Lower/Upper Body Strength Work + Stability Work + Cyclical Cardio Work
Open Workout!
Skill Work + Recovery Day
News and Notes
- Go HERE to sign up for this week’s Friday Night Lights. Please note that we’ll be offering 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes on Friday nights throughout the Open, but Friday 6:30pm classes will be cancelled through November 8th. Because Friday is no longer a scheduled rest day, we’ll be running the Open Workouts only during Friday Night Lights and Saturday group classes. You can, of course, also do the workouts during Open Gym.
- Check the blog tomorrow to read an interview with our October Athlete of the Month. Who’s it gonna be?!
- CFSBK is running on our regular schedule today. Have the day off? Come get your fitness on with us!
What Apes Can Teach Us About Our Heart Health NY Times
Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Rethinking How We Celebrate American History Smithsonian
Box Squat:
95, 115, 125×4 sets of 3
After my first set of 125, Lynsey recommended we drop to a little stool with a 45# plate. Wow! That made a huge difference.
Really enjoyed these, *especially* after moving the block lower. It was cool to really dig through my sticky spot.
Wod: made it 15 reps into the 25 round on wallballs.
As for the open, I did 137 reps. Wish I wouldn’t have taken so many breaks in the clean& jerks. I could have stuck with sets of 5/3, but got tired and broke it up more.
Same thing for today. I really hate wallballs, so I just broke them up and rested too much : X
Hey you guys! Anyone looking for an apartment or a kitchen island?