3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
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11am Class:
Max reps in one minute at each station. Today’s WOD is 4 rounds.
Wall Ball 20 lbs.
Box Jumps 20"
Kettlebell Swings 16kgs.
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Established 2007
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3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
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11am Class:
Max reps in one minute at each station. Today’s WOD is 4 rounds.
Wall Ball 20 lbs.
Box Jumps 20"
Kettlebell Swings 16kgs.
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Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Thruster
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Compare to CFSBKWOD 1.27.08
The First person to show me a receipt from their purchase of weightlifting shoes gets one free personal training session! (we will focus on an Olympic lift)
The Second person to show me their receipt gets 2 free classes (40$ Value)
The Third person gets… the awesome pair of weightlifting shoes they just purchased!
Purchase your shoes HERE or HERE
Why Weightlifting Shoes? (again)
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In this WOD each athlete starts at a station with the rx’d loads and performs max reps for thirty seconds. Each work interval is followed by one minute of rest and is repeated 6 times before moving on the the next exercise. Score is total reps completed.
Percentages are based on one rep max in each movement. If you’ve never done a 1RM on any one of these lifts but know your max for a higher rep range then This Calculator may help guide you.
65% Front Squat
65% Press
30% Weighted Pull-Up
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8 Windmills each side
20 Janda Sit-Ups
2 Rounds
Scapular Flys
2×12 Prone
2×12 Supine
Posted on
Tomorrow’s 6pm Class will be a Beginner’s Class, all are welcome to attend. Students who have taken the Foundation’s program in either the first or second cycle will be comped.
Mr. Hadel and his crew will be taping for the documentary on Monday, May 19th. They will be observing the weekend classes on Saturday and Sunday to get a sense of who we are. If you’re open to being interviewed please let me know as they’re interested in talking to a lot of people.
We got the first version of the t-shirt design from Jodi and it looks awesome.
There are more mats to be moved upstairs. Anyone who comes 20+ minutes early to help bring them up gets a 50% discount on class.
Everyone attending Wednesday night’s Group Class should be aware of their 1RM’s for FSQ, Press, and Weighted Pull-Ups. You’ve all been logging… Right???
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For Time:
75 Power Snatches
Beginner’s Class:
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Mini “Cindy”
Post Loads and Rounds To Comments
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20-18-16-12 Reps of:
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Box Jumps
Set up a 95lb. barbell and a 20" box and storm through for time.
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Check out the Scrap Book for more pics!
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Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps
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Congratulations to Allison and CrossFit on their one year anniversary! I can’t wait to see the kids.
You’re walking proof that hard work and a positive attitude are the keys to success. We’re so proud of everything you’re accomplishing and are looking forward to what’s in store for the next year. Train hard, have fun and COME BACK SOON!
25 pull-ups
145lb. Clean
240b. Deadlift
100lb. Press
135lb. Jerk
210lb. Back Squat
170lb. Front Squat
125lb. OHS
Compare to the Basic Barbell Strength Standards
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Posted on
The Hadel Media Corporation will be doing an interview and video documentary on CrossFit South Brooklyn next month. Their intention is to spread the CrossFit concept to Europe as well as profile our community and gym. We will be filmed for their DVD documentary series, "Power on TV" as well as being featured in at least one of their German print publications. If anyone has any reservations about being on camera please let me know ahead of time and we will make the necessary accomodations. Also, if anyone is interested in being interviewed, shoot me an email and I will begin to make a list for Mr. Hadel of potential focus athletes.