Today will be known as the day of the record disaster.
2 muscle ups + 71 dips/pullups
did 1 m/u during w/u too, so that makes 3 muscle-ups for today, a pr.
those last dips were tough. I am glad we did not do the rx’d 4x sub.
75 pullups/75 bar dips24:05
Did 5 rnds of 15/15. Most of the pullups were singled and dips were mostly in pairs in the latter rounds.
Had to take a pause for some callus care, otherwise I might have subbed 24. Thanks for hooking me up Shane!
Dan and Leo totally studded it up! Nice work gents. And thanks for doing the WOD with me Erik, you totally rocked it.
Dan Rsays
30 Muscle ups in 12:40.
First time doing this as RX’d (all singles) — last time subbed jumping MU’s with the negative.
Really surprised myself with the time on this WOD given that MU’s have really been an Achilles heel. My pre-Hoboken shoulder injury was MU related, and before that, my MU performance in Nasty Girls was so abysmal that my time was horrific.
OHS work was great, am going to work more of that into my warm-up/post WOD skill work.
Sameer, nice work powering through those first few muscle ups and being a trooper with the remaining pullups/dips.
Margie, nice work tonight, you’ll be stringing those pullups together in no time! And thanks for the shout out — much appreciated. Can’t wait to do this one again!
Had a nice pace going was looking to finish right around 7 mins and then it all fell apart with one to go.
Juliana, thanks for pacing through the muscle ups and not laughing too hard at my parade of failure at the end.
27:00, with 75 pullups/75 bar dips (jumping negatives)
The dips just killed me! I don’t have enough strength yet to do them and it’s no fun 🙁
Jeremy I thought you totally nailed those MU’s!You just lost your pacing with the last few but your human. Thank you for your help with the cleans.
Thank you Dan for helping me finish those last dips, I needed it.
See you guys wednesday
Final Foundations Class.
Deadlift (BW) 160lbs.Pushups.
Descending ladder from 10.
did 30 strict pullups with the tan band and 30 dips. really surprised myself that i am suddenly able to do dips without a band. how does that happen without me knowing? anyway… planned on doing ten strict pullups without the band on my final set but by the time that rolled around i was already too spent. I should have tried to get them on my first set i guess? i think all together i got maybe 4 or 5 strict without the band. yesterday i thought i should have done more but now this morning i am super sore so i guess it was enough.
good morning everyone. did some backsquats today per the mainsite.
the 155 felt heavier than I was expecting, but I stayed solid all the way through 190. 185/190 were 5RM pr’s, but the “1RM calculator” gives me a 214 1RM, so I didn’t beat my 1RM, per the calculator.
juliana– i am pretty sure either your time was much lower, or my time is wrong. I remember you got done well before I did. Those last 6 dips took me forever, so I don’t think my time was just 10 s slower than yours.
let’s see if this monday night + tues morning thing can last.
Last day of foundations:push-ups and 2/3 body weight deadlift. Descending ladder from 10.
time: 11:28
Watched muscle-ups – can’t wait to be able to do that. Played on rings – can do a ring pull-up! So much fun.
Final Foundations class : (55 dead lifts and push up’s. Time: 11:26Thanks Shane. You’re the best!
4X10 pullups, green band4x10 bar dips band assistedWhat can I say, “better the tail of a lion than the head of a jackal”Quitting globogym today, can feel the koolaid sliding down my esophagusSameer, hellofan effort on those dips, man, sorry about the vinyl
Not to be a spoiler, but you’re the blog picture tomorrow! woo
Oh- some of you guys have been asking me about it so i’ll continue to spill the beans. The next strength Cycle will start on Monday. If you’ve been paying attention you see that we cycle a Total body, Upper body and Lower Body movement with these. The movements this time will be:TB: Snatch Technique + Benchmark WODUB: JerkLB: Deadlift
Did the main site workout on 2/31.5 mile runback squat 5x5225x5, 285×3, 245×5, 255×5, 255×5
Dan, I did the Urbanathlon in 2007. It was Awesome! They have one in Chicago that looks cool as well I was thinking of doing this year in October. Looking forward to our next strength cycle! See Everyone tomorrow.
Today will be known as the day of the record disaster.
2 muscle ups + 71 dips/pullups
did 1 m/u during w/u too, so that makes 3 muscle-ups for today, a pr.
those last dips were tough. I am glad we did not do the rx’d 4x sub.
75 pullups/75 bar dips24:05
Did 5 rnds of 15/15. Most of the pullups were singled and dips were mostly in pairs in the latter rounds.
Had to take a pause for some callus care, otherwise I might have subbed 24. Thanks for hooking me up Shane!
Dan and Leo totally studded it up! Nice work gents. And thanks for doing the WOD with me Erik, you totally rocked it.
30 Muscle ups in 12:40.
First time doing this as RX’d (all singles) — last time subbed jumping MU’s with the negative.
Really surprised myself with the time on this WOD given that MU’s have really been an Achilles heel. My pre-Hoboken shoulder injury was MU related, and before that, my MU performance in Nasty Girls was so abysmal that my time was horrific.
OHS work was great, am going to work more of that into my warm-up/post WOD skill work.
Sameer, nice work powering through those first few muscle ups and being a trooper with the remaining pullups/dips.
Margie, nice work tonight, you’ll be stringing those pullups together in no time! And thanks for the shout out — much appreciated. Can’t wait to do this one again!
30 Muscle Ups in 8:40
Had a nice pace going was looking to finish right around 7 mins and then it all fell apart with one to go.
Juliana, thanks for pacing through the muscle ups and not laughing too hard at my parade of failure at the end.
27:00, with 75 pullups/75 bar dips (jumping negatives)
The dips just killed me! I don’t have enough strength yet to do them and it’s no fun 🙁
Jeremy I thought you totally nailed those MU’s!You just lost your pacing with the last few but your human. Thank you for your help with the cleans.
Thank you Dan for helping me finish those last dips, I needed it.
See you guys wednesday
Final Foundations Class.
Deadlift (BW) 160lbs.Pushups.
Descending ladder from 10.
did 30 strict pullups with the tan band and 30 dips. really surprised myself that i am suddenly able to do dips without a band. how does that happen without me knowing? anyway… planned on doing ten strict pullups without the band on my final set but by the time that rolled around i was already too spent. I should have tried to get them on my first set i guess? i think all together i got maybe 4 or 5 strict without the band. yesterday i thought i should have done more but now this morning i am super sore so i guess it was enough.
good morning everyone. did some backsquats today per the mainsite.
the 155 felt heavier than I was expecting, but I stayed solid all the way through 190. 185/190 were 5RM pr’s, but the “1RM calculator” gives me a 214 1RM, so I didn’t beat my 1RM, per the calculator.
juliana– i am pretty sure either your time was much lower, or my time is wrong. I remember you got done well before I did. Those last 6 dips took me forever, so I don’t think my time was just 10 s slower than yours.
let’s see if this monday night + tues morning thing can last.
Last day of foundations:push-ups and 2/3 body weight deadlift. Descending ladder from 10.
time: 11:28
Watched muscle-ups – can’t wait to be able to do that. Played on rings – can do a ring pull-up! So much fun.
Final Foundations class : (55 dead lifts and push up’s. Time: 11:26Thanks Shane. You’re the best!
4X10 pullups, green band4x10 bar dips band assistedWhat can I say, “better the tail of a lion than the head of a jackal”Quitting globogym today, can feel the koolaid sliding down my esophagusSameer, hellofan effort on those dips, man, sorry about the vinyl
Not to be a spoiler, but you’re the blog picture tomorrow! woo
Oh- some of you guys have been asking me about it so i’ll continue to spill the beans. The next strength Cycle will start on Monday. If you’ve been paying attention you see that we cycle a Total body, Upper body and Lower Body movement with these. The movements this time will be:TB: Snatch Technique + Benchmark WODUB: JerkLB: Deadlift
I want to try this…
… some day
Erik — I’m down for that, and I’m also interested in the Urbanathalon:
I’ll be with you, Dan! Sounds like ultimate fun.
Since the challenges of our next strength cycle are revealed the follwoing link might be interesting:
Legendary Tommy Kono on Snatch technique
Happy Birthday Leo!Great work with the muscle-ups last night.
Liane, Laurel and Malcolm it was my great pleasure working with you in Foundations and I’m incredibly excited to see you all in Level 1 very soon.
Welcome to the group, Jillian!
Enjoy the Kool-Aid Jack! Oh yeaaah!
How do I get a Jacinto T-shirt?
Did the main site workout on 2/31.5 mile runback squat 5x5225x5, 285×3, 245×5, 255×5, 255×5
Dan, I did the Urbanathlon in 2007. It was Awesome! They have one in Chicago that looks cool as well I was thinking of doing this year in October. Looking forward to our next strength cycle! See Everyone tomorrow.