21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips
Post time to comments.
compare to 10.26.08
Accessory Work
Spinal Flossing
Hip Stretches
Hooverball Party!
Classes are off! Hooverball is on! (and maybe some CrossFit Dodgeball too)
This Saturday, we are scrapping our regularly scheduled program for a little fun and games, CrossFit style. Come throw heavy balls around, eat paleo snacks and drink (non-paleo) beer. NFT.
The Details:
When: Saturday 11-1pm
Where: Upstairs at the Lyceum
Who: SBK peeps, family and friends
This is a BYOpaleo! If you'd like to bring snacks and/or beverages, email Margie at margie@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Please note: All classes, including the teaser, are cancelled. There will be an hour of open gym after 1pm if you need to get more action. Or you can just retire to Sheep Station for more beer and burgers. (Without the bun of course.)
Coach Glassman at the National War College CF Journal Free Downloads
Lecture Pt. 1
Lecture Pt. 2
Q&A Pt. 1
aha, I have done this before. Thought I hadn’t. This time, 105lbs, last time was 85lbs.
23:11: 40 wattslast time 21:44: 38 watts
i like the squat cleans better than the power cleans. seems like some others prefer the power cleans. Don’t quite get that, lifting the weight less distance == easier!
After lots of ‘maybes’, ‘we’ll see’s” and a couple ‘ill get back to you’s”, we’re going to be upstairs for the fun on Saturday. No worries, balls will be dodged and hoovered!
Strong work by the 7am crew on Elizabeth today!
Morning session:Squat cleans @105 + Jumping ring dips17:47
Just for the record: Sameer’s Cleans were pretty close to perfection. Awesome performance.
very informative videos from coach glassman.
hope to see you all later.
Thanks andy! Hey, didn’t notice my pic on the post until just now. One of these days Dan will get a picture of me lifting something that’s actually heavy! =)
12:49, this was a fun one for sure!
sameer, I have always preferred squat cleans also.
19:2275#; bar dips
Last time 17:14 @ 72#
My chest and triceps are still caked from mini-barbara on tuesday so the dips were what slowed me down tonight. Otherwise, the cleans felt really good. Except that last one. That was fugly.
I still really like Elizabeth. I think it’s my fave.
12:01 — technique felt solid until the last batch of 9 cleans where I could feel my back starting to round.
Did this before in sub 10, but I had my lucky hat that time…
Contemplating doing negatives with the vest on ring dips to build some strength — anyone have thoughts on the effectiveness of this?
Plan on improving my cycle time on the clean and also using heaver weight for training purposes. Can’t wait for another strength cycle…
Couple failure’s mixed in because of shitty catches
Snatch Pull175x5x5
Strict Pull-ups: 15, 12, 11GHD Sit-ups 12x3Back Extensions 12×3
Did Mid Hang Power Cleans since my right leg is all messed up.14:40 (or 50)My cleans still need a lot of work. Not really sure why I’m not getting it.
Couple failures mixed in because of shitty catches
Snatch Pull175x5x5
Strict Pull-ups: 15, 12, 11GHD Sit-ups 12x3Back Extensions 12×3
why does my original post not show up until after I repost
12:22, last time just over 20 minutes. My back did tighten some, but not like in October.
Credit the coaching.
Evening session:Jacinto came up with the following WOD which turnt out to be surprisingly tough…nevertheless it was great fun.
As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of7 Medball Cleans7 Push Ups
Can’t remember exactly how many rounds I did (I think 10ish), but Jack clearly beat me.
Additional work:30-20-10 of Hyperextensions and Sit Ups. Not for time, just for pain.
andy you showed up twice today?
you are insane.
Dan, personally I think negatives can provide signifcant benefits though they also come with a higher injury potential. However, a russian study found in the early 90s that the combination of positives and negatives results in a bigger effectiveness than doing negatives alone. Considering those findings and the comon training methodology of (German) gymnasts I would do as many “normal” reps as possible and add some negatives at the end of each set.
Andy, thanks for writing back — are you saying to do ring dips to failure, and then add some weighted negatives?
What about doing weighted reps (+10kg) and after fatiguing, doing weighted (+20kg) negatives?
@Sameer — you have to lift something heavy so I can get a photo of it! 🙂
My first date with Elizabeth.
95lbs and Bar Dips with white band.12:29
No tendon pain in my elbow during dips! Full range was good and I think I am ready to start working body weight. very excited.
I am going to LA this weekend and will miss the party. Have a great time and I will see everyone on Monday.
elizabeth75#, assisted bar dips (tan band)16:24
dips, even w/ band, kill me.
before class did 5×1 press from wed.
(45×5, 65×5)70, 75, 80(F), 80, 82(PR)
finally broke the 80# mark that i feel like i’ve been stuck at for a long time. thank you jeremy for the advice.
Dan, since the shoulder joint is pretty fragile I would tend to avoid doing weighted negatives (ring) dips in a fatigued state.
We also have to clarify what you are intending to achieve. If you’d like to enhance your ability to do as many reps as possible unbroken, a regime like doing 1-3 sets of dips until failure plus bodyweight negatives until failure + ring support until failure might be the way to go. Tabata dips or a dip ladder should lead to success, too.
However, if you’re keen on doing dips with high weights and less interested in doing many reps, focus on weighted positives with a slow negative movement instead of negatives with an overload. This should keep your shoulders safe.
Andy, my goal would be as many unbroken reps of ring dips as possible. Option 1 sounds like a good approach, along with an occasional tabata torture.
Thanks so much for writing back!
i finally felt a little stronger yesterday than i had for the past two weeks. i think my uninspired paelo diet was kicking my ass and yesterday i finally just forced myself to eat a shit ton and tada i felt better. i think im going to permanently add some dairy to my diet since i’ve been lusting after audrey’s bottle of milk for two days now.
elizabeth15:3065lbs, tan band assisted dips
i think i would like this more if i was able to do the dips without the band. right now im at that spot where there is no challenge with the band but i can only do one without the band.
great to have you guys back.
Did a WOD under the watchful eyes of the Great Warrior.7 medball cleans-my form still sucks7 pushupsdid 13 rounds in 12 minutes, good sweatJumped rope,ate an apple(does that count?) Will pray for you all in synagogue while you Hoover tomorrow:) Oh, when will I become a true Crossfitter
Elizabeth 16 something. Focus on technique on cleans 65lbs dips no band. Need to add 1/2 -1 inch for full range of motion. YEAH for the first time I was not pulling/muscling the bar up 🙂
Will miss the party tomorrow. Have fun! See everyone Sunday.
This was my second date with elizabeth and overall i felt better prepared for this encounter.
old time: 19:26, 65lb white band assisted dipsnew time: 14:21, 65lb negative dips on bar
I was looking to decrease my time. I probably could have gone a little heavier with the cleans but I think it would have affected my time some what.
Looking forward to this hoover ball activity-looks like a lot of fun.
See u guys manana