Advanced: Heavy Singles
Intermediate: Hang Power Snatch
Beginner: PVC
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Compare to 8.28.08
Accessory work
Weighted Hip Extensions 3×8
Weighted Knee to Elbows 3×5
Makenna gets personal with her barbell.
CFSBK GYM Etiquette Pt. 2
Know your teammates.
Everyone who trains with us is part of team SBK. It's easy to get comfortable and stick with the people you're familiar with but as we all know CrossFit isn't about being comfortable. Take the first step and introduce yourself to someone you haven't met before, chances are if they're doing CrossFit you probably have similar masochistic personalities. This is especially important with newer athletes, what we do can be a little intimidating at first so it's nice to show them that there are REAL people moving those barbells. Theres absolutly no reason everyone shouldn't know each other!
How do you monitor your sleep patterns?