A/WHam Bridge, LB Rot, Merm RotIso Ham Bridge, St Lg Rot, UB Rot
Warm-Up x310 Squats, 7 Ring Dips (strict) Droms
DU/KB/K2E WOD16:20 as rx’dDidn’t feel like I brought the full intensity today, maybe 7/10. Nice little WOD, though. I’ll talk about stringing together K2E’s more in depth in class.
I tweaked my back BEFORE the wod even started. Ended up leaving. Really annoying, I was looking forward to this one.I’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Right now, it’s still acting up. No fun.
17:44 w/ 12kb KBDuring last Wednesday’s WOD I tried not to waste any time with singles, but tonight I did all of my DUs plus singles interspersed as needed to relax and reset my rhythm. I found it far less taxing than doing DUs only and constantly having to untangle myself from the rope. I’m still covered in whip marks but no knuckle welts, w00!
Dan Rsays
Today’s WOD: 12:20Kettlebells followed by K2E somehow fatigued my grip.DU were a distaster.Will go faster next time.
Had a little trouble with the cleans and clean pulls, felt unfocused. Bench was easier than anticipated. Deadlift, went alright once I stopped fussing around.
DU’s started coming together closer to the end, bit too erratic at the beginning. K2E’s are getting better too, hope that means kipping pull ups soon. looking forward to doing this WOD again.
day 24 on burpee challenge3x12 ring rows.
19:08, knees still nowhere near elbows, but closer.
Seems like I tweak my calf every time I jump rope, not a good trend. KB swings felt good though.
Sorry about your shoulder, Jack!
17:36DUs all unbroken.Knee to elbows – unbroken 1st round, then 5X5.Stunk it up on the KB Swings. 10X10 on all rounds, but had to rest big time between sets.The Pre-WOD stretch work really helped my form. These will get better I am sure.
16:41 using the 12kg kettle bell and 3:1 singles.
i think i should have used the one pood, but i was being lazy last night. i should have gone faster,
dear burpees,
i hate you. all 230* of you. go away.
best regards,stephanie
Steph, just do what I did-hurt your shoulder. All your troubles will be over, no more burpees
now jack, as much as that sounds great, i try to avoid shoulder injury these days (been there, done that – x2!)
i am 30 days from the end. thats one month. i made it through one month paleo, i can make it through this! i just might complain a lot along the way.
good for you Stephanie,do not give up no matter what.quitters never win and winnersnever quit.
A/WHam Bridge, LB Rot, Merm RotIso Ham Bridge, St Lg Rot, UB Rot
Warm-Up x310 Squats, 7 Ring Dips (strict) Droms
DU/KB/K2E WOD16:20 as rx’dDidn’t feel like I brought the full intensity today, maybe 7/10. Nice little WOD, though. I’ll talk about stringing together K2E’s more in depth in class.
Hey Sameer, here’s something for you:http://www.mrbellersneighborhood.com/story.php?storyid=1960
I tweaked my back BEFORE the wod even started. Ended up leaving. Really annoying, I was looking forward to this one.I’ll see how I feel tomorrow. Right now, it’s still acting up. No fun.
17:44 w/ 12kb KBDuring last Wednesday’s WOD I tried not to waste any time with singles, but tonight I did all of my DUs plus singles interspersed as needed to relax and reset my rhythm. I found it far less taxing than doing DUs only and constantly having to untangle myself from the rope. I’m still covered in whip marks but no knuckle welts, w00!
Today’s WOD: 12:20Kettlebells followed by K2E somehow fatigued my grip.DU were a distaster.Will go faster next time.
Feel better Erik; kill it tomorrow.
Sal, nice work tonight with the 2 pood!
Clean Pull251x3x5
Bench Press266x3x5
Had a little trouble with the cleans and clean pulls, felt unfocused. Bench was easier than anticipated. Deadlift, went alright once I stopped fussing around.
14:08 as rx’d
DU’s started coming together closer to the end, bit too erratic at the beginning. K2E’s are getting better too, hope that means kipping pull ups soon. looking forward to doing this WOD again.
day 24 on burpee challenge3x12 ring rows.
19:08, knees still nowhere near elbows, but closer.
Seems like I tweak my calf every time I jump rope, not a good trend. KB swings felt good though.
Sorry about your shoulder, Jack!
17:36DUs all unbroken.Knee to elbows – unbroken 1st round, then 5X5.Stunk it up on the KB Swings. 10X10 on all rounds, but had to rest big time between sets.The Pre-WOD stretch work really helped my form. These will get better I am sure.
16:41 using the 12kg kettle bell and 3:1 singles.
i think i should have used the one pood, but i was being lazy last night. i should have gone faster,