AMRAP 20 Minutes
30 Box Jumps 24/20
20 Push Press 115/80
30 Pull-Ups
Post Rounds and Rx to comments.
Who Was Danny?
Oakland SWAT Sergeant Daniel Sakai, age 35, was killed on March 21, 2009 in the line of duty along with fellow officers Sergeant Ervin Romans, Sergeant Mark Dunakin, and Officer John Hege. Daniel is survived by wife Jenni and daughter Jojiye.
Kelly Starrett Mobility Seminar This Weekend
There will be group NO CLASSES (Group, Active Recovery, Teaser) this weekend. We will resume our usual schedule this weekend. We apologize for the inconvenience and members can bank their missed classes forward to the next week.
New 6AM & 7AM Classes Start February 9!
We're excited to announce that we will now be offering 6 and 7AM classes every weekday with the addition of our new Wednesday morning classes. Our new 6 and 7Am session begin Wednesday, February 9!
Knockin' Boots
Winter weather means winter gear and in the interest of making room for everyone's stuff and still keeping the gym nice and tidy please line your boots neatly up against the garage door. Thanks!
Mo' Butter Makes you Mo' Better at Math? Quantified Self
Two Clips of the Mainstream Media Covering the Paleo Diet "Fad" Hunter Gatherer
13 Univeristy of Iowa Football Players get Rhabdo Sports Illustrated
CF Football's John Welbourn on the Iowa Situation Talk to Me Johnnie