Fitness: 3×5 across
Bar speed should still be quick and pretty consistent. Perfect positions
Performance: 5/3/1 “3 week“
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 Minutes Of:
30 Overhead Lunges with a plate 55/35
15 Ring Dips or Ring Push-Ups
30 Overhead or weighted lunges
15 Push-Ups
Ring dips and push-ups are high skill movements which require a tremendous amount of shoulder strength and stability. If you perform one of these versions take your time on them and don’t approach failiure on any reps.
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Brandon and Elyse started training at CFSBK to help get themselves in shape for their wedding. Well, this weekend they made it official in the Hudson Valley. Congratulations to these two great CFSBKers and newly weds!
- Congratulations on an awesome performance by the CFSBK Rowing team who rowed a collective 42,195 meters under the eye of Coach Nick for charity yesterday. More details on their performance and the charity tomorrow.
- Congratulations to Front Desk and CFSBK super star Lisa Fernandez on her recent accomplishment of 2 strict chin-ups! You can see video proof from the CFSBK Instagram account.
- This Thursday we’ll be open for special hours due to the holiday. Come on down anytime for Open Gym between 8:30am and 12pm. While we won’t be running formal classes, we’ll provide programming options for folks who want to stay on cycle and have an optional floater WOD on tap. The gym will be closed at night but your night WOD assignment is to see fireworks OUTSIDE somewhere.
Rebecca’s First CrossFit Competition
Recently Rebecca Carvalho competed in her first CrossFit Competition, “Beaches and Beards” at the gym she frequents while in New Jersey, CrossFit Live Fast. Her and I (David) did one PT session to ramp up for the competition which included some non traditional movements. Regardless, Rebecca was up for the challenge and gave it her all. Great work! Below is her summary:
“So, I did the competition! Thank you so much for all the tips and
help with the movements!! I definitely felt prepared and had a plan
for everything.
I’m pretty pumped. My goals were to get outside my comfort zone and to
give 110% for each WOD/keep moving. Goals = accomplished. And it was
a lot of fun.
Just showing up got me out of my comfort zone!
First workout: this was the 1000m row with erg elevated 20” (blind —
couldn’t look at your monitor but got notification at every 250m), 22
box step-ups on 20” box, hand release push-ups from your knees.
I made it through 46 push-ups on this, which I felt was pretty good. I
didn’t fall off the erg, which was also good. I was just really proud
that I never stopped moving and that I think I “sprinted” the last
Second workout: 21-15-9, 40# stone over shoulder/ring rows.
I finished this is 6:40. I was a good student in the sense that my
set-up was good for the stone over shoulder. But I was definitely
throwing the stone instead of dropping it, since I was chasing it all
over the place. But, oh well!
Third workout: one-arm dumbbell snatch ladder.
I was able to do the 45# dumbbell but just couldn’t get the 50#
despite a few efforts. Considering how tired my legs are right now, I
am sure that was part of it. But I thought my other reps were quick
and crisp and set-up correctly. Happy that I was able to perform
relatively well in the moment when the pressure was on. A bit bummed
I didn’t get the 50#, since I had 50# with the barbell when we
practiced. But such is life.
I wore a CFSBK shirt and a few people had seen the gym or other CFSBK
folks at competitions (something in Hoboken) and as always had really
positive things to say about the gym and the people. I’m always proud
to be part of CFSBK — it’s a really special place. All of us members
know how special it is, but it’s amazing how many other people know
how special it is as well.
Thanks again.
This is badass: “To The Pain” Free CrossFit Journal Article
See also: 21 on 21 USA vs Russia youtube