Mare L pulls 270lbs at the Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet
Check out Bekka P’s shots from TTD on our Flickr page
Events on Events on Events!
We recently hired superstar CFSBKer Mare Lai to help plan and coordinate more social events for the gym. We couldn’t be more excited to have her help us create more opportunities for people to meet each other and do fun and interesting things together. Below are some upcoming events we’re proud to announce:
Saturday, January 18th: Paleo Potluck at CFSBK
Save the date! On January 18th at 7:00pm we’ll be hosting our first CFSBK community potluck in 2014! This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. All are welcome and encouraged to come. Please RSVP and note your dish in the event page.
Friday, January 24th: Ice Skating at Prospect Park
Join us on Friday, January 24th from 7pm-9pm for all-ages nighttime ice skating at the newly opened LaFrakCenter, part of the $74 million restoration and redesign of an underutilized section of Prospect Park. We will have access to both outdoor rinks (one covered, the other open air, weather permitting) and our own space to gather and eat some light food and drink hot cocoa during skating breaks!
$20 per person includes admission and skate rental + food + beverages
RSVP to mare(AT) by Friday, January 17th
Sunday, January 26 Paleo Friendly Rest Day Brunch at Ideya
Ideya is a Caribbean Latin bistro new to Prospect Heights after 14 years in Soho and co-owned by CFSBK afternooner Mirko Berloso. Ideya will be hosting a special Paleo-friendly price-fix brunch event for CrossFit South Brooklyn on January 26 from 11am-1pm during the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge. Read more on the event page.
$36 per person (tax and gratuity included) with family-style appetizer and sides + a choice of entrée + coffee, tea or juice.
Sign-up and pay at the Front Desk by Wednesday, January 22
Saturday, February 1st: Photo Portraits with Bekka Palmer
In need of a family photo or headshot? Or want a bad-ass photo for your athlete profile for the upcoming Open? Resident photographer Bekka P. will be offering specially discounted one-on-one photography sessions for members here at CFSBK on Saturday, February 1 from 2:30 pm-6:30 pm.
For more information and to sign up, check out the event page.
You can post questions or comments about any of the events in the comments section.
Zlatan Vanev is much, much faster than you.
The Hidden Messages in Kids’ Movies TEDx
What it looks like flying over planet earth
Love that we have a real cruise director now!
Snatch 83, failed at 88 which I have made before. Just not my day. Made up for it with 205 on the HBBSQ, which is a HUGE PR for me! Thanks McDowell for talking me into it — I wasn't sure after 195 whether I should try 200 or 205 next, and he pretty much challenged me, "what do you want more, to hit 200 or to really go for it?" I stalled out on the way up but managed to get it in the end, and unlike yesterday's bench 1RM, I was able to leave the gym feeling like I left NOTHING on the table. ๐ ๐ ๐
Chose that 205 attempt over doing today's cash-out, and I'm not sorry!
Great morning in the gym w/ lady fox & McDowell. Huuuge 6am class, most of us getting our bench on. Awesome that we have enough benches and then some. I remember we never used to bench because we had no benches. And all the barbells leaned in a corner of the room. And the Philharmonic was practicing next to us so no bailing.
(Steph Paddock was in the house so I think that brought back a lot of Lyceum memories for me.)
Anyway. BENCH! I finally hit all the exposures of a lift in a cycle (did I squat in December? Maybe 2x. Oh well.) so I was psyched to try to PR today. My 130×8 at OG Friday led me to a 160 1RM calculation so I went for that. It was slow but steady, happy with that. *Might* have had 165 in me had I tried for that first, but I'll take a bodyweight bench press 1RM thankyouverymuch!
I remember talking w/ Margie about bodyweight bench press in 2010 right after we moved to DeGraw street…seemed like a remote dream. Fun.
Less fun: many many pushups & KB swings. I started with 15/10 but got so sick of it all that I switched to 12 pushups and 20 swings. Pushups did feel surprisingly easy and was able to do all but the last 2 sets unbroken.
KMO: You rock.
Bench press with McDowell at 6am today.
The 1RM Calculator predicted a 226 bench press which would be a big PR. My previous 1RM was at 210 and I remember it being a grind. Finished up today with a new PR of 235#!
Mental note to AR the chest and shoulders hard tonight. I am predicting some real soreness after the bench/push up combo platter.
That flying over earth video is magical!
I was listening to a This American Life podcast titled doppelgangers this morning. It had a surprising plot change and I was smiling/LOLing my whole way to work. Anyway, I was just trying to plan a CFSBK ice skating trip during open gym last week. Mare is my honorary doppelganger and I can't wait to ice skate and deadlift like her!
7 AM with Jess and McDowell, did Monday's workout
Did 135×5 185×5 205×3 255×2 285×1 300×1 325×1, was going to go to 340 like the calculator predicted, then McDowell told me that 342 would get my name on the leader board, Jess said why not try 345. My first attempt failed, but I took a break and got it no problem on the next try. Pretty pumped to get my name on the board for something!
Did the cash out with a 28kg kettle bell and broke it up into 10 sets of 10 pushups and 15 KB swings.
Haven't really bench pressed since college so it was fun to see that I'm still a huge meat head during this cycle.
Forgot to say congrats Mare! Super cool addition to the CFSBK arsenal of awesome.
Also, speaking of doppelgangers: Anyone ever see Scott Lundhagen and Peter Mattis in a room together? Just sayin'.
There was also a gentleman taking photos at Titsday – anyone know who he was? I know I should know, but alas…
6am with Jess and McDowell. Did tomorrow's snatch work and things went much smoother this week! I don't think I was loading enough tension on my hamstrings before. I focused on form and went to 68#, no problem. Tried for 73 and ended up pressing it out at the top and then ran out of time. Still need to work on the speed of the bar, but happy with the progress this week.
Continued with LBBS and did the fitness heavy 5 at 190#. Probably could've added a little more, but still a 5# jump from last week. Cashed out with a tabata row. I was excited that I setup the interval workout screen for the erg, but then sadly realized I didn't know how to show total calories at the end. I need an erg screen tutorial!
Yay Mare!
Love the Titsday pics! Congrats again to all of the participants. Fantastic day! Tears were shed, I tell you! I have really enjoyed reading about all of your experiences too.
Yesterday- 12pm with Fox and Arturo.
Bench Press- 110 x 4. I failed the fifth rep. AAARGH! So frustrating!!! Fox said it was a technique thing- feet too wide, knees caving in as usual, and I was bringing the bar down too slowly and wasting my energy there. I suppose that's kind of a good thing because I know what to fix now. 110 is a PR though.
5 thin green pull-ups
10 RDL's with 32kg KB
15 squats with band to box with 16kg KB
3 x 1000' at race pace with 5 mins rest.
1. 2.02.9 24SPM
2….. Got about halfway through and quit…
I don't know what happened but I had a bit of a mental breakdown on the erg about halfway through the second set and I just quit. Maybe I was tired but that doesn't make sense because I have been sleeping liars and resting appropriately. Maybe it was the 100 deadlifts from the day before… Don't know- I could list a million excuses but the simple fact was I didn't want to do it. Felt pretty shitty after that, but will go in later and attempt 'Hell'- maybe if I am really, really mentally prepared for it, I will do it.
Kind of wish I had done the push-ups and KB swings now. Well done KMo- that is amazing!!
haha Frak
Yesterday's 8:30 with Noah.
Only was able to make 2 of the first 5 bench press exposures, so I was going into yesterday with metered expectations. My only other 1RM attempt was last July when I was about 12 pounds heavier than I am now.
Worked up to 225, which would have tied that PR, and failed. Dropped to 220 and hit it. Stalled a bit and started moving once I found my heels on the floor and dug in. Not disappointed; I'm happy that I've only lost 5 pounds on the movement despite a lack of practice and some weight loss.
Cash-out in 10 sets of 10/15 (32kg). Fung kept me going towards the end on this one–thanks!
Surprisingly not so sore today, and the hamstring soreness I felt yesterday is totally gone.
@Charlie — Don't beat yourself about the erg. I remember two years ago, training for my first CRASH-Bs, I gave up on a 2k test with about 600m left. No good reason — I was hitting my splits, on pace to PR, but my brain just gave up and I stopped. I remember feeling a little ashamed and surprised at the time, but it reinvigorated me. I brought a real tenacity to the rest of my workouts leading up to the race. In fact, I was amped up when I got back on the erg the next day because I wanted to prove to myself I could persist. I wouldn't be surprised if you feel the same thing. (And remember, you've already accomplished a crazy amount with all the work you've put in. Keep it up!)
Work out at Crossfit 213 down in Los Angeles
Warm up: 500m row, 3 rounds NFT 53lb kettle bell, 5 goblet squats, 10 swings, 15 russian twists
WoD 1: 400m for time (1:07)
WoD 2: FRAN Rx (7:49)
WoD 3: 1 mile on Aerodyne (2:40 ish)
Nice box, friendly group, good environment. Would come back here.
@crystal, you will get a chance to see how truly uncoordinated i am! i will be bringing padding that is for sure!
6am with Jess and McDowell. Snatch (kilos): 50×1,1, 55xF,1, 60×1,1, 65×1, 70×1,1, 75xF,1 (PR!), 80xF,F. Pulled early on the failure at 55 causing the bar to be too far out in front. Just wasn't focused. Weight was a bit too far in my heels on the miss at 75. Think I just needed to push up on the bar more in the catch. Hit the next rep at 75 which felt nice and solid. First miss at 80 I should have had. Bar was slightly forward, but I pulled plenty high and got down fast. Second rep at 80 was a non-starter. Didn't commit to getting under it. 75KG is a 1# PR. I'll take it. Back squat: 225×5, 245×3, 265×2, 285×1, 300xF. No bounce on the rep at 300. Weight just drove me into the hole and I stayed there. Ugh. Cash-out was rough. I believe I totaled 72.
@Charlotte… BW bench press, hell yeah!!!! Amazing work. In the last 6 months or so, that has popped up on my list of goals. Love finding continued inspiration from all the strong women in this place!
@Mario — WOW. congrats. leaderboard, what what!
@Michele — His name is Brian Hotaling, and I think he sent his photos to David!
Taking a good two days off to rest post TTD, except for 4ish hours of dance rehearsal and some yoga and mobility at home. I am TIRED!
Went in at 7AM today (gasp) for some bench testing with Jess Fox.
45×5, 135×5, 170×5, 180×3, 190×2, 210×1, 220×1, 235×1, 245(f).
240 I believe is my "I am positive nobody put a finger on the bar" PR, so I figured I'd go for 245. Blech. To the extent we don't bench next cycle, I am going to keep benching, maybe a Wendler. I would like to get to 250+.
@Charlie I seriously lost my shit on the erg last night. I was cranking through 2 2000' pieces consistently at an awesome clip and then on the third I just fell apart, like maintaining 2:26 felt like a Herculean struggle. What's crazy about rowing is how many times during a race or a workout some crazy thought has jumped into my head like "You know, you might die on this erg tonight. You might actually die if you keep rowing. Pretty much no way you are going to make it to the other side of a 2K alive." And then I'm like "Wait, I'm pretty sure no one has ever died on the erg at CFSBK. Pretty sure if I keep moving I'll eventually get there."
I feel your pain! Very frustrating, especially if you came in (like me) feeling good and rested. I think that I might have been just a hair too aggressive on my first two pieces and also definitely nutrition can be a factor. I mean, I wasn't starving myself or anything but I think a couple more bites of something in preparation for a hard row might have made a difference.
My goal for LFPB is to lose 5 pounds so I can say I have a BW bench press!
@Charlie – I actually had the EXACT same experience this morning doing the 1Ks. Made it through the first one at my target pace and then crashed and burned on the next two. Legs just felt completely smoked as soon as I started rowing. Ended by just rowing 1K easy to make myself feel better. Thanks for sharing – I feel a lot better knowing I am not the only one.
A belated congrats to all the TTD competitors! I was really bummed I couldn't make it and it sounded like another incredible afternoon at CFSB. It's pretty awesome that Margie is still pulling this off well into her 2nd year of grad school, so big kudos to her. Congrats to Becky for pushing the squat up on the leader board again! And 300 is right there for you to take!
Been missing the gym and all you peeps but am glad to be getting a little something-something at active recovery over the last month. That's been a lot of fun and a great reinforcement of my "mobility practice"โฆ
Mario, congrats. I'm sure Jeremy is thrilled too. But at least now he has something to work towards. ๐
To the good people of CFSBK…
If you have left anything of value at the gym recently, please inquire with the friendly Front Desk staff.
Charlie, Amanda, and Sarah: this sometimes happens. As Ryan says, you come back mentally stronger. Next time you do one of these workouts, go out conservatively to establish a pace that you know you can do. In subsequent exposures you can go a little faster across the board.
I don't like bench. I don't like bench. I DON'T LIKE BENCH! Growl. Hiss. Boo. It totally psyches me out and I can't tell if it's technique or positioning or what! F.
75×3, 95×3, 105×3, 110F on 3rd rep, 105×4–was too shot for 5 and barely for that 4th rep up.
Accessory work = T Rex arms.
16kg, assisted push-ups
I also hate push-ups and can't seem to get better at them. Angry post. Over and out.
5:30 with Jeremy. Never liked bench press. Never tried lifting more than 85# so I wanted to test a 1rm.
45×5, 65×5, 75×2, 85×1, 95×1, 105F, 100×1
Bittersweet. I am happy and mad at myself for not working harder this cycle. I'm going to get 110# at og Friday 100 went up too easy.
100 push ups and 150 kb American swings with 16kg
Push ups felt great. First 2 sets went unbroken. Then did 2 sets of 5 with a few arm swings in between. Kb weight was good, almost too easy. First time I never quit on the kettle bell at 15 reps.
Then I did ar with fox. It was worth the slight discomfort I felt supporting myself on my arms, I feel great now.
6am with McD
Got to 73# on the bench which I'm excited about!!
I've been doing a 30 push-ups for 30 days challenge to slowly build strength and get off my knees. The 100 this morning killed me…had to do most on my knees.
16kg KB for the swings which were equally curse worthy
I felt accomplished leaving the gym today!!!
Thanks Ryan, Amanda, Sarah and Nick! Good to know that I am not alone! And your advice will be taken.
Today was MUCH better!
Snatch Complex- worked on getting it right at 63#. Josh gave me some brand new advice ( well probably not, but it's the first time I did not have 500 other things to fix in addition to this) shoulders back but in front of the bar when setting. When I did that, it actually felt the way it should! I feel like I may have gotten past something today! Thanks Josh!!
HBBS- this was great! 45 x 5, 95 x 5, 125 x 4, 150 x 1, 165 x 5. I had done 145 x 5 x 3 last week but I knew I could add more and actually I probably could have gone heavier but this is a PR and I am really happy because I missed the first three weeks this cycle. Dare I say it…. I think I prefer high bar to low bar!!!
Crash B's
'Hell' 8 x 1000m with one min rest.
My average was 2 mins/500m which I am pretty happy with and next time I will aim for exactly this pace on each piece. Great to have Nick there tonight. I probably would have done half volume if he had not been there. Thanks for you help! It was really awful but really good at the same time.
Sorry for taking up so much blog space today.
Office workout
45×5 95×4 135×3 185×1 215×1 225×1 (PR) 230xF
Finally hit 225 legit, 230 didn't want to go up.
45×5 75×4 105×3 125×1 135×1 145xF,F 140×1
Really wanted a PR here but they stopped moving halfway up and holding them there forever wasn't helping anything.
Weighted Chin
BWx5 20×3 44×1 55×1,1 70×1 (PR)
Accidentally did 55 twice, 70 was a 5# PR at 10# heavier bodyweight than I was last time I tested it.