7 Rounds for time of:
3 Muscle Ups
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees
7 Thrusters 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to Crush Week WOD: 12.18.11
We’re cleaning house in the old log book department. If you keep a performance notebook in the black crates, please transfer it to one of the colored crates. On 8/16 we’ll remove all the abandoned books. If you can’t make it in before that, please email cfsbkfrontdesk(AT) so we can find your book and put it in the new crate.
- Happy Birthday, Andrew M!
CFSBK in the Battleground Today
If you’re competing today either at the USAPL powerlifting meet or CF Subway Series, please post your experience and results to comments! We can’t wait to hear how everyone does today. To see the competition roster and details, scroll down to yesterday’s post.
Announcing late morning Yoga at CFSBK with Whitney Hubbard!
CFSBK is proud to be hosting an ongoing Yoga for Athletes class with Whitney Hubbard. Read up:
What: Yoga for Athletes with Whitney H.
Where: CrossFit South Brooklyn!
When: Wednesdays & Fridays (ongoing, weekly classes; starting Wed, Aug 14)
Pricing: Drop-In: $18
5-Class Card: $80 ($16/class)
10-Class Card: $150 ($15/class)
“We Are Rising” The Growth Of CrossFit In Ireland CrossFit Games