Fitness: 15 minutes to find a 1RM Hang Power Snatch.
Pressing out is a no rep.
Performance: 15 minutes to find a 1RM Snatch.
Pressing out is a no rep.
High Bar Back Squat
Fitness: 3×8 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from exposure 5.
Performance Establish a 1RM
Use Spotters.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/HBBSQ e6/6
For Time:
50 Burpees
Post time to comments.
Todd and Julian help each other out on back levers
Take Gina G’s Survey
I’m taking a User Experience Design course because I’m working on deciding what I want to be when I grow up (after I’m done being an accountant/auditor). I have to propose a choose-your-own-adventure final project of an app or web site to turn into a user experience project.
Thanks for reading this! Please take a moment to fill out the survey
Babysitting Coop Picnic
Are you a parent who hasn’t been out to a nice dinner or a movie since “Fast and Furious IV” or “Hostel XXIII” because you don’t want to pay out the nose for babysitters? Then the Park Slope Babysitting Coop might be for you. The Coop is a group of parents who exchange babysitting services. Member families are in Gowanus, Prospect Heights, and other nearby neighborhoods – not just Park Slope. Come learn more at our next members’ picnic:
Location: Behind the Picnic House
Time: 3:00–5:00PM
Day: Saturday, September 28th
Rain date: TBD if necessary (hopefully not)
Food/drinks: BYO For more info, email Coach Nick at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com.
Just think about it: you might be able to catch “Fast and Furious VII” in the theater! (Yes, they are making a seventh installment…)
We look forward to seeing you there!
What is you favorite..
Barbell exercise
Body weight exercise
Monostructural exercise (running, rowing, biking, climbing, swimming, etc)