Performance: 5/3/1 “3 Week”
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Fitness: 2×10
Linear Progression
Post loads to comments.
LBBSQ e5/6
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Front Squats 115/75
Pull Up or Jumping C2B Pull-Ups
If you’re doing strict, unassisted pull-ups consider scaling volume to: 12-9-6-3-1 or 6-5-4-3-2
Post time and Rx to comments.
The CFSBK Endurance Team warming up in the bitter cold
Free UFC PPV Screening this Saturday
This Saturday starting at 2:00pm CFSBK will be screening the UFC PPV on the big screen. All are welcome to pull up a mat and watch the action for free. BYOB!
Event: UFC Fight Night 37: “Gustafsson vs. Manuwa”
Location: O2 Arena in London, England
Main Event:
205 lbs.: Alexander “The Mauler” Gustafsson (15-2 MMA, 7-2 UFC) vs. undefeated striking specialist Jimi “Poster Boy” Manuwa (14-0 MMA, 3-0 UFC)
Fight Pass Main Card (3 p.m. ET):
155 lbs.: Melvin Guillard vs. Michael Johnson
125 lbs.: Ian McCall vs. Brad Pickett
170 lbs.: Omari Akhmedov vs. Gunnar Nelson
Fight Pass Prelims (12:30 p.m. ET) Screening will start at 2:00pm, not all matches will be broadcast
185 lbs.: Cyrille Diabate vs. Ilir Latifi
185 lbs.: Luke Barnatt vs. Mats Nilsson
185 lbs.: Brad Scott vs. Claudio Henrique da Silva
135 lbs.: Roland Delorme vs. Davey Grant
170 lbs.: Igor Araujo vs. Danny Mitchell
125 lbs.: Louis Gaudinot vs. Phil Harris
Who is your favorite MMA Fighter of all time?
A Day at the Office with Rich Froning CrossFit
New Marijuana Study Says Everyone Knows You’re High And You’ll Likely Be Stoned Forever
Wow I didn't even realize that the crashing the party article was the one they interviewed Nick for until the comments today.
McDowellFit Programming
AM Session
3 Rounds NFT
10 Strict Toes to Bars
7 Strict HSPUs (4/3)
10 Pistols
BSQ 195x5x3
Bench 135x5x3
3 Sets of:
5 Pull-Ups +40lbs
5 Bar Dips
Should have weighted the bar dips but was starting to fade..
PM Session
500m x5 w/ 2:00 Rest
Thanks to Ro for the help on the last interval. Needed it and it paid off.
6:30 with McDowell, Ro, and Whit (!). Totally botched my barbell math so my Wendler sets were all over the place. Ended up doing 140#x3 175#x3 (doh!) and 185#x10. I like to believe that I might have had a little extra gas for a couple more reps at 185 had I not upped the weight too much on the second set, but so it goes.
75# and jumping pulls ups for the wod, finished in 4:26. All squats unbroken except the set of 9, which I should have just worked through. I love it when met cons are over this fast.
Huge 6:30PM class! Love the spirit of this place. JakeL: thanks for sharing that story.
I still get very anxious about every new workout or skill practice but I was pleased to get up t 93×10 on the LBBS and I think I coulda done more — that feels great. Much thanks to Whit H for excellent coaching/cueing.
The WOD killed me. 65lbs in 8:05. I took several breaks to laugh and cry. By the round of 9 I could barely rack the weight. 'Ro got me through it! I'm looking forward to doing this one again.
So now I'm home in the middle of my post-workout shake-it-out routine and I realize I need to change my answer to the QOD: I'd be a back-up dancer to Justin Timberlake or Janelle Monae. Or any Bollywood movie.
Today was awesome and also totally kicked my ass.
LBBS: 305×9. Left one in the tank after I got a little squirrely on rep 9.
WOD rx: 4:04. That totally kicked my ass in a good way. All FSQ unbroken, first 15 PUs unbroken, and then 6-4-2; 5-3-2, 3-3, 3. I think maybe I should have broken up the first set but I thought there was a chance I could do all unbroken. I want to come back to this one.
Made up Squat on Thursday
Aimed to hit the same as my last 3 week and did. Still moving well.