Fitness: Snatch Halting Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform snatch from the mid-hang.
Performance: 1-1-1, then 75% x (1+1) x 2 from high hang and knee
After working up to a heavy single in 3 attempts, perform 2 reps of the Two Position Snatch (high hang and knee).
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest about two minutes between sets. Use the lifting time wisely and get to work weight within 2-4 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
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Keith W. and Nan B. visit CrossFit St. Thomas
- We still have two rooms available at the hotel that CFSBK booked for Regionals ($139/night with two-night minimum). If you haven’t made your arrangements yet or would still like to hop on the Regionals-fun train from May 30-June 1, email our resident cruise director Mare L. directly ASAP at mare [at]
CFSBK Movie Night with all Brooklyn CrossFit Gyms
CFSBK Movie Night returns next Friday, May 16th at 8:15pm after Open Gym. It’s all the same details as usual—bring your own alcohol, fold-up chairs, snacks, and whatever else suits your fancy—but we’ve added a twist this time by inviting all Brooklyn boxes to join us. We’re screening Evil Dead, so come ready to be horrified. RSVP over here!
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