Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start light enough to add weight throughout the cycle.
Exposure 1/8
Work up to one heavy set of 8 reps
Consider using the weight you lifted for the first set of 5s (week 3) in the previous cycle, or about 65% of your 1RM.
Exposure 1/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time, 20-15-10-5:
Wall Ball 20/14, 14/9
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congrats to our fierce Beast of the East competitors!
- Attention CFSBK Cyclists! Acme Bicycles will be hosting the first of a series of open house events TONIGHT from 6-7:30pm. You can come by for bike-fitting demos, to check out some beautiful bikes, to get your questions answered, or to just have a drink! Acme Bicycles is above CFSBK on 597 Degraw, 3rd floor.
- Fight Gone Bad Update (T-5 Days!): We are SO CLOSE to meeting our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Once we reach $15,000, BCF’s Board will start matching contributions dollar-for-dollar. You or your friend puts in $10? Their Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. Also, we’ve also got crazy cool prizes for our top fundraisers. More on that tomorrow!
- CALLING ALL EXCEL WHIZZES! We need someone to run scoring for Fight Gone Bad on Saturday. If you’re interested and available, for any part of the day, please email David [at] ASAP.
Training Cycle Template
Our new training cycle begins TODAY. You can always find the information below in the left-hand tab under Member Resources, called Training Cycle Template.
Training Cycle Dates: M 10/12 – Su 12/6
Crush Week: M 12/7 – S 12/13
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting December 14, 2015
Cycle Goals:
- Olympic barbell cycling/volume EMOMs
- Continue with more frequent exposures of longer (>15min) time domain WODs
- Stay awesome (!)
Monday: Press + Deadlift + WOD
Wednesday: Back Squat + WOD
Thursday: Clean and Jerk + WOD
Saturday: Front Squat + WOD
Sunday: Snatch + WOD
Performance Press Cycle
8 rotating exposures, 4 work sets each day
Low – 65-70%x7x4
Medium – 75-80%x5x4
High – 85-90%x3x4
Last Exposure is a 1RM Test
Fitness Press Cycle
3×5 Linear Progression
Last exposure is a 1-3RM test
Fitness and Performance Deadlift Cycle
Increasing loads through the 8-week cycle, warm up to one top set of:
1 – Heavy 8 (Start with the weight you did your first 5 in week 3 of last cycle)
2 – Heavy 5
3 – Heavy 5
4 – Heavy 3
5 – Heavy 3
6 – Heavy 3
7 – Heavy 3
8 – 1-3RM test
Performance Back Squat Cycle
8 rotating exposures, 4 work sets each day
Low – 65-70%x7x4
Medium – 75-80%x5x4
High – 85-90%x3x4
Fitness Back Squat Cycle
Increasing loads through the 8 week cycle, 3 work sets
1 – 3×8
2 – 3×8
3 – 3×8
4 – 3×5
5 – 3×5
6 – 3×5
7 – 3×3
8 – Test 1-3RM
Performance Front Squat Cycle
8 rotating exposures, 4 work sets each day
Low – 65-70%x7x4
Medium – 75-80%x5x4
High – 85-90%x3x4
Fitness Front Squat Cycle
Increasing loads through the 8 week cycle, 3 work sets
1 – 3×8
2 – 3×8
3 – 3×8
4 – 3×5
5 – 3×5
6 – 3×5
7 – 3×3
8 – Test 1-3RM
The Olympic Lifts
The dedicated exposures to the Olympic lifts will be on Thursdays (clean and jerk) and Sundays (snatch). We’ll use Every Minute on the Minutes (complexes, multiple reps, touch-and-go reps), and on some days, just the WOD during this cycle to increase proficiency, strength, and stamina on the lifts.
U.S. Reassesses Columbus Day, Native American Plight in Focus The New York Times