Back Squat/Front Squat
Back Squat 80% x 8-12 x 2, Front Squat 80% x 8-12 x 2
Leave 2 reps in the tank. Be mindful of maintaining good positions and not devolving into bad form for the sake of an extra rep or two.
Back Squat 2 x 5, Front Squat 2 x 5
Load is 90% of what you used on Wednesday.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 14 of 16.
200 Double-Unders
150 Burpees
100 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35
50 Front Squats 115/80
Lots of work to get through today, but you get to split it with a partner! Share the work as desired and be flexible with your plan. It’s better to bite off small chunks of reps and stay fresh than to commit to larger sets that drain you physically and mentally. Subs: 1/2 attempts for Double-Unders. Knees or Squat Thrusts for Burpees. The load on the Kettlebell Swings and Front Squats should be light-medium for you.
Post times and Rx to comments.
- Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled, as is Sunday’s 11am Active Recovery class. You can still get your AR fix today at 11am!
- KMo has another foster kitten who’s ready for adoption! Phoebe and her siblings will be at an adoption event tomorrow from 12 to 4:30pm at the Unleashed in Park Slope (81 7th Avenue). Come by and meet them if you are looking for your new forever friend(s).
Tell everyone you know! The Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
You probably know that The Iron Maidens Raw Open, our women-only powerlifting meet slated for March 5th, is one of our most anticipated events of the year. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at back squat, bench press and dead lift.
This year, the stakes are even higher. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, Iron Maidens will create the inaugural annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship. Iron Maidens is thrilled to partner with Grace Outreach, a Bronx-based nonprofit that works with women to further their educational goals and gain financial independence. Our own Danae M. recently appeared in a New York Times video profiling Samantha Delgado, a Grace Outreach student who recently graduated from the College Prep program and is headed to LaGuardia Community College. The Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship will assist women like Samantha in paying for their college tuition.
And now we’re asking the whole CFSBK community to join us in our effort to raise enough funds to help 10 women continue pursuing a college education. Rather than selecting recipients based on common criteria such as grades or academic achievement, this scholarship rewards persistence—the grit and determination to keep going during hard times. We believe this recognizes and addresses the reality students face, and also captures the essence of the Iron Maidens Competition.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 to pay for 70% of college tuition for 10 students in the College Prep program at Grace Outreach, and we need your help to reach that goal!
There are two ways to get involved:
1. If you’re a participating lifter make sure you sign up on Crowdrise today and start asking all your friends to donate!
2. If you’re not lifting in the competition show your love by donating to our favorite lifter’s campaign!.
We hope that the whole community will spread the word by telling everyone you know about the Iron Maidens competition and scholarship by sending out an email to your network, a tweet, a Facebook post, or even an Instagram using this donation link:
To learn more about Grace Outreach and the Stay Strong Scholarship, check out the Iron Maidens website here!
Join Us For CFSBK’s Community Potluck on February 6th at 7pm
We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of normal classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look Feel Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together.
This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come. See the event page for more details, and post in the comments there to let us know what you’re planning to bring. We can’t wait to see you there!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The Front Squat with Mark Rippetoe YouTube
Money in the Bank Jacobin
Brendan B says
This kids form tho
MattyChm says
8am with Melissa
A whopping 6 people in class today.
Back Squats at 245#. 8 reps both sets.
Front Squats at 200#. 8 reps both sets.
Partnered with Scott and finished in 19:26.
Never really redlined here but an extra 25 front squats were rough.
dave p says
Good 10am crowd followed by AR.
I was worried about squatting today because I melted down on my Wednesday DIY squats, but everything felt fine. Hard but not insane: 300x5x2, 252.5x5x1 (ran out of time). I know we're going to reset the cycle soon but I would merrily add 5-10# next week if we were doing this again.
WOD was humbling, I think we finished in 18:45ish. In the last six months I managed to lose my double unders and have developed an aversion to burpees, so when my partner suggested trading off sets of 5 I was so very very pleased. After the burpees everything was smooth sailing, kb swings felt like a cooldown before squatting.
kristin caps says
LBBS: 144 x 12 x 2 – First set was good, Noah said on second set about half were low enough. Thinking back I should have gone for 8 with perfect form. These are really heavy 8-12..
FSQT: 112 x 8 x 2 – heavy, but fine
WOD: How lucky am I that I got paired with Athlete of the Month who really kept me MOVIN'!
200 DU- Asha came out like a boss and did 80, I jumped in for 25 x 2
150 Burpees – Started with 15's and ended up with 10's, put my head down and just went on autopilot
100 KB Swings – Sets of 20's
50 FSQT@ 73# – 10/10/10/10/5/5
18:26. Loved every second.
Shawn Campbell says
9 am with MeLo and David
Rippetoe video is right on time. My front squat is so mad at me and I don't know why. Bailed again today 3rd rep at 110 (5 lbs down from Wednesday's bail). These are not unknown weight territories. Dropped to 95 and cranked them out but will focus in on the Rippetoe instructions next week.
LBBS at 90% of Wednesday = 115 and they were all dialed in.
WOD with Jennifer.
Made most of my DUAs; everything else flowed. Ended up with sets of 20 KB swing Rx; 65# FS was not taxing. Perhaps FS felt bad for giving me a hard time at heavy that lighter wanted to make amends. Jennifer was on point the whole way – 21:30.
Stella says
I feel like I should do a writeup of AR today because it was so, well, active. Whew!
KLove says
Well, that was a first. Posted this on yesterday's page by accident. I blame it on the fact that I wrote it on a shaky train heading upstate!!
Performance squats:
LBBS: 168x8x2 Tough. Tipping over. Tried to make sure I stood up straight in between each rep to limit fatigue but I was having trouble. Hips hurts but feels ok when I use my belt.
FSQT: 128×8, then 128x4x2. Form was terrible at the end of my first half of the first set and ran out of time so split the second set up to maintain form (and so partners could get their squats in bc we ran out of time).
Metcon with Allie C. in 17:58
DUs: No pattern, we just picked up where the other left off. I did DUs and counted attempts. These took us a long time and we were the last to start the burpees!
Burps in fast sets of 5. We maintained great speed throughout and were able to catch up to other teams.
KB swings in fast sets of 25.
FSQTs at 80# 10-10-10-7-13 My back was on fire and I was tipping over and needed breaks so Allie came through with and finished strong for us with the last 13 reps!
Jack L. says
LBBS 165 x 5 x 2
FSQ 140 x 5 x 2
Much easier than Wednesday's sets. Form felt pretty solid. For front squats, gripping the bar instead of resting it on my fingertips has made a big difference.
WOD (partnered with Eric): 19:40
Our DUs were pretty sad. And mine were definitely sadder than Eric's. A couple times I managed to bang out, like, 15. But most were ugly sets of three, two, one, or, y'know, zero. In any event, we stuck it out and got to 200.
For burpees, we alternated sets of 5. Surprisingly not awful.
Swings at 24kg. We alternated sets of 20 (which, I realized at the end, meant that Eric did 60 to my 40–sorry!)
FSQs at 95#. Eric did 28 or 29; I did 21 or 22.
And then a tough but fun Active Recovery with DO (where I gave the nerdiest possible answer to the QOD).
All in all, a great Saturday at CFSBK.
Scott says
8am. Great small class today with Melissa. Back squat 275x8x2 and front squat 210x8x2. I was gassed at the end of every set – this was a grind! Paired with Matt on the WOD and was very grateful for his metronomic consistency, which I tried to emulate – pretty slow on the burpies but at least I kept in a steady groove. 19:26. A good workout to start the w/e.
Brad D says
Noon with McD and Noah
Perf. Squats: Worked well below my percentages trying to curb the soreness that generally comes with squatting after a month of inconsistent workouts.
HBBS: 275x10x2
FSQ: 225x8x2
Metcon: Worked with Mark and finished in 14:25 Rx. Each did a set of 100 dubs to start. That wasn't the plan, but they were feeling really good and it seemed dumb to stop. Burpees in "quick" alternating sets of 5 (I was slowing us down cause my lungs suck these days). KB swings were 25-40-15-20 with Mark doing the lions share. FSQ was alternating sets of 10. I did 3 sets, Mark did 2.
Allie B says
Awesome AR today! More like a yoga class. Hips were so open for all those squats!
12pm Class:
HBBS: 110 12×2
FSQ: 97.5 11×2
Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy for the win! Even though all those reps is tiring… it's worth it, ladies 😉
WOD with Aerial Rachel H. We made a great team!
100 DUs (we traded randomly when we tripped up)
150 burpees (we were fast and consistent)
100 KBs (50/50 unbroken. Gave us ample rest!!! When it's light, the long rest was worth it!)
50 FSQ @ 73# (mostly sets of 5-6) We could've gone 80
Bench & DL for Iron Maidens w/ Rachel:
Bench 80 5×3
Deadlift: 135×3, 155×1, 165×1, 170×1
(We were super tired)
Mile run cash-out with Charlie in the sunshine. My rule: if it's sunny out I have to run at least a little.
Kayleigh R says
LBBS: 190×12, 190×8
FSQ: 160×5, 150×8
My back was shot after the first set and definitely needed more rest in-between, so 8 felt like more than enough for the second set. Misloaded the bar initially for front squat and called it after the fifth rep – no wonder it felt so heavy.
WOD: 14:25 with Charlie in out twinsie apparel. Split DUs into 25s, burpees into 5s, swings in 25s, and front squats 10-15-9-10-6. Pushed hard on this one – frustrated by some trips at the start of each DU set.
After: Bench 112×2, 105x3x2. Upper body is just sore and this was rough.
Strict Pullups: 2-2-2-2-2 and some kickups
Charlie says
OK so I had planned on trying that 285# (103%) squat again today but I had a good long think about my reasons for attempting this again and had a good long listen to my body and to how I've been feeling since Wednesday and I made the decision to just move on and and finish the cycle without PRing. I know that this cycle has made me stronger and I'll be able to test on the day of Iron Maidens and we'll just see what happens then.
Hatch Week 11 Day 2
Back Squat
165 x 5, 180 x 5, 195 x 5 x 2
Front Squat
125 x 5, 145 x 5, 160 x 5, 170 x 5
Bench Press
45 x 6, 75 x 4, 95 x 2, 105 x 1, 115 x 6 x 6
Smoooth 🙂
Skipped deadlifting today- just didn't feel I could do it.
WOD with the amazing Kayleigh. We made a pretty awesome team if I may say so.
Rx (well 83# actually lol) in 14:25
DU's in sets of 25
Burpees in sets of 5
KB in sets of 25
Front squat- I did 15, 10- Kayleigh did 10, 9, 6.
Very evenly matched throughout. Lots of fun on this one! I love partner WODs.
1 mile run in the sun with Allie cause I gotta get used to running.
Strict pull-ups
HSPU's (kipping) 3 x 5
T2B practice- trying to figure these out still…slowly, slowly.
Easy 2K on the erg.
Charlie says
lol @Kayleigh seriously twinsies today- we even posted simultaneously.
Tyler says
BSQ 225 2×5
FSQ 200 2×5
WOD rx with Moe in 17:02. No real specific strategy for us here, just tried to spit everything or pick each other up wherever needed. Felt like we ran through the whole WOD well and finished strong.
David Osorio says
Late night solo session
BSQ 230x2x2
FSQ 195x2x2
Did the partner workout alone at full volume
30:46 as Rxd
Complete suck fest. The 50 Front squats at the end were the worst.
Sometimes you just have to put your head down and do the work
James A says
11am 608 style
Squats 230 2×5, felt heavy for 90%
Front squats 205 2×5, felt on the lighter side. Hoping for 5 rep max on Wednesday for both.
WOD partnered with 8am Dan.
Double unders Dan definitely did more. I hit 50 then could start back up again on the second go.
Burpees all sets of alternating 5's. Brutal and definitely most time consuming.
Kettle bells sets of 25, moved well.
Front squats 10-10-10-10-5-5. Glad that was over. 14:57
Fun partner WOD
Lauren says
Open gym with my CrossFit Nuts (aka Siena & Elaina)
500m Row
3 RNDs
10 renegade rows with push up 20# DBs
15 sit-ups
10 (ea side) single leg hip bridges
HBBS 80%
160 x 8 x 1, 160 x 7 x 1 (bailed 8th)
FSQ 80%
125 x 4 x 2 (had nothing in me so stopped at 4)
Siena made up a work out which I did with her. We raced. I won. Barely.
3 Rounds AFAP (as fast as possible)
8 pull ups
3 ring inversions
5 cartwheels (I practiced leading left which was awkward)
12 jumping jacks
Ben Lock says
Make up post from Yesterday's OG and today's OG
These were HEAVY towards the later rounds. I need to deadlift more straight sets across
Bench Press
These all felt pretty good. Karl was a huge help with encouragement and cues.
Increasing weight DT complex. These were meant to be done unbroken each round resting as needed between rounds
12 Deadllifts
9 Hang power cleans
6 Push jerks
95-115-125-135 (said I was done), 145
These got hard really fast. Definitely a grippy thing. I'm going to start doing these more often
Today's OG
Partner WOD done solo 29:30 (stoked it was under 30m!!!)
200 DUs
150 Burpees (sets of 10 every 45-60 seconds) finished these at the 18m mark
100 KB swings (24kg) (20/20/15/20/15/10)
50 FS (115#) (sets of 10)
The Burpees were consistent moving and again Karly was helpful continually asking me how many I had left.
The front squats were the hardest because I really wanted sub-30 and it was cutting it close!
The last ten had some yelling and eye closing but it was good all in all.