Clean Deadlift/Pull + Hang Clean
Every 90 seconds for 7 Rounds
Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean
Clean Pull + Hang Clean
Hang for today is anywhere above the knee.
Post Rx and loads to comments.
Exposure 6 of 8
7 Rounds For Time:
7 Deadlifts 115/75
7 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
7 Toes-to-Bars
Post time and Rx to comments.
Allie B., KLove, and Kristin C. are ready to do the blizzard in style
- 2:00pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled.
- 9:00am and 10:00am CF Preschool classes are cancelled.
- All group classes, Active Recovery, and the Free Intro class are ON today. We’ll let you know if anything changes.
Prepping for Iron Maidens: Advice on Modifying Group Classes
By Margie Lempert
Originally Posted on 2.2.15
We’re about six weeks out from Iron Maidens, which means there is still time to do some specific training. Below are suggestions for how to modify what you do in group class in order to prep for the meet. Our coaches are on-board, but always be sure to talk to whoever is coaching class about your plans so they can adjust logistics accordingly. And, of course, ask any coaches or me for specific advice on choosing loads/exercises.
If this is your first meet and you’ve never maxed out a linear progression, then you should stick to the Fitness track in group class with some potential additions/substitutions. If this is your second, third, or more meet, or you’ve done quite a few linear progressions, then you can play with some other training regimens, as well as accessory work to address particular weaknesses. Most important is to get the work in every week. Consistency = gains.
Here are some suggestions:
For Everyone
In the week before the meet, you should work up to one heavy triple for each lift. This should be a tough triple, though not necessarily an all-out max. No need to get ugly about it. This will be your opening weight at the meet. You should hit all your triples by the Wednesday before the meet, but they do not have to be done in the same day. Make sure you pause the bench press. (After Wednesday, your aim should be sleep, active recovery/light training, and food.)
For Novices
Linear progression
- Substitute front squat with low bar back squat so that you back squat 2x/week, increasing 5lbs/exposure if possible. Make sure you have at least 48 hours between squat sessions.
Bench Press
Linear progression
- Make sure you practice the pause command on your bench press. You can do this on your warm up sets throughout your training, as well as on your heavy triple day just before the meet. Get a friend/coach to cue you to press when the bar has made solid contact with your chest, or give yourself a one count.
- Consider adding in daily pushups via frequent, submaximal sets. Example: if max pushups = 5, aim for 5 sets of 3 pushups spread throughout the day. Do this 5 to 6 days a week. These should never be sets to fatigue. Each week, try to add one pushup to all your sets OR add one set of pushups/day
- Consider adding an overhead press exposure 1x/week during open gym. Follow a linear progression here as well.
- Special note: ladies, we can always do with more pressing. As long as your joints feel good, go for all of it.
Linear progression
- Replace Snatch OR Clean complex with DL so that you DL 1x/week. Warm-up to one workset set of 5; linear progression of 10lbs each exposure. All warm-ups should be sets of 5. Do not touch and go; take a breath and reset your back for each pull. If you have never hooked or switch gripped, start to practice this on your heaviest set.
For Intermediate Lifters
Substitute front squat with low bar squat on both days. Make sure you have at least 48 hours between squat sessions.
Option 1: Moderate volume, with heavy singles. Good choice for novice/intermediate who is looking for a little more experience with heavier weight.
Day 1: 3×5 linear progression
Day 2: Follow Performance track
Option 2: Lower volume, with emphasis on finding and driving out of the bottom. Good choice for those who have trouble hitting depth or get stuck at the bottom. Also works postural strength (i.e. extended back, knees out, even pressure through the feet).
Day 1: Performance track
Day 2: 3×3 Pause Squat, increasing each week. Two count at the bottom.
Option 3: Moderate volume, with heavy doubles/triples. Good choice for advanced intermediate who is able to put in a lot of work and manage recovery well.
Day 1: 2×5; 1×10 all at same weight (i.e. 155x5x2; 155×10) increasing each week
Day 2: Work up to heavy double or triple in no more than 5 total sets, including warm-ups. Try to beat yourself each week
Bench Press
Option 1: Follow Fitness track; pause at least one, if not all sets.
Option 2: Follow Performance track. Choose to hit a heavy single, double or triple. Pause your top set, but not your drop set of 10.
- If a coach approves, try to add a pulling exercise between each work set, i.e. chin/pullups x submax; or DB rows x 10-12 or Ring rows x 10-12. If there’s not space during class, get it done during open gym.
- Consider adding an overhead press day at open gym. Work up to a top set of 5 – this should feel like you have one or two left in the tank. Then drop 6-9% and hit sets of 5 until it feels as difficult as your heavy set (should take 1-4 sets, rest 2-3 min between sets).
Replace snatch OR clean complex with deadlift.
Option 1: Linear progression of one set of 5 reps
Option 2: Linear progression of one set of 3 reps; drop 6-9% and hit another set of 3-5
- Consider adding in a second day for accessory work or a deadlift variant to address weakness in your deadlift. This would be done at open gym.
- Options:
- Back: barbell rows from the floor, or heavy dumbbell rows; Pullups (weighted); ring rows (feet on a box). 3 sets of 10-12
- Weak off the floor: deficit pulls from 1 or 2″. 1 top set of 5, or 3×3; linear increase. (25# rogue plate is 1” and the dc blocks are 2”.)
- Weak past the knee: rack pulls, 1 set of 5 or 3×3, linear increase. Set the pins so that the bar is just below your knee. See this video for a thorough explanation.
Please feel free to ask me for clarification or advice any time: Margie [at]
Happy Training!
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