Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Minutes:
1 Muscle Snatch
Start at about 50% and work up.
Followed immediately by…
Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Minutes:
1 Mid-Hang Snatch
Add weight to where you left off the previous EMOM and work up to about 90% of your best snatch if it’s feeling good.
Followed immediately by…
Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Minutes:
3 Snatch Pulls
Start where you left off the previous EMOM and aim to hit 100% or better if it’s feeling good.
Post loads to comments.
In 5 Minutes:
550m Run (1 lap)
Max Overhead Squats 115/80
Score number of OHS.
Rest 5 minutes, then…
In 5 Minutes:
550m Run (1 lap)
Max Box Jumps 24/20″
Score number of Box Jumps.
Post reps and Rx to comments
Video of the Week: Nancy Hoshaw survived a heart attack at 48 and breast cancer at 60. At 73, she’s entering the CrossFit Games Open. Watch her incredible story here!
- Be sure to submit your individual scores to the CrossFit Open website by 8pm tonight. Team Captains: please submit your team score to the intramural spreadsheet by 12pm on Tuesday.
- We recently cleared out our Lost and Found and pulled some lifting shoes that hadn’t been used in while. Please take a look at the pics and claim your items before we donate them in a couple of weeks!
- The esteemed Brooklyn Daily Eagle just published an article on the Iron Maidens Raw Open. Check it out here!
The Iron Maidens of CFSBK: Shawn Campbell
The Iron Maidens Raw Open is this Saturday! Leading up to the event, we’ve been posting brief interviews with CFSBK lifters to help you get to know our team and give you a sense of what these women are doing to prepare. As you probably know, Iron Maidens competitors have been raising money to fund the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship, which will help to send 10 women from Grace Outreach to college. As of today, we’ve raised $22,790, surpassing our original $20,000 fundraising goal. We’re not finished! The more money we raise, the more women we can help. Every additional $3500 helps 1 woman pay her college tuition for 1 year. If you haven’t donated yet please consider giving just $5 to support women staying strong through college. And help us continue spreading the word about this campaign! Go here to donate to a lifter’s campaign.
What’s your athletic background, Shawn?
My athletic background goes way back: I was on the diving team in high school. I competed one meter only but loved 10 meter platform – just never got to the competitive level at that height. I’ve been with Crossfit South Brooklyn for over four great years. It’s the first time in my adult life that I’ve been athletic, other than an underutilized gym membership at the Y in 1990 and 8 weeks of tennis lessons in 1993. This past year I’ve become more focused and have devoted more time – usually 5 days a week plus AR and/or AG when I can, and I find I miss the gym and feel antsy on my rest days.
Have you competed in Iron Maidens before?
I participated in last year’s Iron Maiden event but hurt my hip two weeks before the big day. With Margie’s encouragement, I stayed in it to just Bench Press. I no-repped what would have been a PR! That pause is for realz ladies! Nevertheless, I was really glad that I was a part of the event. It was awe-inspiring to be among the strong, focused, and supportive competitors and to be cheered on by the crowd.
What are your goals for this year’s Iron Maidens?
This year’s goals are to stay healthy, lift all lifts, get no no-reps, PR everything, and help raise money for Grace Outreach. It’s especially exciting to participate the inaugural year of the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship Fund. I’m glad to be a part of this year’s partnership with Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their educational goals and gain financial independence. I encourage everyone to contribute as generously as you can to the Fund! There are links right on this very blog.
Also, please come out to the gym on March 5th to holler, clap, woot and say “you got this” a lot! It’s a ton of fun!
New Yorkers’ Seven Most Common Anxieties, Illustrated Hopes&Fears
Sam Vs. Annie: 50-Rep Isabel YouTube