Coach JB and some other CFSBKers you might recognize dropped into CrossFit Ironborn in New Hampshire this past weekend!
- Christina L. recently published an article (her first!) on the business of women’s sports. Check it out here!
Brooklyn’s Fittest: Beat the Streets Fundraiser at CrossFit 718
Our friends over at CrossFit 718 want to invite you to their summer block party/throw down. Beat the Streets this summer and compete (in teams of 1 male and 1 female CrossFitter) to benefit at-risk youth in 718’s Kings County Kids Club. Our comp team will be there, and we’d love to see as many more CFSBKers turn out for this great cause. Here are the details:
When: Saturday July 30th 2016 – Time is TBD
Who: Teams of 2 – Male / Female
What: Divisions – Rx’d / Scaled
Where: CrossFit 718
How Much: $80 Per Team
Scaled Minimum Standards
5 -10 Pull-Ups per team
Kettlebell 35lbs/26lbs
Dumbbell 25/15
Clean 115/75 Snatch 95/65
Wall Ball 20lbs/14lbs – 9′ target
Rx Minimum Standards
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Toes-to Bar
Clean 155/135 Snatch 115/75
Kettlebell 53lbs/35lbs
Dumbbell 45/25
Rope Climbs
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Elizabeth”
The Theology of CrossFit (with a cameo by Constance and Coach David) On Being
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat / Deadlift
Back Squat
Warm up and take 3 attempts at a new 1RM back squat. If you're newer then perform heavy triples instead.
Warm up and take 3 attempts at a new 1RM Deadlift. If you're newer then perform heavy triples instead.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
300m Row
21 Burpees
200m Row
15 Burpees
100m Row
9 Burpees
Go hard on this couplet. Don't sandbag the rows.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Pull ups (strict, kipping and butterfly)
For total time:
10 min EMOM
Even: 10/7 cal row
Odd: 20 hollow rocks
800m run
730 last night w/ Arturo
Elizabeth RX'd : 12:41
First time doing Liz RX'd. This was the second benchmark WOD I ever did way back when I first joined the Black Box in the city 4 years ago. I recall it taking me just around 20 minutes. Cleans I did as bailed singles from the start. Ring dips broke up as needed. I think I went 11-7-3; 7-5-3, 5-3-2. My back is sore today.
6am with McD
HBBS – 275, 290, 300 (PR)
Deadlift – 345, 360 (PR)
Happy to get to the 300# squat club with my man James. 300 felt pretty good. Think I can squeeze more out of there. Ran out of time before a third deadlift attempt but happy to have 10# prs on both
4:59 on the wod. Burpees felt unpleasant. Rows were quick and easy.
Fun times in the gym this morning. PRs everywhere!
6am with McDowell doing Wed
Squat: Hit 355# for a 10# PR, felt strong with only a little bowing as I stood up.
Deadlift: Hit 465# for a 20# PR, this was great to hit and I love how much progress has happened with this lift.
Metcon: 4:20 for this fast beast. Half hate (the rowing) half love (the burpees) this workout. π I chased SteveH off the first row and then tried to hit the gas on the burpees. Was shooting for sub-4 but I was getting burned on that 200m row.
6am with McDowell
Back Squats 275-285-300
30# PR. Happy to have joined the 300# squat club today with Steve.
Deadlift 345-355 PR
Steve added 5# after I went to beat me on the deadlift. Well played mate.
WOD 4:31
Tried to stay in front of Michael on the row knowing he was going to pass me on the burpees. Nice and warm in there today = Great day for PRs
7 a.m. with Jess, Wednesday's workout
Back squats: 215-225-230
20# PR. Could have probably gone five pounds higher but didn't want to press my luck.
255# PR. Felt a bit dizzy after this one, a five-pound jump from a PR two weeks ago in Boston.
WOD 6:18
For the record, we don't actually know that guy making illicit movements behind me. He was the owner of CrossFit Ironborn, and, despite his lewd gestures, was a really cool guy with a cool gym (also, he embedded a GOT reference into his gym's name, so he gets bonus points).
We dropped into Open Gym on Sunday afternoon, so didn't get a good sense of the coaching. The gym itself was really nice but still had a garage-y gym sort of feel, and very well equipped. Because the gym is in Concord, NH and not in Brooklyn, Jon told us their group classes tend to be very small (like 6 people). He says that the lion's share of their business comes from personal training.
So, even though I can't speak to the coaching or the feel of classes, we all had a good experience at CrossFit Ironborn. I would recommend it if you happen to find yourself in or near Concord, NH!
last day to sign up for the FISH CSA with the earlybird discount is today!
The Fish CSA with BigCityFishShare starts Saturday, but today is the final day to take advantage of the earlybird discount ($16/lb.) Sign up! If you have questions, hit me up at mignyc at gmail dot com.
7am Squats with Jess
BSQ – 195# PR / 205# PR / 210# F
On what I believe was my 300th class, I finally broke into 200# territory. Really happy to get over this hump β long time coming. Going for heavy singles I have a bad habit of dropping like a rock and then digging myself out. Something to work on going forward. 25# PR here
Deadlift – 275# / 315# PR / 335# PR
30# PR here. Big strides on my deadlift the last six months.
Metcon – 5:08
This was fun aside from the burpees and rowing.
8AM with Jess
First time tackling Elizabeth and while 135# moves well for me, I was not looking forward to 45 reps.
Ended up at 12:17 (I wanted sub 15) so I'm happy with this. Cleans were all bailed singles, with several moments just staring at the bar thinking WTF. Each time I got to the rings I was totally winded. Kipped them all and broke it up into 7/7/7, 5/5/5, 9. Rings were a bit too low so my feet kept hitting the floor, making the dips a tad bit shallow….but dipped I did none the less.
7 am with Jess
On the rack with Jynne and Peter so I knew it would be a good day.
Jynne is looking mad strong and Peter healthier and getting back to his own by the day!
155# was a 7 lb lbbs PR aaaannnndd, it felt really good and quick. I ran out of time but had a heavier lift in me to be sure. Dead lift didn't goes as well because way back in August I somehow picked up 195 lbs. Today was the closest I've come to repeating that at 185, which at least beats my Iron Maiden 180.
WOD – I think 6:57. I moved most of the time, I think.
Golf anyone?
I PR'd the shit out of Tuesday…just saying…
been doing a press LP this cycle during OG and tested my 1 RM today.
75/ 85 – PR/ 87.5 – PR
That is a 7.5lb increase since my last test before wrist surgery – woohoo!
noon class with Jeremy and McD
185/ 195 – PR/ 205 – PR
165/ 195/ 220 – PR
I slacked on my DL this cycle after a certain pull-up inspired injury, so I probably have some work to do here. It is now very close to my squat PR (that is so crazy to even think about), so hoping to be more consistent on it next cycle. Honestly I wasn't planning on even hitting a 200 DL today, so this was a nice surprise . These are some really crazy numbers for me and I am super excited about them π π I keep thinking back to when I first started Crosftting 2.5 years ago and could barely squat 85lbs or even back to January of this year post-op when I could not pick up a 10lb plate on my own. Its been a fun ride.
Also congrats to Jynne who also rocked the PR's today. I saw her doing her PR happy dance down Degraw after class. Nice work lady!
6:26 – my legs were on fire..
Looking forward to a much needed rest day tomorrow.
Every time I watch that Constance video I get bleary eyed. Every damned time. Plus all these back squat PRs. Someone get me a tissue?
Hang Muscle Snatch
40kg x3, 42×3, 44×3
High Hang Snatch
Power Clean + Power Jerk
Snatch Pulls
81×3, 85x3x2, 75×3
Deload felt like a deload today, thankfully.
Melody! BADASS!
6am with McD
Great energy in class today, nice combo of focus and good cheer, partnered with Michael A on back squats, deadlifts, thankful for the push. PR'd both: back squat 335# for a 10# PR and deadlift 465# for a 30 pound PR. Good thing I didn't check on what my previous PR was until after or this would have given me pause… WOD in 6:17, got nicely gnarly at the end.
Sad to be missing the first part of Crush Week
Dropped in to 6am at Flagship CF in SF. Nice space and people. Will probably go back tomorrow
High hang snatch – worked up to a double at 155. Felt fairly light but the coach was saying I wasn't vertical enough so worked on that.
Metcon was a 15 minute AMRAP of
15 OHS at 95/65
15 Pull-ups
Got 7 rounds plus 11 OHS. May be feeling those tomorrow.
Congrats on all the PR's!
If you like fish, sign up for the CSA- you won't regret it!
PRed my strict press at 100# today! So happy!
Congrats Charlie!
Today's squats not so great.
45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 163 x 2, 185 x 1 … Then, failed 200 three times. This was my PR of about a year ago for high bar, 3 years ago for low bar. Hmmmm
Deadlifts when better.
135 x 3, 165 x 2, 190 x 1, 200 x 1, 210 x 1, 220 x 1 … I know that's a PR, by at least 5#. So that's goooooood
Metcon Alert in 5:25
Didn't die. Had more gas at the end. I liked it.
Siena & Elaina update.
They didn't get into trouble (that I know of) and only interrupted the metcon once. Definite improvement there.
Eizabeth: 11:28 83#, 12-9-6 kipping ring dips
Full cleans actually felt amazing; could have done 93# with power cleans. All the front squats have HELPED!!!! Dips mostly in 3's, singles at the end. I think I'll be good at this one some day π Also fun to partner with my AG/AR buddy Kevin woo woo
AG was the bomb– more PR's for Charlie with butterfly pullups! I had a flashback to one of the first AGs with Noah when we were all struggling with butterfly. Today SO MANY of us were killing them. AG for the win!
Really fun WOD of hollow rocks and rowing. I WAS PULLING ONE CALORIE PER STROKE! I was astonished–it felt easy.
I came into the gym so stressed (angsty & pumping double bass drum the entire commute here) and left feeling so relaxed and ready to tackle my s&^(. Yes #crossfit.
A: despite my hands still being wrecked i decided to get some AG in this week. kinda tested our strict pullups. mine were 7 then 4. not terrible since not too long ago it was 0 and .. 0. kips were good except the wincing. butterfly practice was interesting. kind of an awkward movement for my body but i can almost "see" it. ill keep practicing.
B: my time was whatever 1 second after allie was. the 10 cal were usually done in .3 and the 20 rocks about .35. a fun one!
Yesterdays Elizabeth:
12:58 @95 with push ups
decided to push myself and go for the 95 since my 1rm is 115. this was *rough.* had this vicious cycle going where i would forget how many i had left then remember then feel despair and then forget and then remember..
aside from a physical exercise, i realized these can sometimes be small exercises in workout partner dynamics – particularly around motivation. i am not so good with this. i can basically call out facts (5 more!) but find myself at a total loss when it comes to pushing them (you can do it?). my partner was so good at this that it really hit me: this can materially impact your workout. just something else to work on.
It was nice to meet you Jonathan! AG was a lot of fun! PRed my consecutive strict pull-ups- I got two sets of 8! And I actually managed a few butterfly pull-ups too which is pretty amazing! Lots of work to be done there, but it's a start!
Didn't really look at the time for the WOD but i got back about the same time as Kelly. Rowed 10 cal after the first two rounds. Nice, fun, light workout.
Good day for me and I even made it to the gym Instagram which made my day. Thanks David!!
Keep a lookout guys, it's going to be a quite the thriller
7:30 with k harpz
Did Elizabeth with 93# cleans and 21-15-9 push-ups in 10:24.
Quads on fire! Not sure how the 1rm squat wil feel tomorrow after this.
Oh and ps. I am one of the cfsbkers you may or may not recognize in the photo above. Not the gym owner who is humping JB though. I die everytime I look at that hahah
8:41 Rx
Max pullups- only 3! But I know strict PUs are a weakness so I just need to work on them more.
Everyone killed the butterfly pullups today. Haven't been practicing them lately but def got a few today. Got good feedback and tips from Ro. I think I'm getting closer to having them consistently and trying them out in small volumes in WODs.
Fun/light WOD. Don't remember my time- I just had fun sprinting Charlie at the end of it π
Congrats to everyone on their PRs!
Wednesday's fitness:
Back Squat: 255-275-305. Moved well and felt good. Squat struggle has been reducing my range of motion. My ass kisses the grass with no problem, but many an individual has said I collapse in the bottom and lose tension. So, finding that sweet spot feels like a 1/8 squat to me, even though everyone says I'm more than hitting depth. Onward and upward pt. 1
Deadlift: 405-435-465 (10lb PR). All moved well. 465 was quite the grind and I'm glad I stuck with it. Felt like I kept solid position through, but man was that a struggle. Onward and upward pt. 2
WOD: 6:10 (Goal was sub-6 mins).
Quite the quick bruiser. Finished the 100m at 5:45 and wanted so bad to finish 9 burpees in 15 seconds. Not fast enough. Onward and upward pt. 3…
Afterwards. Paul, Andre, and I messed around with DUs for a bit
Elizabeth RX with power cleans 10:!3
When dips go they GO. No matter how many times you shake your arms out they don't come back
@Lauren update on your kids, didn't know they were yours. When I came in before class the youngest one was very sad and upset, I asked why and she wouldn't tell me. The older one said she is sad cause her castle broke to which the younger one replied "She did it" lol. So I helped her fix her block castle and she was fine…for about 15 minutes, then I asked her whats wrong again and she said " I don't think my mommy is ever going to come back" and I was like yes she is, whats your moms name. When she told me I was like " I think she is working out, she will be back" to which she said "but i dont see her(while looking at people doing Mondays work)" So I guess when she finally say you she was relieved that you were not gone forever and interrupted you haha.