Overhead Squat
Take 10 Minutes to warm up to work weight for the WOD.
Practice: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat and Clean and Jerk + Overhead Squat
5 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65lbs
Post time and Rx to comments.
Our CrossFit Kids classes love to climb the rope under the watchful eye of Sensei David
Farewell, Rytas S.!
Dedicated CFSBKer Rytas S. is moving to London this coming week. We’ll miss you, Rytas! He sent an e-mail to David that neatly expresses some of the things that make CFSBK a great gym, so we asked him if we could post it. Here it is!
I wanted to drop you a quick note before I leave the gym next week.
My wife has taken a job in London, and we are packing our bags and seeing where fate takes us.
It is a bittersweet departure – although we have much to look forward to, we have to say goodbye to an amazing life in Brooklyn. Not the least of these sad goodbyes will be to CrossFit South Brooklyn. I’ll be leaving the gym almost exactly 4 years after I graduated from my Foundations class. It is difficult to express to you what a tremendous impact you and your crew have made on my life.
I recently finished a book by Carol Dweck called Mindset. Her theme is the difference between people with a fixed mindset, those who feel like they are as smart and as gifted as they will ever be, versus those with a growth mindset, those who feel like they can constantly grow and improve. Dweck spends the book explaining why people with a growth mindset routinely outperform their fixed mindset counterparts.
What I have found at CFSBK is an entire community of people who have embraced the growth mindset – constantly pushing themselves and tackling weaknesses. I was enamored with that from the very beginning, though I didn’t know why at the time. Over the last 4 years I went from avoiding weaknesses to focusing on them and welcoming things that once made me feel timid.
What was really unexpected was for that mentality to then seep into other parts of my life. During this same period I have found myself challenging myself at work, in a non-profit that I run, and in personal growth and development. I have begun demanding the same kind of mentality from those around me.
Sure, some of that comes from CrossFit in general. However, I am certain that most of that comes from the CFSBK community and you and your team particularly. I have visited a number of other affiliates and all CrossFit gyms are not created equal.
All of the coaches at CFSBK really enjoy being part of the growth of the members. They are happy to be there, teaching at whatever hour. They enjoy answering questions even if a class isn’t going on. They seem genuinely happy to see anyone who steps in through the front door – as if they have a new friend to show their growth world to! That general sense of welcome and openness creates an atmosphere where not only is it OK to learn and grow, but one in which it is expected. It is OK to try new things and it is OK to fail a few times along the way. In turn, when something doesn’t work out the 1st, 2nd or 20th time it becomes an educational journey. I cannot stress enough how rewarding it has been to be part of that atmosphere for 4 years.
I could continue on and on, specifying different coaches and what each has imparted to me, but I would inevitably forget hundreds of details, and I don’t want to half-ass a list like that. Therefore, could you please simply extend my deepest gratitude to the entire staff on my behalf? I will truly miss all of you guys.
Most sincerely, thank you,
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Power Cleans, Bar Muscle-Ups
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The Price of Control, the Cost of Discipline Starting Strength
On Reading Issues of Wired from 1993 to 1995 New Yorker
Rytas!!! We'll miss you in the mornings!
Rytas is a solid guy and a great athlete. One of CFSBK's finest.
8am with Fox and Foxy
Last time I did Nancy is was two years ago. It took 19:28 and only the first round was unbroken. This time around all rounds were unbroken and finished in 16:12.
I didn't think I had a chance at catching Steve H. but there was a glimmer of hope when he started breaking up the last set. He dropped his bar one measly second before me.
I blame James.
Rytas, you da man. I enjoyed our lifting sessions together. Be well.
5 Pullups
10 Shoulder/Hip Taps
15 Erg Pike Slides
15 minute AMRAP
15 sandbag lunges
10 pushup
15 sandbag lunges
20 situps
15 sandbag lunges
30 DUs
8 AM with the Foxes
Nancy @42# and rows instead of runs in 14:51.
squats unbroken. Good to have a benchmark to shoot for as I get stronger.
Best of luck Rytas- great letter!
Comp Class yesterday.
Clean pulls
83 x 3, 123 x 3, 173 x 3 x 2, 193 x 3 x 3.
Relatively new move for me- need to make sure I am finishing the pull.
EMOM 10 mins- Clean and Jerk
83-93-103 x 5,93 x 2
First time able to clean in weeks. Wrist felt ok! The cleans felt a little slow. Jerks- had a little trouble dropping under and my dip is too deep. Again with repetition it got better. Need to be more aggressive.
Partner WOD with Joe.
AMRAP 20 mins
25 x wallballs (14/9)
15 cal row
11 rounds, 15 reps
Joe went first because he is a gentleman. It was really hard to keep going on this one. Wallballs all unbroken until my last full round when I missed the wall on my fifteenth rep. Such a huge improvement for me- seems like not so long ago I struggled to get ten in a row. Tried not to jump and found that when I caught the ball lower, like on my way down to a squat, it went faster. Need to remember that.
Cash out- Pig Beach with the crew (nomnom) and a collision with a door which may have cost me my big toenail. Hopefully not!
Best of luck Rytas and great goodbye letter. You will be missed!
8am with Lady and her Fox
Nancy in 16:11 Rx
Knew the wheels were going to come off in that last round so just pushed my runs to get as far ahead as I could. OHS were 15×3, 9-6, 6-3-6. Just couldn't stay braced for that last round. But overall my ohs has really improved the last 3-4 months. Was going to be pissed all day if Matty had caught up and beat me so at least I have that.
Good luck Rytas, it's been great having you as a part of the CFSBK family!
9am with Fox and Nancy
Nancy: 13:01 Rx. The wind and 1.95 liters of mezcal made for a fun workout today, but Fox was great inspiration with words like "faster" and "just pick the bar up!". 🙂
Good luck Rytas!
Nancy: 14:46 Rx. Much encouragement and surprised myself here – did not think sub-15 was going to happen and had no intentions of even touching the leaderboard. Just tried to keep up with (or not fall too far behind) Ellie on the runs. All OHS unbroken.
FSQ: 185, 195 (PR), 205F, 205F Should have just gone for a five pound jump to make a solid 200, but still happy with one PR.
EMOM 10 mins- Clean and Jerk: 103, 113, 123×3, 133×3, 138×2
Partner WOD with Ben: 10 rounds +2 WB
AMRAP 20 mins
25 x wallballs (14/9)
15 cal row
Good luck Rytas! Let us know of any great boxes that you discover in London!
My friend opened a gym in London a few years ago- CrossFit Blackfriars. Check it out!
Rytas, best of luck. thanks for sharing
8am w/ Foxes
Nancy: 16:27 Rx. All OHS unbroken, but those runs were killer. Need to improve my running game.
What a great letter, Rytas. Really describes this welcoming community so well. Have a wonderful time in London — and yeah, let us know what box we can visit you at!
10 a.m. doing Nancy w/Fox in a divided class. 21:04 Rx'ed. Glacial — which is to say slow, determined, and occasionally going to pieces as a result of global warming. Unbroken first two rounds, but took a fall during the OHSes in my third round that spooked me a bit. 8-7 and 10-5 thereafter, but much slower and wobblier.
Thanks as always to the gang for sticking around and cheering me through it, and to James for hollering across the street at me as we ran in our respective heats, man-bun perched impeccably atop his Dionysian locks.
Rytas all the best mate. I've always wondered how to spell your name 🙂
10a with Whit for a little Nancy
I kind of new going into that it was going to be difficult with the over heads but this was a major ego check.
OHS: 15, 15, 11-4, 7-5-3, 6-5-4
Runs were my only saving grace for staying under 20 minutes today.
Nancy Rx 18:53 – feeling officially crushed
Good luck Rytas! Thanks for sharing the letter!
Previous time was 13:37 from several years ago. So came in just hoping to beat that. Ended up with 12:49, which I was really happy with.
Nancy RX 16:41
Last time doing Nancy was about 4 years ago. Time then was 19:57. Big improvement obviously but I thought sub 15 minutes was in play today. Next time maybe.
10am with Whit and Fox – 608 with Whit
Nancy in 15:02 Rx. Overhead squats were fine… I need to re-learn how to run fast. My current slowness is a combination of being about 10 lbs too heavy and having no lungs for anything after about 8 minutes – both of which need to be addressed. Time to start running the bi-weekly Wednesday 5k's again at prospect park again. Blergh.
Condolences to Michael A, but you were doomed the moment Dan L got an hour more sleep than you did.
Did Nancy RX in 18:51. Or 18:41. Either way, it was AWESOME even though some reps were definitely shallow. My inferencing skills tell me I probably should have gone lighter to focus on technique, but I really wanted to try it RX.
I plan on doing this workout again Friday at OG at 58# and getting LOW LOW LOW on all reps. I'm not tryin' to be a cheater here–This isn't 2010 and I'm not a cricket player spot-fixing. (Am I right, Samir?) Actually a more apt analogy is probably something about Lance Armstrong doping. Or "I'm not trying to cheat here, I ain't Tiger Woods." Nope wrong kind of cheating.
AG WAS AWESOME. That WOD at the end was so fun…a good mashup of abs, a little cardio with the DUs for some fat burn, some upper body strength, some nice butt work with all those lunges. That workout should be named "Beach Body AMRAP 1". I hope next week is Beach Body AMRAP 2 because it is officially beach season, and while all bodies are beautiful as was definitely made clear during the shirts on/shirts off drama in the epic blog disaster of 2016, I would like to be as toned as possible because I'm narcissistic and attention-seeking.
RYTAS! It was so great judging you on FGB that one time. You're awesome. Good luck!!!
KAYLEIGHLEADERBOARDAGAINILOVEYOU! 6am does wonders for the crossfit apparently. Over the summer, when school is out, I do have the ability to join the 6am class. But do I have what it takes? Will I ruin their banter and camaraderie? Could I ever belong? Do I really want to get up at 5 over the summer, too? I think the pressure is too great so I will watch longingly from the mat while I roll out for 7am. #6amfanclub
I take what I said about beach bodies back– just read the control/eating disorder article! Nevermind!!!
3 rounds
50 single unders
10 slam balls 30Lb
2 rounds
100 two step singles
20 hollow rocks
:20 arch hold
OHS > 115×3
5 rounds ft
Run 400m
15 OHS 95lbs
OHS all unbroken
Runs were slowwww
Thanks for the good wishes! I'm still on the hunt for a good gym on this side of the Atlantic.
Fun 9:00 class with Fox & Friends.
15:35 RX on Nancy. 15, 15, 10/5, 10/5 and 12/3. Really tried to gut out that last round but I had the serious shakes going on. The wind on the run back from 4th was a nice punch in the face.
Rytas!! Safe travels!! Congrats on your new change!!
Also re: the article on Emily and her story, I have a few friends who have trained at her gym in Baltimore (Fivex3) and have nothing but praises, and really great to see her share everything that has happened to her
Pipe with coach
WU 3 Rounds
250m row
10e lateral band step overs
10 SQT press out w/ 5kg
5 sumo inch worm + push up
Heavy singles
62kg – PR
64kg- F F F
Clean & Jerk
77kg PR
80kg F F
BSQT: felt smoked so took 3 heavy attempts
95kg (5kg shy of PR)
5 rounds
10 DL @ 135
15 burpee over bar
…finally some new PRs. Ready for summer and the opportunity to train more and push these further.
Nancy 19:10 Rx'd
Similar to DO. Runs super slow. OHS unbroken except for the last two reps. Was focusing on getting in under 19 minutes (and had plenty of time!) and let the bar get out in front of me. Ugh. Took a water break each round. The sun was unforgiving today!
Most efficient solo training hour to date.
Warm up x3
10 kip swings
10 inverted shrugs
10 ea lateral step ups w 15, 20# DBs
1 RM OHS –
Don't remember if or when I tried for a max effort OHS before so went up by 10# from 65# to 105, then up by 5# to 140#, which I failed on the btn push jerk.
135 felt good. The OHS was no problem, the push jerk was fast. I felt like I had 140 but was also running out of steam and felt hungry.
My best snatch is 112 and my best split jerk is 145 — feeling like these numbers are soon to be improved!
Did this version of Nancy in 17:26
400m run
10 OH Lunges @65#
400m run
12 OH Lunges
400m run
14 OH Lunges
400m run
16 OH Lunges
400m run
18 OH Lunges
All lunges unbroken except last set 12-6