As of Saturday, Zoom has instituted mandatory password protection of all usage on their platform to prevent trolling. For all classes except CrossFit Kids, you’ll be using the same Zoom room link you’ve been using and the following password: CFSBK.
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.6.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Lunge w/ twist
10 Prone Blackburns
6 3-Pause Air Squats
Front Foot Elevated Goblet Reverse Lunge:
4 x 8-12 each
20 Minutes at Low Intensity:
6-12 Upright Rows
6-12 each 1-Arm Front Squats with 1 second pause at bottom
4-8 each Powell Raises
1:00 Forearm Plank or :30 each Single Arm Forearm Plank
Post work to comments.
Fit 55+Gym-less WOD 4.6.20
Warm Up
4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Wide Stance Hip Circles
10e Standing Small Arm Circles
5e Front Scales (straight leg or bent)
5 Inchworm + Shoulder Taps
4-5 Sets of Each:
2-3e Get-Ups (first exercise in video)
6-12 Couch Dips
Hold a weight for the Get-Ups if you have one.
16 Rounds:
:20 Tall Plank
:10 Rest
:20 Feet Elevated Reverse Plank (modify to feet on floor with bent knees as needed)
:10 Rest
Post work to comments.
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Joy M. doing 100 Burpees for time. These austere training circumstances are a real throwback to the roots of CrossFit where effort and consistency triumphed over access to ideal training equipment and environments. The early years of CFSBK were similarly programmed when we were in a park, or in the early Lyceum days where low equipment inventory meant calisthenics were the main course most of the time
This Week’s Virtual Schedule
We’re back this week with a full slate of virtual classes to keep you moving. Here’s what’s happening:
7am Locked & Loaded
10am Yoga for Athletes
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics (NEW!)
10am Active Recovery
For all classes except CrossFit Kids, you’ll be using the same Zoom room link you’ve been using and the following password: CFSBK. Kids classes will run on a separate Zoom meeting.
Question of the Day
What are you doing to create a sense of schedule and order in your day-to-day life?
Stop Trying to Be Productive NY Times
What It’s Like to Live Under a Running Ban Outside