Rope Climb
12-15 Minutes Not for Rounds:
130m Jog
1-3 Rope Climbs 15′
Post work to comments.
AMRAP 21 Minutes:
18 Burpees
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
12 Box Jumps 24/20″
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Our annual Memorial Day “Murph” event, one of our biggest and best events of the year, is just over a week away. Go HERE to sign up for a heat or to the event page for more info!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
It’s almost summer, and there’s lots happening at the gym. Let’s recap!
1. We’ve delayed the start of the upcoming Active Life Strength PM Cycle to this Monday, so you know what that means: There’s still time to register! See this post for details, and go HERE to register.
2. Register for our upcoming Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals class with Coach Callie Brennan! Fundamentals is your jiu-jitsu starter pack. The course is geared towards anyone intrigued by BJJ but unsure where to begin, anyone who wants to become better acquainted with dynamic movement on the ground. By the end of the course, you will be at the point where you can walk into a live-sparring Jiu Jitsu class without reservation.
3. “The Stay Strong Scholarship means a second chance for me. This scholarship has opened up doors for me that I never thought would be open.” On Tuesday, we talked to Stay Strong Scholar AS. For the 3rd year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach. This year, our goal is to raise $40,000 to continue supporting these students. Right now we’re at $8,673 raised. Can you help us get there? Show some love by donating to your favorite CFSBK lifter(s) through the 2018 Crowdrise campaign here.
4. Coach Whit is a longtime client of Zach Dacuk, who is offering a workshop from June 21st to the 24th. “Mapping the Body: Recognizing Successes & Principles in the Application of Fascial Movement” is of interest to massage therapists, fitness instructors, and movement professionals.
5. In this week’s installment of Humans of Starting Strength Program, we talked to longtime CFSBKer Rob Underwood. It’s a great insight into one of our cornerstone programs. Check it out!
6. Today’s 11am Active Recovery class is cancelled. Coach David is serving his 8th year as the Competition Director of CrossFit’s East Regional!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
10 Things You Don’t Know about Yourself Scientific American
Making Time to Switch Off BarBend
@North River CrossFit
Getting the AGS pump solo isn’t nearly as fun. Alas, moved up to a 65lb SA DB row, a 80lb BTNP and dips and chin-ups are getting marginally better. There was a huge partner workout happening which was taking over almost the whole gym, so I had to squeeze into a corner. They had a matador!
Wanted a bit of cardio and wanted to work on core strength, so decided to retest Annie… and got a 2:30min PR (9:47min)! The DUs are finally getting smooth and I managed to do good chunks of 10-20 instead of 3-5. This workout is finally becoming about the situps and not the DUs.
Nice Annie PR!
Thanks, that tip on the jump rope Thursday *really* helped!
Way to go, Daniel!!
Nice Daniel!
I’ll be following in your footsteps in about a week and a half (going to RNCF, that is, not necessarily doing Annie)
I came here on a recommendation from you, so… Really nice place that was super accommodating on open gym time. Their Sat wod looked intense, like one of those where you go “no way I’m gonna join for that” on the day before, but then think “this would be nice with the right partners” as its happening.
Good times at Strong Fit this morning…even got my son up for it.
Duck walked 5 plates + SB carried the 200 a few times.
Continental C+P, 180 I think? Failed 200. I hate these!
FC Hold 2×115 for a minute, then failed 2×165 at 52 seconds.
Waterfall medley with 10 Gob Sqts (32kg), :20 SB Hold (200#), 10 Cal Row, and 8 Double KB Swings (2x24kg).
A)clean & Jerk
perfect positions, build to a moderate complex in 3-5 work sets
105, 115, 125, 135, 145
Felt good! still working on tension in the catch. not smooth at all. It’s still light enough to be moderate at 145 but i want to feel that solid bounce like back in the old days when i actually had an idea of how to lift.
B1)weighted DB sit up
@12-15 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1 min
1×15 @ 25#,
1X12 @ 25#
1X15 @ 20#
I could really feel my compensation kicking in at the second set. Low abs are so weak i immediately kick my low back into extension and rely on my hip flexors on the concentric (accompanied by a hip flexor clunk, which was only present when i was doing situps like an a-hole) . Forced a very slow eccentric curl on the way down to round into position. felt it in the right places more than last week. But my spine is still as stiff as a bamboo and cannot flex. Going to try and be really diligent with these i see a lot of value in them
B2)Barbell Hip Thrust
@2011 8-10 reps, 2-3 sets, rest 1-2 min
still weird! but getting better. 3×10 @ 85# again this week. Will go up next time
C1)Muscle Up
3-5 reps, unbroken, 4 sets
4×4 unbroken
First time on the rings since the open! Whit noticed i was staying really tight and they were looking good. Felt okay given its been awhile! Hands were sore AF (coached 8 rope climb classes) to i was being a little slower on my turnover than i would have liked. Looking forward to going for 5 next time if i feel my normal self.
Death March
20 alt reps, unbroken, 24kg/hand, rest 4 min
so hard! actually mostly because it was tough on my grip. Getting the hang of how to position myself to feel it in my hammys and glute. Gets tricky with my long a$$ legs.
20 min @aer
400m ski
100ft sled push, dog sled + 2 blue
100ft quadruped bear crawl
6 KB snatch/side, 16kg
3 rds + 85M ski. ooooooof. Could feel myself run out of fuel by this point. Tried snacking on some baby food fruit packets for some sugar but I was just toast. Biggest complaint was hip flexors and quads on the bear crawl! Was rough after the sled. Had to take a good amount of breaks. Hands were sore for the swings but when I was a little tougher about it and kept a tight swing it was better.
Long session today. Was low on motivation when I started but got into it as I went along. Took it pretty easy overall this week so packed a lot in 🙂
Heat up, 3x: 1:00 each: ski (750-800), row (850-900), bike (55ish)
4 sets:
100′ ea single arm OH carry (16kg, 20kg x3)
mixed in core/squat prep: banded psoas march, clamshell hold, lateral walk, hip CARs, some crawling, etc.
HBBS: 7-5-3-7-5-3 @ 20×1
played with blood flow restriction during WU sets, voodoo band around L upper thigh for warm up sets, then 10 rvrs lunges on L side right afterward.
(WU: 45×7, 95×7, 135×5, 155×3)
165×7, 175×5, 185×3
170×7, 180×5, 190×3 … just went by feel. i think this exactly what I did a couple wks ago, but i’m ok with that. quality felt great, building consistency.
drop set: 135×10 with voodoo band (+10 L rvrs lunges)
6 rounds, sustainable pace:
15 cal bike (1:36-1:43)
11 walking lunges
6 push-ups
11 walking lunges
6 push-ups
*wearing 17# weighted vest
time = 21:03
4 sets:
200′ waiter carry, 16kg ea hand — awful!
50′ handstand walk (first set unbroken, then 2-3 sets)
:20 hang from rings
3 sets:
10ea SA DB ext rot @ 10#
:30 star side plank + :30 side plank
I. am. SPENT!