Disco Christmas! Our holiday schedule kicks in Sunday with a few class cancellations. See the Schedule page for all the details!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Daniel and Thaisa L. are our December Athletes of the Month. Congrats, you two!
2. Online registration for the 2018 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge is now open! All LFPB info and resources are available through the handy widget over to the right, but you can also follow this link. Yesterday, we also posted some of the things we’ve learned from many years of LFPB Challenges.
3. Sign ups for the first Starting Strength Program cycles of 2018 opened Tuesday. There are still a few spots left in a few of the cycles, but hurry! These are sure to sell out…
4. Get out of pain, stay out of pain, strengthen your weaknesses, improve mobility and movement patterns, all while getting stronger! Registration for Active Life Strength with Coach Keith, a predominantly strength based class programmed very specifically to strengthen movements and improve positions based on your individual needs, also opened this week!
5. The 2018 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. The wall calendar is available for a sliding scale donation of $30-60 or more (cash or credit card accepted). Never fear, you can place your order by filling out this online form, or sign up at the front desk. Orders will be taken until Christmas day. Email Bree P. at breebree [at] mindspring.com
Yesterday’s Results Board: Snatch | NFT Work
How to Make an Elephant Explode Kurzgesagt
CrossFit Athletes Take First in Ragnar Rally CrossFit Journal
Saturday’s Programming
Partner AMRAP 30 Minutes:
40 AbMat Sit Ups
30 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
20 Burpees
10 Deadlifts 315/225
Break up the reps however desired. The Deadlift stimulus is intended to be heavy, but something you could do in sets of 5 when fresh.
Yesterday, 5:30pm class:
15 min EMOM : 1 power snatch
done @ 108#
felt better about halfway thru. took some video and noticed I was leaning way back, overarching. fixed it up, staying more vertical, abs on, and everything got easier. really happy to hit 15 reps consistently here, I think my best power snatch is 115 so this is like 94%?
3 rounds of the NFT: 14 cal in about :45, 50# OH carries, and some BMU practice.
8am w/Whit doing Thursday
Power snatch emom:
73×10, 83×5
Everything was a little eh today, felt very slow & disjointed, wasn’t fully extending, zero snap/punch at the top. Got a touch better when I added weight. My legs are just really, really…really…tired.
NFT 3ish rounds –
-14c row
-200′ single arm overhead carry @25# – super hard on the left, fine on the right. Got a tingly feeling in my left forearm on the last 100′ on these???
-2 chin ups + a little kipping/pull up attempts. Really bummed that the kipping pull ups I discovered during strength cycle are gone, though it shouldn’t be surprising since I’m not doing regular chin up work. Either way I need to put in the work to get a strict pull up, too. Hi, lats.
7am doing Thursday with Lauren
snatch EMOM – built from 62 to 75, with the last 3 reps at 75. These are getting better. Amazing how much faster the bar moves when you really extend your hips.
NFT 3 rounds (?)
– 14 cal rows, tried to keep it above 1300 which for the most part happened
– 200′ single arm carry first at 20# and then at 25#
– Played around with strict tempo pull ups using a band – I need to find a way to keep the strength gained during the AGS cycle (answer – probably another AGS cycle). Also practiced kipping and did a few kipping pull ups during round 2 mostly to confirm I could still do them.
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!
6 AM w/Nick doing Thursday
Worked up to 62# on the power snatches. Felt pretty good, considering I haven’t snatched in at least a month and a half and don’t usually take the snatch from the floor. Oh and snatches and I have never been friendly, historically.
Got through 3 rounds with around 15 min. left in class rowing 14 cal, doing the walks with a 35# DB, and doing a variation of the pull-up that I saw in a video posted on the blog a few weeks ago (set up J-hooks super low and use a bar to pull up with my butt on the floor and my legs elevated on a bench – Nick suggested I try other variations as this one didn’t seem to give me the full range of motion).
I have to mention how appreciative I was of Nick’s help with the pull-up work, the rowing tips (and compliments on form, woah), and snatch help. Just another example of the professionalism of CFSBK and why I choose to go here instead of the ones closer to home. Incredibly grateful for the staff, environment, and constant encouragement.
I think the video was actually posted a few days ago!
7am w/ Lauren doing Thursday
Power Snatch EMOM: Started at 70# (well, 69# until I realized my math was wrong and fixed it) and worked up to 75. Felt good today! Really enjoying all this power snatch work we’ve been doing.
Very leisurely NFT work: 1 full round + a second round of carries/pull up stuff. Got some great tips from Lauren about working on my chest-to-bar pull ups and hopefully progressing (eventually) toward a real bar muscle-up! NFT was just what I needed today.
Just want to say I’m so very grateful to CFSBK coaches/mgmt for offering classes on Christmas Day. THANK YOU (for the fitness, and also for the opportunity to delay visiting my in-laws)!
10 AM doing Saturday w/Mike. Tomorrow’s WOD is so fun, you guys!
6 rounds + 75 reps (I broke my rule of never going first in an AMRAP and did the extra 5 burpees), with 15# slam balls instead of WB and 205# deadlifts. In retrospect, I wish I had Rx’d the deadlifts. 205 felt like the weight of the freakin’ world while warming up, but it moved FAST during the workout. I definitely could have handled the whole enchilada.
Looking forward to Strong Fit tomorrow!
9am open gym @ Box Prime Natal RN. Light day, no crazy workouts.
Press 56kgx5x3
Deadlift 136kgx5
Power Snatch EMOMx15 starting at 50kg up to 60kg
The heat got really intense for the snatches, because they were cleaning the gym and had to close all windows (so no air circulating). So much sweat. Snatches were good, got better as reps progressed.
– 200ft overhead walk with one KB in each hand (16kg)
– 20 calories row
Finished about 4 rounds, and skipped the pull work since it looks like Partner Murph with Thaisa tomorrow is on!
12noon with Brett and Whit
Saturday’s WOD with Morgan. We did the men’s and women’s Rx weights and broke up the reps as 10/10, 8/7, 5/5, 3/2 each. 7 rounds + 77 reps. Ready for the weekend, and Santa Claus, and cookies, and puppies, and gifts!
A few things to say that I haven’t earlier:
A) congrats Thaisa and Daniel!!! You all are so great (my autocorrect typed greasy instead of great, I don’t think your greasy, my phone is very rude) anyway, you all are GREAT. And I love having you two in my classes on Tuesdays. You’re always a fun pair to coach. Well deserved!
B) if you’re stuck in a rut (or even if you’re not) check out that activelife cycle!! Obviously I would say this. But I can’t tell you how much Keith has been able to help me with my back since I tweaked it last year. This is the first year where I feel like I’m going into the open season fully insured; and strong AF. You learn a lot about yourself too. Self assessment is constantly in flux, and this sort of programs will help you stay away from purchasing that one way ticket on the pain train. And beyond that, it will help your performance and getting stronger with the movements you suck at. I used to suck at thrusters. But performance care made me good at thrusters. Ya! So do it folks!
C) CF games 2017, Amanda .45:
Muscle ups
Squat snatch @ 95#
Completed in 16:59 RX.
Ohhh ma gad!!!! Way better than I could have ever expected. Super pumped that I can complete a recent games workout let alone only be 2 min over the time cap(15 min)! My goal was to beat the girl who got last place at the games (22min) and I did! So I got second to last! Lol! I assume straps were longer at the games so I would take that into account but I’ve become more comfortable on the long straps anyway. Think 45 reps is the most volume I’ve hit on muscle ups. Snatches felt great. Hit singles to keep shoulders fresh. Good decision.
Muscle ups: clusters of 3/2s in round 13/11, then hit doubles and singles for the rest. Hands are absolutely destroyed. Everything is gone in the middle of my right palm. Completed at solace and the rings were a little more abrasive than what I’m used to. Either way. 3:20 something min slower than Brooke wells …I’ll take it!
Cash out: sprint to the Amtrak train. I had only 30 min to get that done. Snagged a bag of celebratory popcorn for the ride home. Happy holidays!
Whoa that’s super impressive Katie – Games level stuff! Congrats!