This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Come out to the gym tonight for a very special screening of The VelociPastor, which stars our very own front desker and Renaissance man Gregory James Cohan! Here’s the IMDB summary: “After losing his parents, a troubled priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas.” Sounds fun, huh? All the details are in Tuesday’s post!
2. Part 3 of CrossFit Journal’s series on our Group Class Coaching Expectations is out! This time Captain Osorio drops some knowledge about our approach to safety.
3. More good stuff: In Episode 4 of Inside CrossFit South Brooklyn, HQ took a look at our Fit 55+ class! This awesome video and everything you need to know about Fit 55+ can be found in Wednesday’s post. Know someone who might benefit from this program? Send them our way!
4. Missing something? Maybe a water bottle or a whole pair of pants (including belt)? Take a look at our latest lost and found dump, and be sure to claim your pants before we donate them to CHIPs in two weeks.
5. The 2018 Dogs of CFSBK calendar is coming! Imagine month after month of your favorite gym mutts. All proceeds go to PupStarz Rescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien.
6. Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Power Snatch | KB Swings, Burpee Box Jumps
The Burgener Warm-Up CrossFit (video)
How to Talk to Our Children About Body Diversity Girls Gone Strong
Josh says
Saturday’s Programming
At 0:00
For Time:
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Overhead Squats 95/65
40 Calorie Row
Scale to regular kipping pull ups or jumping chest to bar pull ups as needed. The overhead squats should be light for you and done in 1-3 sets. Push your comfort level on the row.
At 12:00
For Time:
20 Toes-to-Bars
30 Push Presses 95/65
400m Run
Scale to hanging leg/knee raises as needed. The push presses should be light for you and done in 1-3 sets. Run, don’t jog.
At 24:00
For Time:
15 Thrusters 95/65
10 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Thrusters 95/65
Scale the bar muscle ups to jumping bar muscle ups, or to 15 chest to bar pull ups + 15 burpees.
The gymnastics elements will be done unbroken on the fast end. If scaling the first two workouts, choose an option that allows you to complete sets of 4-5 reps when fresh. Use one barbell with the same load for all three pieces. The bar should be light for all three movements, scale as needed. Score all three times and post to comments.
Post time and Rx for each metcon to comments.
Allie B says
Pretty sure I left my CFSBK zip up hoodie with the blue writing on the front at the gym. I see it in the picture!
I looked in the L&F yesterday and didn’t see it.
Where is this dumb of L&F items?
Also, can’t *wait* for this workout tomorrow!
kate tk says
all the L&F is sorted into bins in the loft in 608. i can help you find it tomorrow if you’re in when i’m working FD!
kate tk says
8am w/Whit doing Thursday
TNG power snatchos in 5s: 53, 63×2, 68, 73, 78, 63
68 was probably the best, punched up at the top and kept my feet in the relatively same position throughout. 78 was wobbly on the 3rd rep, so went back down for one more, focusing on being snappy. I don’t really care for tng, but I get that’s all a part of the crossfittinggg
WOD in 8:32rx. KBs in 10, 20, 30, 15-25. Would love to try this again when I haven’t been off for almost a week. Tried to pace Kate W for the first couple rounds but she faaaast. I need to work on keeping consistent under duress. As I got winded I let my footwork on the bbjs get really sloppy/inefficient and lost time. Fun one tho!
Stella says
7 AM doing Thursday’s work, kinda-sorta.
I did TNG deadlifts instead of snatches, since the latter are still on the dodgy list for me. Worked to 195×5. Very humbled by how heavy this felt. I mean, the bar moved, but it felt like I was picking up a mountain. Obviously this is because I haven’t DL’ed anything heavier than 135 in the last two months but still…this was definitely a brain reset since I have done 265×5 in the past!
WOD in 8:46 with 16kg bell. I thought about doing KB deadlifts instead because of the volume but Brett encouraged me to try it out and change it up in the middle based on feel if I had to. I didn’t have to, so that’s cool — this is the first time since I hurt myself that I’ve managed 100 swings in a workout. Yay!
Whit says
warm up, 3x
hip flexion pails/rails on 24″ box — hard AF
10 ea single arm high pull 20#
8 ea contralateral oh rvrs lunge 20#
8 push ups
Sustainable efforts…
A. 10 min
8 cal row (~:30-:35)
4 strict ring dips
8 DB OH walking lunge (30# each hand)
B. 10 MIN
8 alt DB snatch (full), 35#
12 TTB
30 DU
REST 5 (i think it was more like 8 oops)
C. 10 MIN
2 strict pull up
6 DB muscle clean (30# ea)
8 shuttle runs (50′ segments)
A. 6 rounds (dips unbroken. very steady pace throughout. felt great)
B. 4 rounds + 20 reps (slowed down quite a lot after 2 rounds. TTB: 12, 12, 8-4, 8-4, 8-3-1
C. 6 rounds (could’ve fallen fwd a bit more on the run to find a slightly faster pace there throughout; pull=ups feel good)
cool down couch stretch and such
Corey Brown says
Thursday’s workout at open gym
2 mile run to warm up
75, 85, 90, 90, 90
METCON (w/ Jake and Bill) – 9:30 scaled to 20 inch box and green KB. Box jumps started out tough for my leg, but it like found some power in the 2nd round. Was strange.
Cool down dance party in the disco bathroom.
Jenny M says
Og was fun tonight- lots of awesome energy around the lift off!
Hbbs: 135×5, 155×5, 175×8 on a rep out.
Little wod just to sweat:
Db deadlifts at 25#
Db cleans (aka bicep curls haha)
Db push press
Burpee box jumps
Sarah Costigan says
OG was amazing tonight.
Walked in and did the first part of our workout with Phil.
20 min amrap
7 alt dB snatch 70/50
7/10 cal row
7 burpee over the rower
Not sure how many rounds we did. It was suppose to be in teams of three but we couldn’t rope anyone else in so it was a straight sprint for 20 minutes!
Then the Foxes and Pierre strolled in and talked me into doing the liftoff with them!!
Snatch 160# PR
I’ve been waiting to hit this for so long. I’m beyond excited about this!! I failed 170 two times but I see that in the near future!
Clean and Jerk #195 PR
I failed 201 two times but still pumped.
12 amrap
25 pull-ups
50 cal row
100 ohs #45
50 bj
25 pull-ups
Got back to 5 pull-ups. I couldn’t breath after this. Thank god for some good people
Pushing me!
The atmosphere was awesome tonight. Just so great to see all these
People hitting major numbers. We even had a first Bar muscle-up tonight too, to one of the guys at the gym!!