Come out to the gym for a Halloween-themed Movie Night on Friday, October 20th! We’ll be showing What We Do in the Shadows, a funny mockumentary about vampires with domestic issues. We’ll start the movie at 8:15pm, right after Open Gym!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Thanks again to everyone who came out for our 10th Anniversary Party on Saturday! Photos from the evening are up on our Flickr account and at We Love Photobooths.
2. You know that big wooden thing in 608 that kind of looks like it could be a poorly designed ladder or a medieval torture device? It’s neither of those things! It’s a actually a pretty cool thing you can use for accessory work. Watch this video to find out how you can use that thing!
3. Ready for another kickass event? Save the date and start making art for the 4th CFSBK Art Show on November 18th!
4. Fight Gone Bad Season is here! On Wednesday, we posted a checklist to help you get started, and on Thursday offered some fundraising tips.
5. Congrats again to Pierre D. and Coach Ro on placing FIRST in the Northeast Region of the CrossFit Team Series!
6. The Subway Series comes to CFSBK next weekend! See Monday’s post for registration info.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Burpee Box Jump Overs, Deadlifts
Cultivating Self-Trust Girls Gone Strong
How to Actually Get Some Rest for Once NY Mag
Saturday’s Programming
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
30/21 Calorie Row
7 Power Cleans 185/125
10 Handstand Push-Ups
The barbell should be on the heavy side of medium for you, allowing for cycling a few reps on the fast end and singles on the slower end. Scale ROM on the Handstand Push-Ups to 1 or 2 AbMats, or scale up to a deficit if 10 is easy for you. Sub Box Piked Handstand Push-Ups or heavy Dumbbell Push Presses if you can’t perform at least 5 unbroken HSPU.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Pierre and Ro – Absolute Legends
6am w/Fergy
Metcon – 6r +15 cal
Erg stayed between 1100-1300 first 4 rounds then tapered off
PCs all singles
HSPUs: 3 rounds unbroken and the rest 7-3
Good workout to try and keep consistent
Had a great PT session with KHarpz yesterday and now I have a bit more variety in my program 😀
15 min NFR
0:30 bar hang
0:30 single arm OH DB hold each side, 15#
Crossover Symmetry A-T-Y-T x8
10 blackburns
Shoulder felt nice and toasty after that.
3 supersets of:
10 Kroc rows/side, 20#
10 DB high pulls/side, 15#
It’s a tough mental reset to do these at such light weights. I’m used to doing Kroc rows at 50! But I could feel on the impinged side that these weights are just right. For now.
Then I had a little FOMO so I modified yesterday’s WOD as follows:
10 min AMRAP 3, 6, 9, 12…
box jumps 20″
deadlifts 95#
Again, this is a huuuuuuge mental reset for me to do deadlifts so light. But hey, the fact that I am doing them at all is exciting, right? I took both the burpee and the jump-over out — burpee for obvious reasons, jump-over because I noticed that, oddly, I can jump up on the box with no pain, but jumping down is jarring to my shoulder. Weird. Got through the round of 21, plus 4 more box jumps.
Has anyone seen my purple notebook? I looked for it in the lost & found this morning, but no dice 🙁
yay!!! good work : )
When will they post the workout for the subway series!?
Klove and I are dying to know!
Also, I didn’t know who my partner was going to be at the time. But now, I know it’s Kelly L. Does that matter??
Pierre and Ro! So awesome.
7am today with Lauren doing Saturday’s death mar…. er, AMRAP.
30 minutes is a long time, ya’ll! Since I’m still getting back into a post-injury groove I erred on the side of lighter and quicker which was A strategy. Not sure if it was the RIGHT strategy.
Cleans @ 73# and piked HSPUs. Kept the rows right at 900 cal/hr and was really happy that I could hold that through. 7 rounds + the row and cleans into round 8. See previous “strategy” comment, that was a lot of rowing and I basically kept sweating right on through my commute.
Continuing along my squat therapy. The only time my knees are happy all day these days are in the gym. This has been a fun learning experience! I’ll figure it out soon.
A) Back Squat 5×5 @ 185#
Felt great! Knees hurt 6/10 or so first 3 sets and then completely went away by 5th. My tendons felt like they were fossilized when I first started. Anyway, starting to get the hang on this bounce thing. Feeling fast and powerful, and my tendency to lift with my hip is disappearing. Also no knee caving at all. Just rock solid and fabulous. Kewl beans.
B) Chipper: 7 mins 54 secs | Rx’d
100 Double Unders
25 Toes-to-bars
80 Double Unders
20 Toes-to-bars
60 Double Unders
15 Toes-to-bars
40 Double Unders
10 Toes-to-bars
20 Double Unders
5 Toes-to-bars
Doubles split into 2 sets each except for last set to save shoulders. Two trips total. T2B: 10/8/7, 7/7/6, 8/4/3, 5/3/2, 5
Fine with this! Went about 85% effort. I’m sick of pushing myself until I die right now. I need to lay low for awhile (or at least until subway series on the 14th!)
C) Tried to do GHD work but it induced an instant headache. Not used to it anymore. Body said NOPE. I listened and went home.
Keith VW and I are headed to Florida for a little R&R. Yay!
10am class doing Saturday
6 rounds + 30 Cal + 4 PC Rxd
PC all singles, hspu all unbroken.
Fun one!
10 AM with Whit-
7 rounds + 30 calories.
Used 115# PC and boxed piked HSPU’s. Very steady
throughout. Waay more fun that say, 30 mins on an elliptical and
better for me too!
Makeup post from yesterday:
10 AM with Jess and Brett.
tall cleans @ 75#, hip cleans@ 95#, Hang cleans @ 125#
These are getting better.
93 reps with a 155# deadlift.
7 am with Lauren doing Saturday’s work
I didn’t stay consistent on the row. Varied from 29 to 24 strokes per minute (I didn’t have the calories per hour up on the screen). 73# on the bar, which felt heavy from the get go. Mostly singles but a few doubles sprinkled in. Two total fails that made me consider deloading but I stuck with it. HSPU with a 10# plate and and one abmat. My sweaty little hands started slipping on these in the 4th round. I had to actually chalk for HSPUs – first time that’s ever happened. It was this problem that kept me for 6 full rounds. I think I had enough vim let for the three more I needed but slippy is scary and I stopped to chalk.
Big giant week makeup post!
Private with Whitney, aka best thing ever. Spend the hour working on kipping in all its variations and a couple other things. Got kipping T2B down lock! Kipping pullups are still a work in progress but got some great tips:
-squeezing my butt the whole time! We don’t do this super hardcore in the “pilates hollow body” but it was helpful in keeping my line. Also not letting myself go too far into my arch (which I have a lot of) because it wasn’t making me more efficient
-not looking at the bar, eyes forward
-a good ring row variation that helped me get out of my upper traps and into my “harness area” idk how to describe this but if I was a dog wearing a harness this would be the lowest part.
Then we talked a little bit about barbell cycling. When coming from overhead to front rack I’ve been dropping with the bar and banging myself as a result. But actually briefly meeting the bar and then descending with it helped.
Lats were sore!
Tempo press 3×8 50lbs (31×1)
Good weight cause my back started to arch in the last rep
Stiff legged deadlift 3×8 115lbs (31×1)
Weight was ok, lats on fire from this! We realized that I should be going all the way to the ground cause I wasn’t really feeling it in my butt and I have the mobility. Will try again next time.
Metcon in 17:38 20lb dumbell, jumping pullups
As usual tried to not blow up on the run. I like dumbbell snatches so those were fine. Thrusters were gross but I did them all mostly unbroken so I think the weight was ok.
Hamstrings sore! Lats even more sore. So the deadlifts worked.
Tempo Back Squat 155lbs 3×8 (20×1)
I get mentally squirlley for no reason when squat weight goes above 150. These were fine. Got lazy in the middle set and didn’t go full depth cause I usually go super low and thought I could cheat it a little, this caused me to pitch forward a bit. Basically no point in cheating the depth cause it just made it harder.
EMOM 21min
1) 6 Ring Muscleup transitions from the ground
2) 15 Russian KB swings 24kg
3) 30 DU
Chose to do the muscleups instead of burpees cause I was lazy, but these were hard and nice and I got to work my false grip. KB swings were whatever, forearm pump. First round of DU’s were fine then fell apart because I was looking at the clock, basically like 5 rounds of just whipping myself. Then in the last round I looked at the floor ahead of me again and did them in sets of 10 *sigh*
Here’s hoping I get to come in on Sat and Sunday!
OG for a quick workout
Front squat
Thursday’s wod RXd: 90 reps. 155# DL is where I start to really struggle. Yet, I have no desire to work on deadlifts. 🙄
Oh man and I would have had a workout buddy if I didn’t kill my knee today! All I wanted to do was that workout today!
I almost asked you but then saw what had happened! ❤️
OG today
Front squat
2(2) 175
2(2) 200
Used a belt, midline felt lose and weak today
1- 6 unbroken t2b
2- 15 wallballs to 10 foot target
All toes to Bar unbroken. They key is the tight swing and feet together!! Yay! In rounds 8 and on I was breathing pretty hard after the wallballs!
4 Ed’s
Every five minutes
400m sprint
12 cal AAB
all my 400 took :60 and by the time I looked up from the aab that whole transition took me a minute. Really tried to push it since I had a log rest.