Clean Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 2:
2 Tall Cleans
Every 90 Seconds x 2:
2 Hip Cleans
Every Other Minute x 4:
2 Mid-Hang Cleans
Start light and work up to a heavy load. Focus on a powerful finish in your extension (2nd pull) followed by an immediate and aggressive pull under the bar (3rd pull).
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
3 Deadlifts 225/155
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 Deadlifts
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
9 Deadlifts
Continue adding 3 reps per round until time is called. The Burpees happen facing your box. Rx is a jump up to the box, but you can step or jump down as desired. Choose a lower box or scale to Step-Ups as needed. The Deadlift should be medium heavy for you. Use a load that would allow you to perform at least 12-15 unbroken reps when fresh.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Congrats to Coach Ro and Pierre D., who teamed up to place 1st in the Northeast Region of the CrossFit Team Series! Let’s show them some love in the comments!
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Tips
Have you started fundraising for Fight Gone Bad? You and your team should be registered with CrowdRise. We’ve included some fundraising tips below to get you started, adapted from Convio. We’ve also included info below about Brooklyn Community Foundation (the organization for which we’re raising money!).
Tip #1: Start early. The sooner you start asking for donations, the more money you will raise.
Tip #2: Set a challenging but attainable goal. Your fundraising goal should be a stretch, but doable. If you are getting close to your goal, then raise it so people continue to donate.
Tip #3: Contact everyone you know. Start with your email address book, then your regular address book and member lists from clubs you belong to. You’ll be surprised who gives!
Tip #4: Customize your emails. Make the email template yours! Include a personal story—why you’re raising money, why it’s important to you, and where the money goes. (Tell people why you love Brooklyn, and why you love CFSBK and that we partner with BCF!)
Tip #5: Create an email schedule and stick to it. Set dates to send a first email announcing your participation, a second email asking for donations, an update email, and a ‘last chance’ email.
Tip #6: Ask, ask, and ask again. People can only make a donation if you give them the opportunity. Don’t be shy about asking more than once. People need to be reminded!
Tip #7: Add social media to the mix. Use status updates in Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to update friends on your fundraising and provide a direct link to your fundraising webpage.
Tip #8: Get creative. Add the URL for your fundraising webpage to your email signature. Give out “piggy banks” and ask people to save their change for a month. Hold an auction. Throw a party!
Tip #9: Stay focused. Remind yourself of why you are participating in the event, and how the money you will raise will help others. Turn to other fundraisers for inspiration and ideas.
Tip #10: Send a personalized thank you. After you’ve completed your fundraising, send your results to donors and thank them again for their help. You might need their support again next year! (And dude, always say thank you. It’s the right thing to do.)
Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF) is proud to partner with CrossFit South Brooklyn on Fight Gone Bad for the fifth year running. BCF is on a mission to spark lasting social change, mobilizing people, capital, and expertise for a fair and just Brooklyn. Since their founding in 2009, the Foundation and their donors have provided over $20 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits throughout the borough, bolstering vital programs and services while responding to urgent community needs and opportunities to fuel community-led change.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | Muscle-Ups, Kettlebell Swings, Double-Unders
What Does Brent Fikowski Eat and When? target nutrition
Active Listening Songs for Sad Times The Outline
Ro and Pierre are beasts. Much respect, guys.
Congrats Ro and Pierre!!!! Couldn’t be more well deserved! Mighty proud!
Yesterday was a good day:
A) 15 min 4 Qualitee:
10 ea SLRDL, 2 35# ea hand. Hard AF
12 GHD hip ext
5 press and squat (15#), 5s eccentric
30s handstand hold, ipsilateral shoulder taps. (Getting better at these)
B) 2K row: 7:57 (11s PR!)
Previous was 8:08. This was….surprisingly fine. Felt composed and calm, lungs wanted to go harder, my legs just died per usual. Nothing I can do about that except to increase stamina! I’m getting better, excited to see my lungs were there! Held 1:55 for 1100 then dropped to 2:00-2:05 for the rest. Best I could do for sure.
C) 5 Rds for total time:
1 power clean and jerk (build AHAP)
100M OH DB walk (25# ea hand)
*rest 2 min between sets*
Took me like 11ish minutes? I was too wrapped up in my PC and J to notice the time. Dumbbells went better than last time, glad I went lighter this time. Double dumbbell is atrocious on my shoulders.
Power clean and jerk: 170/175/180/185/195 (PR!!!)
I was pretty fired up about that. 5 lb PR for power clean. 3 lb PR for overall clean and jerk. I gave 200 a go a couple of times and I absolutely have it. Just psyched myself out pulled it to me shoulders above parallel and slammed my esophagus. So I couldn’t exactly front rack it after that. Need to stop cleaning like a spaz with heavy weights. Either way. SO Stoked about that power clean. Woooo!
YAYYY RO AND PIERRE! Such total f-ing badasses.
7am w/ Jess + Lauren
Tall cleans @ 62#
Hip cleans @ 67#
Mid-hang cleans: worked up to 92#x2
Excited about how good this felt after my time off! The tall cleans are SO good for working on getting under the bar faster.
WOD: Got through the full round of 12, plus 15 BBJO + 7 deadlifts (@122#). I think that’s 82 reps? I thought I might do this RXed since I know I can do 155# deadlifts in a workout, but this weight pretty heavy…guess I’m still getting back into it. BBJOs felt slow. Rest day tomorrow!
Yeah PierreRo!
Yeah Pierre and Ro!!! Evidence of hard work paying off; super impressive!
Tall cleans: 93-103
Hip clean: 113-123
Mid-hang cleans: 123, 133, 143, 153
Took 143 for a walk while standing it up, but otherwise felt pretty good. This is the same weights as last week – might try throwing a 2.5 plate inside early to up the weight a little bit and make transitions easier.
WOD: 133 Reps Rx
Rough stuff, was basically chasing JB the whole time.
Strong work, Arturo and Pierre. Black tide!
10am class
Hang Clean work up to 225.
Metcon Rx’d – 105 reps
Flashbacks to 17.1…legs were jelly and lungs hurt.
Please volunteer for the Subway Series! It’s a great day!
Congratulations to Arturo and Pierre! Impressed (as usual). Thanks for making us all proud.
My hamstrings and I did the 7 am class today with Lauren and Jess.
Tall 62; hip 68; mid 82. I got 12 of the 15 BBJOs. 115# on the bar. Feeling so sluggish and having a hard time pushing through once my heart rate is up and breathing is hard. It was good to talk to Kirby today and know that she’s just feeling back to normal in workouts after a bit of time away.
Congrats on great effort and exciting results, Pierre & Ro!
Took a kinstretch class last night with Brett and absolutely loved it. Did a bit of that work this morning to get my neck, shoulders, and hips grooving.
12pm class w/ Jess
tall cleans: 63, 73
hip cleans: 93, 103
mid hang cleans: 113, 123, 133, 143
*felt really sharp pulling under today. had one laughably bad rep at 133 where I went rag-doll as I received the bar. a lot harder to stand up that way!
*143 (83%) felt technically great, just heavy standing up. the legs are coming along lil by lil!
WOD: happy with my approach. The bar felt heavy so I committed to breaking things up wisely and then just steady out the gate on the BBJO. Finding the rhythm of my steps and sticking to it is so mentally helpful.
114 reps RX’d (so all bbjo + 6 DL in round of 18)
DL: 3, 6, 5-4, 5-4-3, 5-5-5, 3-3
I’d like to retest this in a few months when I’ve been lifting more consistently and 155# doesn’t feel like 185#
where did you take the class? This is good mobility stuff… I want to learn more.
it was a one-off class @ CF union square. doesn’t happen regularly on their schedule, unfortunately.
Congrats Ro and Pierre!
Back after awhile on the West Coast for work. Worked up to 215 on the complex, which I hit once and failed on the second set of 2. Just didn’t pull under it enough.
Metcon: 113 Rx’d
Super-congrats to Ro and Pierre! Great athletes and great dudes.
Gonna get back into blog accountability (TM) so: 8 a.m. w/Fox and Hot Snakes Radio (thanks Fox).
Tall Cleans: 115-125 || Hip cleans: 135-145 || Mid-hang Cleans: 155-165-175-185. These felt like the right weights at this point in the cycle. Appreciated the extra time as the sets went on.
Metcon: 97 reps, Rx’ed (7 jump-overs into the round of 18). Should’ve pushed the last set of DLs but was so happy to see time on the clock that I broke them up into 3 leisurely sets.
Congrats Pierre and Ro!!
Yesterday 8:30pm with Ro
Back Squat 3×8 @ 195 – felt better than expected.
Metcon with muscle up transitions, 32kg KB and 40s of DU practice. This was a fun skill one.
Today 10am with Jess and Brett
Cleans 115 125 145 165 185×4
My legs just felt really sluggish today, it was hard to get back up, but I was fine getting under the bar. Decided to stop at 185 after a funny fail where I fell with my butt on the ground.
Metcon 75 reps Rx
Meh. BBJO are terrible, and I didn’t feel like going into the dark cave today. The round of 12 really undid me.
Now off to 10 days in Germany!
Group Class today
Tall cleans: 85/105…I’ve never done these before. It was challenging but I can see why they are so beneficial to the form of the clean!
Hip Cleans: 125/135
Mid hang cleans: 155/165/175/175
On the first 175 I totally collapsed my midline but was somehow able to save it. Then the last one felt heavy in my legs but fast under the bar. One day I hope to break the 200 field!
15 + 27 (9 deadlifts into round 18)
This was pretty brutal. I wish I hadn’t taken such big breaks on my burped box jumps. Thats what killed me. But I was happy with my pace. Pierre gave some good tips about breaking it up so I didn’t do any deadlift set bigger than 6 and I think that saved me!
12 min EMOM
1 bar muscle-up each minute
Got some great tips and video questions form Brett which actually help and my last two minutes were my best muscle-ups. Not nearly as much chicken wing as I was doing.
Muscle-up transitions:
Practicing the bottom of the dip and the quick transition over. I feel it in my blood. I’ll be up on those rings soon!
Tall: 68-78
Hip: 83-93
Mid-hang: 103-108-113-118-123*** PR!
Can’t believe I hit 123! I was excited so I dropped the bar and only did it once. Decided two try 128, but let it go at the bottom—def have it though!
133# for deadlifts
91 reps (1 bbj in the round of 18, lol)
Spent a lot of time looking at the bar— this was surprisingly heavier than I expected 🙁 I thought I would do better since I did that partner workout recently at 155#. Oh well!
Cash out was a very relaxing and needed AR! Good times!
5:30pm with Whit and Lauren
Tall Cleans: 93, 103
Hip Cleans: 113, 123
MH Cleans: 133, 148, 158, 168
-all felt so good today! I love this stuff.
113 reps rx’d. (5 dl’s into the round of 18)
-deadlifts unbroken through 9, then 7-5, 6-5-4, 3-2
-bbjo…i’m just not efficient in these but I moved steadily. I think I have a mental block on becoming more efficient because that would mean that I’d have to move faster. Just tried to catch up to Sarah..
oh and congrats Ro and Pierre!!!
Thanks for all the love guys!