Tempo Back Squat (20X1)
3 x 8
Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
Every Minute on the Minute x 21:
1) 3 Strict Ring Muscle-Ups
2) 15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
3) 30 Double-Unders
Scale the Muscle-Ups to 6 Strict Deep Dip Ring Transitions + Dips if you have strength and stability on the rings but lack the transition, or to 10 Burpees if you don’t.
Post work to comments.
Fight Gone Bad 2017: Let’s Do This!
It’s hard to believe that we’re a month away from Fight Gone Bad 2017, but guess what? We’re a month away from FGB 2017! Here’s what your teams should have accomplished so far:
- Pick a captain. And pick a name! Sorry, Fight Gone Bad Team #5 ain’t gonna cut it.
- Your captain should create a Crowdrise page for your team, then invite everyone to join the team.
- Join your team!
- Start fundraising! Check the blog tomorrow for some tips on fundraising.
Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF) is proud to partner with CrossFit South Brooklyn on Fight Gone Bad for the 5th year running. BCF is on a mission to spark lasting social change, mobilizing people, capital, and expertise for a fair and just Brooklyn. Since their founding in 2009, the Foundation and their donors have provided over $20 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits throughout the borough, bolstering vital programs and services while responding to urgent community needs and opportunities to fuel community-led change. Last year, CFSBK raised over $24,000 for BCF, and this year we’re shooting to beat that number!
Once again this year, we’re lucky to have some terrific sponsors, including Lululemon, Dinosaur BBQ, and Park Life. If you’d like to donate additional prizes, please get in touch with our Events Coordinator Danae at Events [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
There are still some spots open if you’d like to compete! Contact Coach Jess at info [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com as soon as possible if you’d like to take part.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Laurie Roth’s Doctors: “Keep Doing What You’re Doing” CrossFit Journal (video)
My Grandmother, the Nazis, and the Shadow of the Olympics The New Yorker
Lap around the block, 10 air squats at each corner
Crossover Symmetry A-T-Y-T x8 @7# (kept this light so it’d feel good)
Weighted lunges, 3×10/side w/30# DBs, superset w/0:30 bar hang to open my shoulders a little more. I had wanted to do deadlifts today but my shoulder was pretty darn sore when I woke up this morning so I figured it was best to baby it.
Then EMOM x16:
Odd minutes: 10 box jumps
Even minutes: 10 hollow rocks
Definitely could have gone a little harder on this, like more reps of each, but it was nice to do something that got my heart rate up that was NOT assault bike.
6am with Arturo and David
Tempo HBBS: 195 x 8 x 3
Starting to get heavy. The last set was challenging, but still moved.
Used 32KG kb, burpees and 40seconds of rope work. The transitions weren’t bad, just the amount of time was the killer for me.
7am w/ DO + Ro
Tempo BSQ: 100×8, 105×8, 115×8. Felt…ok! 8s are just a lot.
WOD with a green KB and ring MU transitions. Happy to report that I did NOT forget how to do double unders during my time off…they were actually on point! Today is the first day I felt almost normal working out. Or at least, better than the last few days. Phew! Eating right + drinking tons of water + sleeping properly helps, obviously.
7am with DO and Ro
BSQ 3×8 @ 125 for the second week in a row. These moved better than last week and I had some in the tank, but was trying not to push since my neck is still quite angry about yesterdays presses. Interested to see how the 8RM goes next week.
WOD with a green KB and burpees. God I hate burpees, this was so many burpees. On the bright side, the green KB is no longer feeling crazy heavy and I did actually string together some DUs – think I got ~10 in a row at one point. A lot to work on with them as still feel barely on the edge of control and I know my shoulders get increasingly tight, but this is progress.
7am with DO+Ro
BSQ: This was the first time hopping in on Wednesdays in this cycle, so started conservatively and worked up.
115×8, 115×8, 125×8, felt great!
Two weeks ago I attempted to do Wednesday’s workout in my apartment gym and I used one of those squat contraptions where the the bar path is set for you (the bar was attached to the entire rack)…it was no bueno. Was the fact that this feeling was so foreign to me (and I couldn’t squat nearly as much) mean my bar path hasn’t been straight enough, or do those machines just suck?
WOD with green KB, double under “attempts” (couldn’t even string 3 together today) and burpees.
Monday’s work:
Tempo press: 52#
Stiff-legged deadlift: 115#
WOD: 20# dumbbell, jumping pull-ups. Finished in 15:31.
Went conservative with the weight since I didn’t know how 40 DB snatches were going to pan out for me, but they moved well! Will go higher next time.
@Jaime – those machines suck.
11am with the wifey
EMOM with 3 strict muscle ups and 32kg kb
The 3rd muscle up started to get tough towards the end. RKBS were the hardest part.
“Assisted” Jess on some muscle ups afterwards…she’s SO CLOSE!
Also had a meltdown on my last set of dubs, tripping up 4-5 times. It’s been a long time since I’ve thrown my rope :/
10 AM with Whitney and Brett and the slacker crew.
3x8x135#. up from 115 at the start of the cycle- very happy with that progress.
Fun Emom- started the swings with the green bell and moved up to red after 5 rounds. Sprinkled in a few dubs even.
Did this yesterday followed by AG- massive progress on butterfly pull-ups THANKS RO! I had a feeling I just needed to hear the right things and between Ro and Pierre, I did, and something clicked.
Had to rest today though because I am sore AF from all that bench pressing and my hands are f*^%ed up from all those pull-ups.
Romanian Deadlift
@4040; 3 x 4-6 reps; rest 1 min
135 x 6, 155 x 6, 165 x 6…. grip!
Close Grip Bench Press
@20X1; 3 x 8-10 reps; rest 1 min
105 x 10 x 3
GHD Sit-Up
3 x 12 reps; rest 1 min
Double Unders
3 x 40 reps; rest 1 min
AMRAP in 10 min
12 KBS, 20kg
10 box jumps, 20″
8 push-ups
7 rounds,10 reps
Just makin’ it happen today…
Shins are barking from my 3ish miles of running on Monday, particularly the right. Something happening there. Did a bit of soft tissue work and mobilizing my feet/ankles with my hands. Simple line drills to get moving.
A. 2 rounds:
8 alt. cossack squat w/ 8kg KB
10 prone scap retract + elbow ext
5 ea thoracic rotation
B1. BSQ @ 20X1
45×6, 95×5, 125×3, 145×2
*was debating the 10# jump this week (125, 135, 145 so far this cycle), but just said what the hell go for it.
*felt like I was able to stay on tension and not slam as I got fatigued. a little shifting to R, but not egregious.
B2. SA DB Bent Over Row
35#x8eax3 @ 21×1
C. about 8 min to work up to a “heavy” power clean
85×5, 105×3, 115x1x3, 125x1x3, 135
blergh. I did not want 135 to be my heavy single today (82%), but it’s just where I am right now. I feel like I have lost so much power and drive in my legs/hips and it feels like molasses coming off the floor. (in contrast, the hip cleans @ 135 felt way sharper.)
D. EMOM x 5
6 power cleans @ 105# (all singles)
-completed each in :20-:27
-focused on midline tension and meeting the bar, noticed I was letting my ribs splay and arching on the way up. duh.
E. For Time:
60 WB shot (14#, 9′)
40 cal row
20 burpees over erg
wb: 20-15-10-5 (1:58)
row: in 2:48 (pulling 840-980 mostly, nothing above 1000)
burpees: was stupidly wearing my lifters so kicked them off before starting — these took just about 1:00
Monday did 4 miles in the morning with hill sprints in the middle. 6 reps of 350m
Tuesday was 3.5miles at lunch. Ran to the track for 200s but it was under construction 🙁
Tempo press was 3 x 8 at 85# again. I was doing this workout at open gym so my jumps have been crazy small, but I can still feel improvement.
Stiff Leg DL was at 145#. CrossWhit saw that my back was folding and helped clean that up.
Wrath of METCON was done in 13:30. Runs were the easy part, and the single arm thrusters were my slowest part. Fun all around.
Today did a slow jog of 4.5 miles before work. Keeping it slow the rest of the week to keep my legs ready for the Staten Island half on Sunday.
BSQs were done at 135#. Still trying not to over work my left knee. I know I have the strength to do more, but don’t want to push that knee too much.
EMOM was exciting. I’ve never done the ring work, and that’s something I want to start to do. Was able to nail a couple rounds of double unders without breaks or misses. But most I missed once or twice. Still pretty cool.
Now I’m rewatching The Office as my cool down.
Back after about 2 weeks off. Oof! Glad that work is calming down a bit and I can spend the rest of fall getting back into the routine.
BSQ – took it easy at 95lbs. I definitely could have gone heavier, but I’m trying to ease into it. Felt pretty good, Mel advised me to keep my stance a little wider, going to try to remember that for next week.
Metcon – wow this really knocked the wind out of me for some reason, which isn’t normally my experience with EMOMs. Something about burpees gets me real dizzy. I think I must be forgetting to breath or something. Not sure to be honest.
Had to take some breaks and scale back volume which kinda bummed me out, but I tried to push forward! Chalking it up to just being out of shape after taking some time off.