WOD 8.5.17
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65 lbs
Kettlebell Swings 24/16 kg
Box Jumps 24/20″
The Barbell and Kettlebell weight should be on the light-medium side for you and unbroken on the fast end, but breaking the larger sets up into 2-3 quick sets is appropriate. Aim to stay steady on the Burpees. The Box Jump is Rx’d as a two-foot takeoff. You may jump down or step down as desired. In our opinion, unless you’re bounding your Box Jumps, stepping down is probably the better way to go. It’s less stress on your joints and will probably allow you to cycle reps faster anyway. If stepping down, alternate your step down leg in some fashion, i.e., every 3 reps or every other rep.
Post time and Rx to comments.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Throughout this weekend’s group classes and Open Gym hours, we’ll be showing the final days of the CrossFit Games on our big screen (without audio) at 597. All the more reason to do some fitness at your favorite gym this weekend!
2. On Monday, we posted a fun Instagram vid of Erica D. getting all gymnasty at OG. If you do a CFSBK-related post, don’t forget to geotag us and use the #CFSBK hashtag. Who knows, you might end up on one of these member mashups we’ve been doing!
3. We need just one more RSVP to run next Saturday’s Kids Club Night. See the event page for details!
4. On Wednesday, we reposted one of last summer’s Guide to Cues, Coach David’s “Knees Out!” Check it out here.
5. Yesterday we “introduced” (you may already know them) some guest coaches you might see at the whiteboard in the coming weeks. Hello Lauren B., Morit S., and Keith Van W.!
6. Celebrate the end of summer—don’t worry, not too soon!—with your CFSBK buds.On Saturday, September 2nd, CFSBK will be hosting a potluck at Prospect Park. Come lounge on the grass, throw some frisbee, toss the ol’ pigskin, and hang out with your gym buds. What better way to spend Labor Day weekend?
7. We have a few schedule changes this weekend. Today’s 10am Yoga for Athletes and 11am Active Recovery classes are cancelled. Sunday’s 2:15pm Free Intro class is also cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How One Woman Went from Counting Blueberries on the Plate, to Counting Plates on the Barbell Girls Gone Strong
Why Newborn Babies Smell So Delicious NY Mag
11am sweat fest at 608 with Jess
38:54min Rx
First round in 7:30min (30min pace), but slowed down significantly after that – couldn’t breathe, super 🔥, still recovering from a small cold. Burpees and box jumps were terrible, but I’m happy with the thrusters – I’m finally at a place where 95lb thrusters aren’t a nightmare anymore.
8am: 23:08 RX–> Technically. I did Russian swings. Guess I missed that it was supposed to be American, even though the board and the blog didn’t give an actual Rx ;P
Very proud I kept my 85% Sustainably Hard Pace! (Yaaa AG!) I know I pushed myself, but kept pace consistent. Amazed by JB (16something!) and Katie E!!! I need to get my metabolic threshold higher so my 85% pace will be faster!…I think?
8/7/6, 7/6/5, 6/5/4, 7/5, 9,6,3
Broke up thrusters and box jumps. KBs and burpees ‘unbroken’.
Then snuck in some stuff I wanted to practice into Short Circuit. Fat bar bicep curls for a little tendonitis, strict dumbbell press, singe leg step ups, ring rows with false grip on a bench, etc.
Also, in response to the blog article, am I the only one who finds newborn babies anything but delicious smelling? #poopybuttsandbabypowder #yuck
Today’s workout: woof.
it was really not a difficult choice this morning between that WOD and Strong Fit. Loved the yoke carries!
That being said…I just crashed for an hour nap and I STILL feel like I’ve been steamrollered. Is that from sled sprints?
I just woke up. What day is it?
Haha…STRONG FIT packs a PUNCH!
I blew the projected time stamps in the coach’s programming calendar on this one…I figured mostly 15:00 on the fast end, and up to 25 on the very slow end…what?
33 and some seconds as Rx’d. Had a good pace through the 15s and then really started to rest way too much.
@Allie – FYI – “KB Swings” (or KBS) are always Rx’d as overhead as the default. When we want to keep the overhead out of it we’ll write them as “Russian KB Swings” (or RKBS). #themoreyouknow 🙂
I did fun and sweaty short circuit class + a crossfit group class that felt like 2x short circuits on crack. Had to sit down for about 30 mins before I could leave.
9am Short Circuit with Chris and Jess
This was a fun partner Metcon. Haven’t done a workout like that. Plank high 5s at the end was my favorite part.
10am Group class with Melo and JB
85# Thrusters, 24KG KB, 24in Box in 35:24
Started taking longer breaks around the 15-12, then it started going downhill fast afterwards.