Mo S.: One of a few “new” faces you might see at the whiteboard over the coming weeks!
Welcoming Guest Coaches to CFSBK
By David Osorio
As you may have heard, Coaches Whitney and Brett are heading out with Jenna J., Kristin H., Katie M., and Sean M. to hike the Tour du Mont Blanc. This is a 9 day, 110 mile hike that circumnavigates Mont Blanc while traveling through Switzerland, Italy, and France. After that Whitney and Brett will be going to San Sebastian, Spain for four days to enjoy the food, the beach, and some surfing after the long trek. Their final stop is a small fishing village in Sweden called Viken where former CFSBK members Mo A. and Kat S. moved a few months ago. They’ll be back to coaching in September!
So we want to give you all a heads up about some guest coaches you may see at CFSBK in August. To help with coverage, we’re bringing in three all-star coaches from outside of our training staff to fill in while they’re gone. Check out the short bios below and look forward to seeing them in upcoming classes!
Morit Summers
Morit has been working out in a gym since she was 14 years old. She graduated from SUNY Cortland with a BS in Exercise Science and Kinesiology and has been a personal trainer since then. It has been about 11 years now, which is hard to believe. Since than, I have been a personal trainer at Equinox and now am off running my own show. She’s very excited to be helping out at CrossFit South Brooklyn!
Lauren Borducci
Lauren has been coaching individuals of wide ranging ages and experience since 2012. She trains private clients around Brooklyn and coaches the parent-baby fitness class, Diapers & Dumbbells, at CFSBK.
Keith Van Wickler
Growing up as an athlete in Oceanside on Long Island, Keith got an early start in coaching helping out with local youth sports and camps. He began focusing on fitness while training for rugby with powerlifting and eventually used a methodology similar to CrossFit before heading to Australia for a season. After a few injuries, Keith began CrossFit officially in 2010 while pursuing his Masters degree in Physical Education and began coaching at CrossFit Buffalo in 2011.
Saturday’s Programming
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65#
KB Swings 24/16kg
Box Jumps 24/20″
The Barbell and Kettlebell weight should be on the light-medium side for you and unbroken on the fast end, but breaking the larger sets up into 2-3 quick sets is appropriate. Aim to stay steady on the Burpees. The Box Jump is Rx’d as a two-foot takeoff. You may jump down or step down as desired. In our opinion, unless you’re bounding your Box Jumps, stepping down is probably the better way to go. It’s less stress on your joints and will probably allow you to cycle reps faster anyway. If stepping down, alternate your step down leg in some fashion, i.e., every 3 reps or every other rep.
Post time and Rx to comments.
MGMT neglected to mention that I will be serving as an uninvited guest coach over the same period. If you have any questions that you feel are best answered by an attractive, debonair, world-wise, and fashion-forward gentleman please feel free to approach me.
(also shedding a tear because no AR tomorrow)
Yeah seriously what’s up with that Saturday metcon and no AR
I need to be super sentimental for a moment. I started CrossFit this week five years ago. 7/31/12 Foundations with Fox and Josh. Since then, CFSBK has been a lifeline for me in so many ways and I am indebted to our whole community for that. It is a significant part of why I love Brooklyn.
I have learned so much from every coach (even from Coach Noah, until he bailed on us). I continue to learn and truly have fun every time I walk through the Degraw garage doors. I have learned skills in areas I did not think possible and see the pathway for much more as we all keep evolving.
David: I can’t thank you enough for your vision, ingenuity, and leadership across so many areas in building this gym. It matters a lot to me that you have invested in developing and retaining such a caring, knowledgeable, and spirited staff. It is no small feat to run a place so professionally and personably (taking poetic license to make that an adverb, Stella.)
Hat’s off to Rob U, too, also in my Foundations class. We were both hooked pretty quickly.
Lastly, even though I haven’t been taking group class for awhile (sigh), I love that we’re doing this guest coaching, and wish Brettney and crew amazing travels this month!
Congrats, Asha! Your dedication is so inspiring! I agree with everything you shared 😛
I’m on a pretty similar timeline, Asha, and couldn’t agree more!
Omg just realizing I’m also on the same timeline… and have similar feelings of gratitude 😍😍😍How time flies….
Love this ❤️❤️
Yay Asha!
(Also LOL at your correct assumption that I’m a grammar pedant)
And know, Stella, that as soon as I pressed send, I saw my errant apostrophe in hats. Eek!
Asha – you’re an indispensable ingredient in the cfsbk strive individually and support one another stew! I have great appreciation for you and admire how you go about expressing your appreciation for others- even Noah!
Saturday’s WOD – woof! 22:28 Rx
Thrusters: 21 – 18 – 10/5 – 9/3 – 9 – 6 – 3
KB: Unbroken.
Burpees and Box Jumps: Lots of sets of 6-8, two deep breaths, then keep moving.
Felt like I could have rested a little less, but the monsoon outside limited all the air inside- just couldn’t breathe.
Recovery tempo squats:
LBBS: 165 x 3 x 2
FSQ: 135 x 4
Pull ups: 3-3-3-3-3
I appreciate the racks for the shoes, but I don’t always use my lifters. I always use my water bottle. Can we get a water bottle rack for the gym? Also I know a guy who sells bales of hay locally.
Did a modified Thursday workout in my hotel’s workout room with dumbbell snatches, thrusters for wall balls, and dumbbell rows. And I realized just how much I don’t miss gyms with mirrors and TV screens everywhere. Really distracting and Counterproductive.
Asha and everyone else who commented, your gushing is very inspirational and even though I’m shy of a year, I couldn’t agree more.
And Brett and Whitney and your crew—WOW! Have so much fun. Be safe and share many pictures with us!
Thursday 6:30pm
Worked up to 125 on the Snatch complex, to which I added an OHS at the end. Wasn’t a great snatch day, was catching forward repeatedly.
Metcon in 14:50min. There’s just no way to do sit-ups faster, I only have one speed there.
Came in for a light squat sesh this morning while my mom was squatting/planking/sled pulling at Fit55 (such a great class!). Make up Wed squatting: 175x4x2 BS 165x4x1 FS (oh boy I sure went heavy on week one, this didn’t feel like reloading).
I’m liking all of anons suggestions right now. Except I’m deathly allergic to hay. We should just do burpees over those cement things at the end of Degraw. They’re basically the same thing and are way more applicable to theme of our city lifestyle. I have to many allergies to ever be a fit farm chick 🙁
@Asha cool post. Go you! Love the Mems.
WooHOO guest coaches!
Blogging on the metronorth upstate. Headed to see guest coach number 3 do a strongman comp tomorrow. I’m hoping to get my hands on some tire flipping action while I’m up there!
Drop in at Brick Grand Central today:
A) back squat: 4×10 @ 135#
Easy. But can really feel that left hip stiffness now that I’m aware of it. Confirmed this is affecting my back when I squat. So happy I’m finally getting to the bottom of the original issue at hand. Initial “injury” was during a heavy clean, so I had a feeling the squat pattern was the problem even though deadlifting tended to be the most irritating position for awhile. Back injuries certainly are a puzzle. Will be focusing on L hip flexibility/mobility for a good while to see if this clears up my lingering issues (which are 0.5/10 at worse) Regardless, stoked to be squatting a little bit.
B) Amanda: 9-7-5
Squat snatches @ 95#
Muscle ups
Completed in 9:26. So 56 seconds slower than my last time. Pretty frustrated with this time. I was on schedule to get sub 7:30. Got back to the rings for the last 5 around 6:50 or so. Caught the first muscle up low and the grind out of the dip was so rough I knew I maxed out my triceps. I couldn’t recover. Failed 4 muscle ups and spent a lot of time kicking rocks waiting until I could get another rep. I wanna redo this very soon, but am going to look into private coaching to clean up technique. Something is off with my transition but I can’t figure it out. Snatches felt great! First time stringing together touch and go and my engine wasn’t gassed, so that was good.
Snatches: 5/4, 4/3, 3/2
Muscle ups: 3/3/2/1, 2/2/1/1/1, 1/fail army/1/1/1
C) 30 min: 1 min on/off, total cals on Erg:
18/35/52/70/87/103/121/138/154/171/188/205/221/239/256 cals total
HR was a slow build about 3-5 bpm every set or two: 123-165bpm. Beat myself up on the ERG a bit over muscle up frustration 😤
But overall awesome training day. People are brick grand central were really nice. And there was a very cute marble French bulldog playing fetch with me inbetween squat sets! Even though dropping in the city is expensive, kind of fun to pop around into different gyms and meet people.
OG tonight!
Clean and Jerk
152 (2)
I feel better with these more stable in the jerk thanks to all the core work! Legs are feeling stronger too. I felt like I exploded out of the 171 each time, which I was happy with. Intimidating to be doing this lift with Phil throwing some serious weight around next to me!
Clean Pulls:
4*3 @205…dang these are hard!
Front squat:
5*5 @ 185
Do these ever get easy. Feeling a tad stronger but in my last set, I almost died and fell backwards
Tried one of my competition Metcons. It’s a partner workout so I did 1:1 work/rest on the weight complex and on the row, paced it the way She and I had discussed
12 min Amrap
1000m row buy in (I did 500, then she will do two sets of 250 to try and get some rest before lifting)
4 thrusters (#105)
6 T-2-B
8 Burpees over the bar
Got four rounds total for me and into my fifth before time was up. Thrusters were a challenge but doable unbroken. Toes to bar felt so awesome. I mean it’s like I’ve finally figured them out! Burpees…never thought I would say it but, not a problem!
Yayyyy to the weekend!!