Power Clean and Jerk Metcon
Every minute on the minute x 15 minutes (5 each):
1) 3 Power Clean and Jerks 155/105
2) 6 Box Jumps 30/24″
3) 9 Wall Balls 20/12, 14/10
The barbell should be on the medium-heavy side for you. The Box Jumps and Wall Balls should be slightly above what you usually use.
Post work and Rx to comments.
Tabata Mash-Up:
8 Rounds Each (8min)
Russian Kettlebell Swings
AbMat Sit-Ups
Post work to comments.
Science has proven that kids love bounce houses, which is why you and your kids (as well as significant others or anyone else you want to bring) should come to the Community Potluck. You can’t argue with science… or kids! | Photo by Kate R.
Join Us for CFSBK’s Community Potluck Next Saturday, January 28th at 7pm
We’re excited to get everyone in house to break bacon and socialize together outside of classes. This event will simultaneously kick off the new year, support the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, and bring folks from all times and corners of the gym together. This event is open to everyone and all are encouraged to come.
Your dish doesn’t have to be paleo, but please use whole foods where possible. We’ll vote on the top 3 dishes, so bring your best recipe! You may, of course, opt to bring a healthy dessert.
- The gym will provide some alcohol, but feel free to bring whatever else you’d like. If you’re not drinking booze and want to bring a drink, seltzer is great, too!
- If your food needs to be kept warm, you’ll need to provide your own crockpot or other method for keeping it at serving temperature. We’ve got surge protectors and extension cords.
- We’ll provide notecards so you can label your dish and list its ingredients.
- When you leave please take everything you brought with you. Do not leave any pots, pans, Tupperware, utensils, etc. They will be discarded that night.
- There will be a raffle for one free personal training session with Captain Osorio himself!
- If you’d like to help out (and haven’t already been contacted) we’ll need some hands on deck putting everything away afterwards. If you stay until the end, we’d greatly appreciate some help cleaning up!
We also need some volunteers to help set up before and clean up afterwards. To help set up, arrive by 6:30 PM! E-mail our Events Coordinator Danae M. at Events [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com to let her know you’re available.
Let us know what you’re bringing by posting in the comments section of the event page.
We can’t wait to see you there!
Viking of the Suburbs: Life at 6’8, 400lbs Great Big Story
5 Reasons Functional Fitness Athletes Can Benefit from “Formal” Weightlifting BarBend
Volume squats have been feeling good, decided it was time to go for a heavy C&J single to see how things felt! It's been over a month!
C&J: 35kgx3, 45, 55, 65, 70, 75, 80×1 (~176#) sooo about 92%! Happy happy. Didn't feel it was a good idea to push it beyond this
Step ups: 65# 3×9
Felt way better than last week, can't really feel a noticeable difference in one leg vs another so that's good
WOD: 3:30
GEEEEZ. This rocked me. I was WOD-nauseous for about 25 minutes after this. Flopped around on the mob-mat for a good bit. Haven't felt that way in a long time. Good one.
6am with McDowell and DO
Enjoyed the EMOM – worked up from 155 to 195 on the C&J. The high WB were different – timing gets really thrown off.
6am with McDowell and guest appearance DO!!
Dream Team this morning feat. Dan's G & L
C&J: 155-165-175-185×2
Nice mixing up the regular wall balls & BJs.
Tabata was the toughest part today
Cash out with some shoulder work across the street con señor Hutsal
EMOM with 113# on the bar, 24" box, and 14" WB to a 10'+ target (started trying to go for 11 to 12 feet after the first round.)
Tabata was 12-13 sit ups per round and 11-12 KB swings (green).
Press after: 45×5, 65×5, 75×5, 80×5, 4, 3, 3.
This is definitely a PR for 5. Didn't give myself enough time between sets, but just wanted to see what would happen if I stayed here for a few sets.
6am w/ McD and DO cameo
EMOM – 155# across
This was fun. Paces @ ~:20 – :28 for each movement. My first wallball toss went way over the height, but didn't hit the wall until the way down. Pretty weird but got it figured out after that. Synchronized my box jumps with Roy.
Tabata – 11 or 12 reps for each round. Happy with the consistency.
My new clients decided to have a 6 AM conference call ? At least my boss is cool and let me take the call at home, do 8 AM class, and come in late.
Did the WOD at 93#, otherwise Rx. I think I should have just gone Rx on this. My 1RM clean is only 120 so I got unduly nervous. Catching the wall balls from 10' left my wrists a little cranky but nothing a bit of stretching and voodoo floss can't fix.
24kg bell for the tabata. Fun!
6am with McDowell and guest appearance DO!!
Worked with James and Dan L
C&J: 155->185
Really liked the more explosive versions of wall balls and box jumps.
7am with McDowell and DO
Worked up from 63# to 83# on C&J, probably could have started heavier, but lats were sooo stiff to start
24" box jumps, nice challenge to make this height given the low reps
14lb/10' target on wall balls, really hard to get it there without jumping, probably made 6/9 on each round
Tabata with 20kg bell
6am with McDO
EMOM work at 155#. Everything moved well but my right wrist is still cranky. Couldn't find my wrist wraps this morning and it turns out I put them in my work bag instead of my gym bag. Rocking them in the office today. Fun to do high wall balls.
Tabata work with 32kg bell. 10-13 reps each round. Was harder than the workout!
Cash out with James at 608. Single arm db press max out – left arm 40# x 17, 13. Right arm 40# x 15, 13. People were coming out of the woodwork to watch us press together.
Got a new tattoo high on the thigh so no cleans for me today. 10am making up yesterday's programming.
Step Ups
105 x8e x3
These really test my will. So hard to keep them legit.
Forgot to do the 4th set until after the WOD and very little will to do a max set at that point.
5 Deadlifts 275
10 Burpees
Not my best on this one by a long shot. Took my time with it. Haven't conventional deadlifted anything heavier than 185 in quite a while so I'm happy with the result, DL unbroken, burpees steady.
Training schedule is a bit thrown off this week, so decided to do an active "rest day" today!
30 minutes, easy-moderate pace:
1:00 assault bike (50-54 rpm)
50' sled push (+45#)
1:00 single unders (played with one foot hops, alternating, fwd/back, etc.)
15-20' handstand walk (just went once unbroken each time)
:30 prone hold on GHD
6 rounds, got a good sweat. Stretched calves and quads (eccentric knee flexion).
EMOM @ #85/20"/#14-8' (Still inside the garage, so 8' is the max)
Tabata Mashup
(KB 1.5) 13, 14, 14, 13, 14, 13, 12, 14=107
Sit-ups 13, 13, 13, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11=97
204 total
Fun workout today – felt like 3 WODs in one though with the warm up, emom, and tabata!
Continuing to get more confident, and coach Brett reminded me to breathe which is a good tip for crossfit and life. Did 62# for the c&j, did step ups on a 20inch box since I'm not a confident jumper yet post-ankle injury this summer, and did 10# ball to 9'. Used 16kg kettle bell and died a little.
Sarah offered great tips for box jumps after class, which was super appreciated (and she was a badass doing hers!)
Paused Bench
125 x 2, 130 x 2, 135 x 2, 140 x 2, 145 x 1F, 135 x 2
Not sure what happened with that top set- think I didn't rest long enough.
Pendlay Rows
115 x 6, 125 x 6, 130 x 6, 135 x 6, 125 x 6
3 x 10 (green band)
4:30 Group Class with Whit
Tabata with 24kg-13-14 swings, 14 sit-ups.
Very sweaty Short Circuit afterwards.
EMOM: 93# C&J. Fast on the box jumps, 24" no problem. Only 9 reps on the wallballs made them fun! I had to jump a little.
Fun timez on the tabata! 26 kg bell, Russian: working to get American on these.
Sidenote: Got great advice from Whit about imagining the line in front of my feet on my clean again. Really cleaned up my cleans. Also got advice from JB about what weight to choose for this workout which makes me want to share two things:
1) It's so great how the coaches know you and your abilities. A sign of excellent coaching and with-it-ness vs. not paying attention to members!
2) Posting on the blog helps! People read it. So, for folks who only read and think no one cares what you're doing in your workout–> people do care and will compare themselves in a positive way! It also might give coaches an idea of where you're at so they can help you! Just a thought. Post if you're considering it!
Warm up involving 10 TNG reps of 7 barbell movements with minimal rest — fun one!
Power Cleans — 100 x 1 x 3, 110 x 1 x 3, 115 x 1 x 3 — these felt better than usual
Front Squats — 135×3, 145×2, 155×1, 160×1 *PR 5#
3 sets for time:
15 burpee box jump 20"
9 CTB pullups
6 RMU bench assisted
3 mins rest
3:20, 2:28, 2:32 — pull ups were the thing that slowed me down
15 mins easy AB — 46-54, 100 cals
Alright Allie and Jen you've both inspired me to post 🙂
CJ – 44lbs, I think I might be able to go a little heavier at this point. I'm still working on getting the coordination down, but it's feeling closer to what it's supposed to be.
Box Jumps – first time jumping at 16! Felt way easier than I thought it would be and I didn't fall on my face!
Wall Balls – 10lbs aiming for 9 marker, I think I should have gone a little heavier probably.
For the kettlebell swings I used the 12kgs, which felt too easy at first and then nearly impossible towards the last round or so. Ha!
Kept everything light today.
C&J: 65#. Bumped it up to 5 reps after the second round.
Box jumps: 24". Fun! Great not to do box jumps after the AB which was in about every other workout when I couldn't use my right arm.
Wall Balls: These were a bit scary bc I'm pretty sure my injury was caused by doing wall balls. Did them with a 12" ball. Focused on catching the ball with both arms even in my reach bc Whit noticed my right arm reach was significantly lower than my left.
Hand and wrist feeling a little tight so didn't do Bulletproof shoulders today.
So happy to be back in group class even though I'm taking it super easy.
First time posting on the blog, instead of just stalking the posts, woohoo!
8:30 PM with Brett
C&J: 53# for the first 4 rounds, 58# for the last one – focusing on form, specifically catching the bar deeper in the clean
Box Jumps: 24" – thanks to Brett for encouraging me when I was hesitant about the height!
Wall Balls – 10# ball for 9" height – gonna go up to the 12# next time, felt a little light
Then for the kettlebell swings, grabbed 12# which I realized was too light but didn't have time to grab a new one – will go up in weight next time