Workout of the Day
Back Squat
95%TM x 1 Reps x 2 Sets
4 sets x 4 Reps
For both tracks, take 4 progressive warm-up sets prior to your first work set.
Int+: This is our third wave of this 5/3/1 cycle. If things have been going well, add 5lbs total from three weeks ago and aim to get 2-5+ reps on your AMRAP.
Nov: This is our final week performing 4x4s. Add 5lbs total from your last 4×4 effort and hit all your reps!
For Time:
Run 800m
30 Wall Ball Shots
Run 400m
20 Wall Ball Shots
Run 200m
10 Wall Ball Shots
If you’re not a strong runner you might look at this workout and say, I”‘ll just cruise on the runs and try to get after those wall ball shots”. Why not flip the script today and focus on your run paces and maybe break up the wall balls more than your normally would. Some of you meat robots will just do this all fast and potentially unbroken so you can just sit down and relax, ok?
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (WK9/12)
A coupla CFSBK OGs, Daniel and Thaisa <3
Short Circuit coming to Saturdays!
Starting on Saturday, May 21st we’ll be offering a 9am Short Cirucuit class in place of the 9am CrossFit class we were offering. 10am CrossFit in 608 will still be on but due to demand we’ve decided to add a 4th SC class. Enjoy!!
Memorial Day Murph is coming!
As always we’ll be hosting a Memorial Day Murph event on the 30th with heats starting at 8am. This event will be free to CFSBK members and we would like to raise funds for K9s for Warriors. Sign up will go live on Zen Planner or via the link below!