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Accessory Work
3 Rounds of 8 Reps of the following complex (NFT)
Double KB/DB Clean
KB/DB Push Press
Walk out to Push-up
Kevin Swings
Winter Strength Series: Part Deux
Tomorrow marks the beginning of part 2 of our winter strength cycle. Over the next two weeks we'll be focusing on the Mid-Hang Power Clean, Front Squat and Press. We're looking forward to seeing people solidify their technique with these movements and continue to put up new PRs in 2009.
Safe Travels David, Margie & Gillian!
For those playing along at home David, Margie & Gillian are all out West soaking up all that sunshine and training with our friends on the Left Coast until next Monday. Fear not, all classes (with the exception of the Saturday Teaser classes) will be running as scheduled. We wish the travelers all the best and look forward to frequent updates of their adventures.
See you all tomorrow!
Your Tight Hips Betray You San Francisco Crossfit