21-15-9 reps for time of
Mid Hang Clean, 135/85
Post time to comments.
Suggested back off
Accessory Work
Max Height Wall Ball Shot, 5 Attempts
SBK on the Farm
As many of you know, there's been talk of a trip to Grazin' Angus Acres in Ghent, New York. Farmer Dan at Grazin' Angus is excited to have the help and has offered us a chance to pitch some tents, work the farm and then send us over to his neighbor Farmer Dante at Milk Thistle Farm. It doesn't get more functional than farming, and just think of all that beef and milk…
Dan is at the NYC markets over the weekend, so ideally we should go up during the week: perhaps a Wednesday – Saturday. If that's not possible, we can make it a weekend only trip, but Dan and Dante will not be around to host us.
If you are interested in this trip, please email Margie(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com about your availability either July 29-August 2, or August 12-16.
Oh, I would LOVE to visit the farm…can’t take time off from work, though.
Great crew this morning. Stephanie is the baddest ass, folks. It was so inspiring to work with her.
21-15-9mid-hang cleans 45#modified-momma burpees
My legs were fried from Monday’s WOD; I can’t imagine how all you deadlifters did that this morning, and with real weight on the cleans to boot. Props to all.
ohhhhhh 7am class.
21-15-9mid hang clean, used 75#burpees
i started off this wod feeling tired. it was early, i had deadlifted just 12 hours ago heavier than i had in a long time and i hadn’t eaten anything (but i usually don’t before a 7am class).
anyway, i was tired after warming up. but…3,2,1, go.
first 21 cleans were awful, broken into sets of i don’t even know. burpees were, well, burpees always suck. set of 15: i did 3 cleans and had an “i can’t feel my legs” moment and bailed on my 4th. david asked if i wanted to do hang power cleans and i agreed….then had this moment of “i’m not modifying the wod. i’m going to suck it up” and finished out my 15 and then set of 9.
i’m happy that i did, even though it took me longer and really, really sucked.
thank you charlotte for pushing me through AND for being a rockstar!
happy 4th to everyone and happy birthday jacinto! good luck this weekend – a storms a brewin….
15:15 @ 65lbs (not a typo). Legs can’t do more, was totally gassed.
Then some PUs… walked home real slow.
stephanie you didn’t take the longest in class.
19:58 as prescribed. This one kicked my ass, and I got a bloody nose on the third clean
Sorry to hear about your back. I know a really good (relatively cheap) massage therapist in Chinatown who did wonders for my friend who had thrown out his back picking up a hundred pound bag of some sort (he’s a farmer).
Actually if anyone else is interested:John is actually really good with shoulders, necks, legs, feet–you name it. One of my friends who play Capoeira told me about him and I try to go at least once a month. Real great guy. He trained to be a doctor in Japan and speaks perfect english (if thats a concern).
He charges $40 an hour $60 for 1.5 and 80 for 2 hours.They take credit card but charge you an extra $s or something.
Its not really a fancy place, but like 4 people I’ve recommended have said its the best no frills massage they’ve ever had!
I wanted to go this weekend but I’m headed out of town.
if youre interested, shoot me an email shawnsadjatumwadee(at)gmail.com
WOD – an awesome arse kicker!!135lbs12:00me thinks i was mixing between power cleans and muscle cleans. didn’t want to push the knee.
nick, thanks for the rowing tips, feels so, so much smoother.
Can’t stop thinking about the cleans in my future. Sitting at my desk, trying to concentrate and part of my brain is thinking about fast elbows, stomping and conjecturing what weight to use. CrossFit is making me CRAZY.
Rob – that video you posted yesterday is great! She does look like part of my family, but sadly isn’t.
P.s. Bethany looks fabulous.
A lil love for Gillian
hm, everyone missed some awesome techno last night.
except dan. he was lucky enough to make it there in time to hear some awesome techno.
well, that was brutal. tried to clean something too heavy (um, for me), and i think the pull and strain activated my barf muscles, because i felt like i was about to hurl during the second half of class. why? because i am a baby! not wanting to pause to mop up my own vomit, i subbed burpees for lunges and finished in about 13:17. almost 10 hours later, i still kinda feel like hammered shit, and i am sooo ready to nap.
Love that pic, Bethany!!
Today at CF OaklandPower Cleans 5×380, 85, 90, 95, 95x2The only thing I have on record is 7×1 of pwr clean, and I apparently failed around 90, so this is a PR.
Finisher:5 rnds of 10 good mornings @65# and 10 k236:50
Then some rowing practice… a “pull ladder” of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 pulls. Rest about a minute between each effort.
Send Bethany’s Beach Squats into the main site and see if it can be featured.
Which reminds me that I keep meaning to say, we should do a South Brooklyn photo field trip and see if we can get featured on the main site. I was thinking handstands in front of Ground Zero, or at Battery Park with the Statue of Liberty in the background would be pretty sweet.
Tired from yesterday. Tweaked my lower back a little. Still learning how to pace myself over the weeks.
Cleans@85 – 17:34
Need rest – psyched to do Storm or is that psycho to try Storm?
Went out to the water taxi beach to listen to some techno last night. Good times!
Morning class workout:21-15-9 Hang Cleans/Burpees12:25 as RX’d
Evening Workout:12 minutes continuous clock alternate double-unders/box jumps (20 inch).Total: 484 (thanks Malcolm for keeping time and count!!)Double Unders: 292Box Jumps: 192DU BX82 3043 3246 3040 3340 3141 36
running on 3.5 hours of sleep.
Today’s workout was one of those workouts that look tough on paper, and then are tough in real life.
I wasn’t feeling 100% today after yesterdays workout.
Went with 85#. 13:19. I was able to string together the burpees and clean the weight in sets of 3-5.
I think I couldve gone up to 100# but form still not good. I definitely figured some things out today as far as clean form goes, but it can still get A LOT better.
Looking forward to tomorrows rest day-except Ill be sitting in a car for 5 hours.
It’s been such a long time since I’ve FSQed– I forget how much they challenge me. I had read the work out as a power clean and was thinking I could shoot for 60ish, but once we started playing with it I remembered the chest collapse bit at the bottom. Argh.
So I stuck at 47 and it killed me. 14:36 and by the end I just couldn’t keep leading with my elbows at all– I was just happy to get up.
I think I need to rework some squat cleans for a while and just get the form dialed in right.
But at the end of it as I was lying in a pool of my own sweat, I was feeling much better about my shit week. So thanks for the cheering up folks. It helped big.
13:28 with 95 lbs. This one was tough on the tall dudes.
1st Foundations class, loved it, great coaching, looking forward to Monday!
God damn Tabata squats – 14
Props to Felipe at 18!Happy 4th to all
Started the Foundations class tonight and really loved every minute. I’m absolutely positive that I’ll be sore as hell tomorrow and even more so on Saturday, but it’s worth it! I feel an addiction coming on…
Tabata squats – 12
Enjoy the holiday!
warm up:DROMS
WOD: mid hang power cleans (65lb) burpees 21-15-9 14:04. almost died on the last 9 burpees.
for some ungodly reason i decided to do the 30-20 row again. 986m 2:15avg 105avg. well at least im working tomorrow so i’ll have a day off before the storm or in my case the drizzle.
Didn’t sleep last night, at all, so after the 7am class (sorry if I seemed a little out of it, guys) I spent the afternoon sleeping, took the day off.
Great Foundations crew!!!
Also great efforts on today’s wod by so many people
We didn’t get to the wall ball shots.. soon though
cleans @65lbs, 12:59. First time doing more than a couple of squat cleans. Too tired to write more now… except that I like cleans, even squat cleans, but power cleans are my favorite.
I need to get better at getting under the bar.
Oh, Nicole is inspiring – that was a lot of weight, but she finished and looked good doing it.
21-15-9 Mid Hang Clean and BurpeesNot 100% sure but think my time was 18:34. 1st set of cleans did first 9 reps @ 115# then lowered to 95# for rest of workout. Should not have started with that weight. Not ready yet. Killed my time. Fun workout. Very motivating atmosphere. Everyone looked great. Can’t wait for next workout.
Foundations Class last night was great — thanks for the awesome coaching! Looking forward to Monday night. Tabata squats number is 10.
cleans at 85lbs, 17:02
this was HEAVY and hard. good lord…during my set of 15 i was going to drop weight to 75.. thanks shane for letting me know my form was good even though i was moving sslllooooowww – otherwise i would have definitely dropped down.
i think i got one set of five in there but mostly did sets of two and three the entire thing. However, my burpees felt great and i managed to bang out sets of eleven burpees in my 21 and fifteen sets…
you know your struggling when the burpees are the good part of the workout. also, tore my already fucked up hands.
thanks laurel!
Massages: I love and highly recommend Opal on 5th Avenue in Park Slope (right around the corner from the Lyceum). Haven’t been in forever, but I saw a woman named Shakti who was amazing, and I’m pretty sure she’s still there.
I think it’s about $90 for 70 mins — not SUPER cheap but not that bad and well worth it
Went to my first Foundations class last night.
Tabata score: 10
It was great meeting everyone! See you Monday!
Hollar at Foundations Class, #1. Nice to meet everybody.
Low tabata squats set – 11.
Late Post – Three days later! That’s what happens when you go on vacation.
12:23 @ 95 on the cleans. Crazy ass kicker this one was. I felt good the first round and then quickly went down hill as did my form on the cleans. Fun, though!
14 tabata squats was my lowest… were we supposed to read something? I can’t figure out what.
Rad class last Thursday. Went karaoke-ing afterward and felt like kicking the telepromter, my legs were so wound up.