WOD 12.17.09
For Time:
Row 1000m
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps, 20"
Post time to comments.
Skill Work
Power Snatch, Pt 1/4
Mid Hang Pull
Mid Hang High Pull
Mid Hang Muscle Snatch
Paulie S Fights for a 315×1 FSQ
Our own Kira Depaola has posted the January-March schedule for The Oak Ridge Kitchen. Check it out!
Meat Eating and Human Evolution Mark's Daily Apple
L1 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
3-4 Rounds NFT of
5 Strict Overhand Pull-Ups
10 Rotational Lunges, Each Leg
20 Partner Push Press Medball Throws, 10 throws each
Dan puts on his "Front Squat Face" for 295×1
The Warrior Dash is coming to the North East this year. We've already got a couple folks signed up. Anyone else interested?
Rest Day
Liese thinks all you yanks are a bunch of lazy bollix for getting any fouls.
Understanding Sets Across
As you all know, we’ve been telling all our level 1 athletes to perform “sets across” during our lifting days. For those of you just jumping on board or who might be a little confused, here’s the 101 on what we’re talking about.
Essentially, “Sets Across” just means that you’ll be doing the same weight for all your work sets on a given lift. For example, if you’re Back Squatting 5×5, you’ll do 3-4 warm-up sets at increasing weights and then perform all 5 reps of all 5 work sets at the same weight. This is in contrast to “Maximal Effort” lifting in which you’d be gaming for a maximal weight at a given rep range. Many of our newer athletes are not ready neurologically or structurally for this type of lifting and need a ramp up period of sets across to avoid injury and set themselves up for larger gains in the future.
At CFSBK, we pick a pool of 2-3 movements and rotate them for a period of 4 weeks. In the upcoming cycle that starts tomorrow, you’ll be seeing Back Squats, Presses and Deadlifts quite regularly. Because you know that you’ll get 4 exposures to each of these lifts over the next couple weeks, you can game out a strategy for 4 successful lifting sessions. Here are two examples of what we’d love to see in your log books at the end of the cycle.
Week 1 75x5x5
Week 2 80x5x5
Week 3 85x5x5
Week 4 87x5x5
Week 1 135x5x5
Week 2 145x5x5
Week 3 155x5x5
Week 4 160x5x5
This hypothetical athlete completed all 4 exposures and was able to increase their weights each time. They never went to failure because they had a plan and were not greedy with weight. The next time these lifts come up, they’ll be able to start at the 3 or 4 week weight and continue to linearly increase their numbers. Again, with sets across, you’ll have to put your lifting into a larger perspective than just what you’re doing that day. You’re building a foundation of strength, one brick at at time.
How do I know what weight to start with?
Simply start with something that feels light. Too light. If you pick a weight that has you struggling to finish your reps the first couple weeks, you’ve gone too heavy. Remember that you’re setting yourself up for a lifetime of weight lifting and there’s no need to rush into big weights. If you’ve had some lifting exposure and want to try Sets Across, take your existing max at that rep range and subtract %~20 off of it for a starting weight.
What if I start missing reps?
Eventually you will start to miss reps, ideally this won’t be for a full 2-3 cycles of the movement in question. When this happens, you need to ask yourself and a Coach the following questions: “Was I too greedy with weight?”, “Is my technique/mobility on this movement sufficiently developed to handle larger loads?” “Am I having an off day? Did I plan my warm-up sets correctly?” Once we dig a little, we can find out what’s going on and help you strategize to keep moving forward. Sometimes you just need to try the same weight again the following week and sometimes you’ll have to drop some weight off the bar and start building back up.
What if I don’t come often enough to hit all of these lifting sessions?
If you can only make it to CFSBK a 1-2 times per week, choose one of the movements (Ideally the squat variant) and focus on it for the next four weeks. You may have to come in a little early or stay late to get your lifts in which is okay with us as long as it doesn’t interfere with the running class before or after your own. This scenario becomes a little more case by case. If you don’t know what to do, consult with one of the coaches and we’ll steer you in the right direction.
Post Thoughts and Questions to Comments.
Front Squat
L1 5×5 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
Compare to (5×1) 7.26.09 and (5×5) 7.9.09
3 Rounds NFT:
8 Goblet Squats (Tempo: 3-2-1)
16 PVC Sit-ups
:30s Side Plank (each Side)
Thank you to Team SBK for all their hard work leading up to and through this weekend's Winter Challenge!
More old-time strength training articles than you can shake a stick at Tight Tan Slacks of Deszo Ban
WOD 12.13.09
5 Rounds of:
Max Double Unders, 1 Minute
Body Weight Dead Hang, 1 Minute
will have :15 seconds to transition between movements. Coming off the
bar constitutes a "foul". Every :10 off the bar
after coming down is an additional foul. Can you break 350 Double Unders and no Fouls?
Post reps, fouls and bar thickness to comments.
Assistance Work
Push-Ups or Ring Push-Ups 3×10
Weight the push-up so that 10 reps are difficult but attainable.
Happy Birthday, Min S.!
In order to clear up some space at the Lyceum, is anyone available this Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon to bring some stuff into the new facility? We would ideally bring in 2 GHDs, the Versa Climber and some crates. Please post to comments if you're available and have access to a truck/van
Change of Training Environment
An often overlooked training variable is the environment in which you workout. Factors like altitude, humidity and temperature can affect how you train and should be accounted for in your planning. As we shift into the colder months make sure to keep these things in mind:
Extended Warm-Ups
When you get to the gym, the first thing you should do is begin increasing your body temperature. Concept 2 rowing is the ideal method but jumping rope or some simple calisthenics work well too. Connective tissue at colder temperatures is more prone to injury so be sure to warm-up on your own even before we start class. Whether we're lifting or doing conditioning, please be sure to extend your warm-up sets and movemnnt prep before WODS. This becomes especially important for older, injured, and novice athletes.
Proper Attire
Dressing in layers will be the best way to retain body heat and stay warm. Consider wearing a light, sweat-wicking base layer under your outer clothing and a beanie. If you think you'll sweat a lot during the workout, you might also want to bring an extra top so that you don't walk home in wet clothing.
Stay in Motion
If you feel yourself getting cold, perhaps waiting for your next set, try to stay moving with some DROMS or even some light rope skipping.
How does your body respond to cold-weather training? What strategies have you employed to stay warm?
CrossFit Antarctica Invisible Fran
L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
Post loads to comments.
compare to 12.7.09
3 Rounds NFT:
20 Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings
:15 Elevated Samson Stretch, each leg
10 Toes to Bars or Knees to Elbows
Have a Fantastic Birthday, Coach Fox
Hoboken athletes, please keep us updated with your progress!
Today and tomorrow's classes are at 8am, 9am and 10am
Rest Day
Jessica B has an introspective moment mid-Deadlift
One last hurrah for team South Brooklyn!
Coach Chris F, Coach Nick P, Joe W, Anne W, Stephanie P, Tamson W, Jess F, Paul S, Sarah H, Charlotte K, Scott L and Dan R with media.
Reminder that our weekend classes this week and next are at 8am, 9am and 10am on both Saturday and Sunday.
The South Brooklyn staff would like to thank all our members for their patience and support while we slowly transition out of our current location. Thank you for bearing with us through all the scheduling, spacial and logistic challenges we've endured. Greener… drier, warmer pastures await us all.
Competing in CrossFit and Strategies to Win Dutch Lowy
“The Dumbbell Bear”
Perform the following complex every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters
load and rounds completed as rx'd (within the minute) to comments. If you fell behind the clock, indicate how far you got and how many rounds you were able to complete in the remaining time.
compare to 10.7.09
is 45% bodyweight for advanced athletes. This version of "The Bear"
was made popular by coach Mike Rutherford. If you are able to complete
all the rounds, first start scaling up until you can do the weight as
rx'd, then begin to add one rep to the circuit. 7 reps of the complex
for 20 rounds as rx'd is the gold standard.
Accessory Work
OH DB Sit-Ups 3×10
DIY Foam Roll
Anne W practices her Jerk Technique for Hoboken
Evening Classes will be meeting downstairs today.
The Jump Ropes have been ordered! Stay tuned for pick-up when they arrive.
Super Baby Reveals Link to Strength Gene Singularity Hub
Myostatin Alteration One Step Closer to Human Trials Singularity Hub
all sets taken from the floor
Prone Y's
3 Rounds NFT of:
5 Broad Jumps
10 Pulls on the Erg
15 Sit-ups
Chincy wants nothing more than for you to learn some anatomy… and maybe a scarf.
Coach Nick gives our athletes competing this weekend a primer on Rowing a 1500m
Beauty in Strength CrossFit Journal
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