We are currently updating our new website. All of the old blog posts and comments will be back on the site soon!
“Fight Gone Bad”
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Add your points and post them to comments.
compare to 9.25.10
Matt Ufford Fight Gone Bad 2010
CrossFit Prom!
Ask that special someone out for a night of dancing, drinks and discoballs at the CrossFit Prom! This event is celebrating the end of the Open Sectionals but is open to everyone regardless of their involvement in the competition season. Please RSVP on the facebook page here!
Location: CrossFit Virtuosity
Date: Saturday, April 30th, 2011
Time: 7pm until late
Suggested Attire: Schmancy. Feel free to be creative, but leave your lulus at home
Phaidra Knight on CrossFit CrossFit Games
Training for IronMan and the CrossFit Games CrossFit Games
What 25g of Protein in Chicken vs. Soy looks like Food Size
Is Gluten Free right For me? Map My Fitness
Can you Genes Trump your Unhealthy Behaviour Big Think
BP Ready to Resume Oil Spilling
WOD 4.24.11
As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of:
15 Power Snatches, 75/55
30 Double Unders
Post rounds and partial rounds to comments.
compare your score to Team SBK score's here!
3 Rounds NFT of:
15 Overhead Squats with a PVC or Empty Barbell
5-10 Push-Ups
10-15 Hollow Rocks
5-10 Pull-Ups
The CFSBK Crew at yesterday's event
(minus Jon S and Noah not in frame!)
Schedule Change Reminder
There is NO 12 PM Group Class Today! 9, 10, 11 AM classes will meet as regularly scheduled!
Epigenetics: How You Can Change Your Genes, Destiny Time
Mother's Diet During Pregnancy Alters Baby's Genes BBC
WOD 4.23.11
Complete 4 rounds:
Each round consists of 6 cycles of the following:
DB Hang Power Clean
DB Front Squat
DB Push Press
DB Lunge Right
DB Lunge Left
*Do not set the weight down during the 6 times through the cycle.
*Rest as needed between rounds.
*Go up in weight each round to perform the heaviest round possible.
Post loads and experience to comments.
*There is NO 12PM Group Class Tomorrow Sunday 4/24*
Good luck to Team CFSBK on WOD 11.5
Several members of CFSBK have already taken a crack at this week's sectional WOD. Those who have not will be competing today at CF Long Island City. We wish you all the best of luck! Have a great time and hit it hard. Go team!
Programming Updates
From this Saturday(4/23) until next Thursday(4/28) we're set for a "Crush Week". The WODS will be hard and follow more "constantly varied" approach. The following Saturday(4/30) through Thursday (5/5) will be a back off week and then we'll head into a new variation (!) of our strength cycle.
CF Games Edition Week 5 Gymnastics WOD
Rest Day
Coach Shane without his signature hoodie and sweats
**Reminder: No group class this Sunday at 12PM**
Underneath the Hoodie: A Coach's Spotlight
By Margie Lempert
We thought it might be fun for you all to find out a little more about the people who subject you to squats, burpees and the name game. You know we love to get people strong and fast, but there's a lot more to us than shouting 3,2,1… Go! Each month, we'll find out about a different SBK coach. I couldn't think of a better person to kick things off with than Mr. Shane Williams.
DOB: 11/19/79
Height: 6'
Weight: 210
Place of Birth: Charlotte, NC
Place of Higher Learning: Dartmouth
Years in New York: 5
Years at SBK: 3
Let's start at the beginning: little Shane had lots of dreams. He wanted to be a writer, a soccer player, a film director, an extreme skier…. but with each dream, at some point he discovered it required hard work to achieve, so he thought "Screw that" and moved onto something else.
Before CrossFit, Shane was into muay thai and kickboxing. In fact, when I met him back in February of 2009, he had been cutting weight for his first fight, which kept getting pushed back. Poor Shane was so hungry! And then the damn thing never happened. But it was ok, because he became very quickly ensconced in our little world. We were downstairs at the Lyceum back in those days. And Shane wore glasses.
Shane's official intro to CF was at The Black Box. He had heard of some place in Brooklyn, but since it was called CrossFit South Brooklyn, he assumed it was way the hell out in Coney Island. After about 6 months of lurking around on CFSBK's blog, he finally decided to come by. Damned if it wasn't a 20 minute walk! I kinda recognized him from the Black Box when he walked in (I, too, had spent time there), and was happy to see his cute self (who didn't have a crush on Shane at some point??). Shane totally dug the vibe, though was a little weirded out by the other new guy. We were doing an approximation of "Eva" that day, and Shane was under the impression that this older gentlemen was some homeless dude who wandered in only to get his ass kicked so bad that he never came back. Shane thought we'd killed him. Well, eventually Jack returned and now we can't get rid of him.
But back to pre-CrossFit Shane. His other life love has been film. Westerns and 70's kung fu are his preferred genres, with Once Upon a Time in the West and Enter the 36th Chamber as two of his top pics. For several years, Shane was location scout on the show Rescue Me, interspersed with production work on several big films. Apparently, George Clooney is super cool and can pick locks with credit cards. But the film gig wasn't really doing it for him, so as he got more and more into CFSBK, he dropped Rescue Me and focused on becoming the trainer extraordinaire we all know.
Shane has really evidenced himself as a student of the body; he programs educational workshops for our training staff and loves to geek out on anatomy. Hips are his fav. They are huge strength and stabilizing centers, but can also place major limitations on the rest of the body if they get tweaked.
Parting shots
Claim to fame: Shane's Dad, a well known Reverend in Baltimore, plays himself in the 4th season of The Wire. As a result, Shane got to party with the best character ever written. Omar.
Favorite way to eat eggs: over easy, nice and runny, fried in bacon fat (despite childhood associations with gooey yolks and The Fly).
Team CFSBK Competes in WOD 11.5 This Weekend!
Only two WODs left in this year's open sectionals. The final two events will be held at CrossFit Long Island City. Good luck to the CFSBK crew on these last two WODs!
Next Saturday CrossFit Virtuosity is hosting a party to commemorate everyone's hard work!
Location: CrossFit Virtuosity
Date: Saturday, April 30th, 2011
Time: 7pm until late.
Suggested attire: Fancy Shmancy!
The Whole 9 Crew wants you to "Kill Your TV" Whole 9
Speal vs. Khalipa: An Early Test of 11.6 Crossfit Games
Pull-up shoulder Conking Fix and Better Folding for Toes to Bars/Good Mornings Mobility WOD
Is Sitting a Lethal Activity? NY Times
(E 8/8) Find a heavy single
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 3.23.11
For time:
1000m row
20 box jumps 24/20
10 shoulder to overhead 165/110
20 box jumps 24/20
10 shoulder to overhead
Post Rx and times to comments.
Coaches Margie & Fox with Mark Rippetoe at this past weekend's Starting Strength Seminar
Happy Birthday Jessica B. and a happy belated Birthday to Jason S!
We're Leaving on a PR Train to Georgia! Whoo Whoo!
Yesterday was the final exposure of the Squat for the cycle. Exposure 8 was chock-ful of PRs. Here's a few!
David "D-Turntable" T. 225 PR
Thibeault 170 PR
Katie M. 270 PR
Michael F. 275 PR
Eric L. 325 PR
Maggie G. 125 PR
Carlos G. 250 PR
Aaron S. 205 PR
Mike W. 225 PR
Jeff B. 295 PR
Pam O. 95 PR
Jon S. 195 PR
Chris A. 300 PR
Ariel 165 PR
Chris 2A. 270 PR
Billy K. 230 PR
Laurel M. 210 PR
Jenna J. 127 PR
Nick P. 280 PR
Arlene K. 70 PR
Antione W. 325 PR
Bardian 145 PR
Shawn S. 246 PR
Rob N. 285 PR
Erica S. 85 PR
Nick A. 135 PR
JZ 230 PR
David Br. 250 PR
Melissa L. 225 PR
Dan H1 180 PR
Felipe 290 PR
Robin R. 200 PR
Jess B. 175 PR
Rob I. 285×10 PR
Damn son!!! Nice job everyone!
Why Grass-fed Beef is Worse for the Environment Fox News
For Exercise Afterburn Intensity May Be the Key NY Times
Creep the Crap out of Yourself Chicks with Steve Buscemi Eyes
Back Squat
Find a heavy single
Post loads to comments
(e7/8) compare to 4.13.11 and 3.23.11
Superset the Following two movements:
3×10 Good Mornings (add 5-10lbs to last exposure)
3×10 Strict Knees to Elbows
Post loads and experience to comments.
Heavy: A Response
By Margie Lempert
“How did your squats go?” I ask.
“Heavy. More weight than last time. But heavy,” you say with a mixture of disappointment, exhaustion, and maybe even a hint of disbelief.
As if you wish, you think, you expect that your increase in weight will feel lighter by virtue of the fact that you got a little stronger. And that’s your goal: to be strong enough that heavy weight feels light.
Well, I think you’ve got your goal backwards.
Weight should be heavy. You should be required to push. Getting strong is hard work, as Mark Rippetoe often says. It is a commitment; not something you suddenly arrive at, but rather a slow, deliberate journey that becomes more challenging over time.
Stress adaptation – a fundamental principle of physiology. When you tax your body it rises to the challenge by growing stronger. Your bones get denser, your muscle fibers increase their contractile potential, and your ability to recruit those muscle fibers becomes more efficient. Increase weight, increase capacity; increase capacity, increase weight. It is a harmonious vertical see-saw.
Once you gain enough technical proficiency to use loads that stimulate growth, you are at the glorious beginning of not just building tolerance for, but ushering in struggle. Struggle signifies progress. “Feeling good under the bar” means you gave it a fight, and are rewarded with the tired satisfaction of getting your reps done. It does not mean an effortless set of 5 where you barely breathed hard and didn’t ever once ask: “Is this rep gonna happen?”
Sure today’s weight will feel light one day: when it’s your warm up on the way to lifting something heavier. Relish heavy weight, it never gets easier. And you shouldn’t want it to.
The Penultimate CF Games Sectional WOD is Now Up!
AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
5 Power cleans (145lbs / 65kg)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20lbs to 10′ target/14lbs to 9′ target)
Check out the description and demo!
Good luck to team SBK who’ll be throwing down on WOD 11.5 this weekend at CrossFit LIC!
Update on the Open: Week 4 CrossFit Games
The Legume Manifesto Whole 9
What is the Single Best Exercise? NY Times
Rest Day
Whitney H. tears it up in Costa Rica
The PR Train is Rollin!
The PR cup runneth over after today's cleans here's a thorough albeit incomplete list of today's PRs:
David "D-Turn" T. 135#
Stella Z. 87#
Kiki P. 147#
Cherylyn A. 115#
Chris A. 220#
Jess F. 135#
Asta F. 91#
Brian G. 160#
Laurel M. 163#
Malcolm S. 205#
Matt U. 160#
Nick P. 185#
Allison 83#
Paul R. 240#
Erica N. 67#
Rob J. 200#
Abigail 125#
Jess B. 125#
Mel 67# PR
Josh M. 265#
Great work everyone!!!
Shane & Whitney featured in Surf Simply's weekly video Surf Simply
Why Heirloom Seeds and Veggies Matter Robb Wolf
Gary Taubes Shares his Cholesterol Screen Numbers Gary Taubes
Find a new 1RM!
Post loads to comments.
(e4/4) compare to 4.11.11 and 12.6.10
Start a 10 minute clock and run 800m. In the remaining amount of time after the run, see if you can complete "Annie".
Run 800m
50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Double Unders
Post amount of "Annie" completed to comments.
compare Annie to 7.10.10
Thanks to CF Endurance and everyone who participated in yesterday's Running Seminar!
Welcome back from Costa Rica, Coach Shane and Whitney H!
CrossFit Prom!
The Open's coming to a close, and that means it's time for a PARTY! So grab yourself a killer outfit, a hot date*, and come out for some drinks, dancing, and debauchery in Williamsburg!
Suggested Attire: Schmancy. Feel free to be creative, but leave your lulus at home!
*A date is absolutely not required, but we can't resist the thought of everyone reliving all kinds of hilarious high school prom-date-finding awkwardness. So we encourage you to get out there and ask someone!
Location: CrossFit Virtuosity
Date: Saturday, April 30th, 2011
Time: 7pm until late.
Slaying the Exertional Headache Beast Mobility WOD
Becca Voigt Reebok
World's Oldest Man (114) Dies in Montana Reuters
Why Quantum Physics will end the Free Will debate Big Think
Paleo Diet, CrossFit halts progress of MS Star News
Skull Moulded Kettlebells!!! Iron Skull Fitness
WOD 4.17.11
7 rounds for reps of:
:40 Max reps Deadlift, 75% 1RM
:20 Rest
:40 Max reps Burpees
:20 Rest
Post total reps to comments.
last Deadlift 1RM test: 1.25.1
Charmel's Burpees at yesterday's Sectional event!
There is no 12pm Group Class today. All other classes are on as regularly scheduled.
A message from NYC Endurance to everyone attending today:
Thank you for signing up for the NYE Endurance Running Seminar! Please be arrive by 12:15p, so we can sort out the administrative matters as quickly as possible. The seminar will consist of lecture, drills and running. Please wear a pair of shorts as it is easier to conduct the video analysis with the runner wearing shorts as compared to pants. This does not mean you can not wear pants the rest of the seminar, absolutely the opposite, please wear what ever makes you comfortable. As of now the bad weather is supposed to pass by sunday afternoon, but prepare for the worst (bring wet weather gear), we will still run outside if it is raining. We will not be running more that 2 miles the entire day.
Starting Strength
Coaches Fox and Margie are at Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Certification this weekend along with Rob I, Michele K, Alec H, Deb P and Jim R. The event is being hosted in Red Hook at Paulie's South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club. Good luck to all the attendees on a no doubt Dense weekend of education.
Mark Bell talks about the The CrossFit Open and CrossFit Powerlifting Cert CrossFit Games
The Good Stuff CrossFit Lisbeth
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