50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions/KB SLDL
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Scaled version will be "The Dirty 30" (30 Reps of each movement)
Post time and Rx comments.
Compare to 4.29.10
Chincy wishes you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We want to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Go forth and eat, drink and be merry with your family and friends. To all those traveling out of town, safe travels!
**In honor of the holiday, we are only hosting a 9am group class today. There are no AM and no PM classes**
Friday, there will only be 12pm Group Class and Open Gym.
What's do you have to be thankful for this year (Both in the gym and outside of it)?
Laurie Galassi does the Filthy 50 Crossfit.com
Filthy 50 WOD Demo Crossfit.com
A crossfit Thanksgiving tale:
Last night, I was sad that my hip hurts whenever I lift my leg or, you know, squat. “Oh no!” I thought. “I should probably not go to the gym in the morning and just let it rest!” I went to bed sad. This morning, I woke up and checked the blog. I saw this wod, and now I am thankful, instead! A crossfit Thanksgiving lesson. [cue music and fade to black]
Two flus decided to pay me a visit this week. So sorry I missed Tuesday & the Filthy 50/30. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Great turnout by a crazy bunch of TurkeyFitters today!
Filthy 5027:21 Rx’dBurpees were just…awful.
I’m thankful for lots of stuff. Beautiful wife, healthy kids, family near and far, great job where I get to work in a field I love and with a cool variety of folks. In general, I’m a pretty lucky guy. Happy Thanksgiving to you all, I hope you get to spend it with people you care about and who care about you. My day has certainly started off that way.
Filthy 5029:41 Rx’d my wall ball and k2e were not perfect to say the least.
Really happy to start my thanksgiving this way.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
My 1st Filthy 50.
34:52 rx’d-ish?-everything as rx’d except subbed 20 inch box and 20# wallball, 8ft target.-started out really strong with the box jumps with first 36 unbroken. Jumping pullups were so easy during the warmup, but ended up being in sets of 5 during the wod. Kb swings went 25, 15, 10. K2E were crap and in sets of 2 mostly. Push press was ok, back extensions well, taxed my back. Wall ball blew! That 20# ball is no joke. Burpees were slow and I was so happy when these were done. The du’s were only hard because I was so tired.-Really great, positive energy in the gym this morning! Everyone worked hard and definitely earned a day of gluttony. Yes, I said day. 😉
Hope everyone has a fantastic thanksgiving! I’m thankful for so many things and my sbk family is definitely one of them.
I am not thankful I missed the Filthy Fifty! This was my first workout out of foundations over a year and a half ago and I have been just waiting for this one to come back up. Anyone for a make up next week?
I have so much to be thankful for, I can’t possibly list it all here. I am blessed with family, friends, community and so much more. I realize this and try to spend a portion of each day thanking the universe.
Thankful for all you guys and gals at CFSBK, for my healthy body and generally happy mind, for my lovely family and friends and for what’s to come in life!
Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels!
Also thankful for the internet and for animals that teach you to never give up.
Knowing myself and the amount of wine and off the reservation food I will consume at my Mom’s house today, I figured that I should move around a bit this morning.
Did an un-anchored Annie. Thought I would take it easy and go for about 11 minutes.Half way through I started to hear David’s voice “Let’s go Brian”; Fox “back on those sit ups Brian”; Laurel “Three Two One, back on it!”Ended up 9 minutes flat.
I am thankful for motivation even when it is 3000 miles away!
Bring on the Turkey and Chateauneuf du Pape!!
visited crossfit warwick last night and did a close replica of a WOD from the sectionals
30 OHS 65#30 C2B pull ups30 Power Snatch 65#30 Squats30 SDHP 65#30 KB Swings, 1 Pood
16:20not all C2B pull ups, everything else RXd
This was hard – the pull ups were harder than i expected and i felt drained by the time i got to the snatches.
this morning ran a 5 mile “turkey trot” with a friend and i’m completely spent and ready to devour food!!!
happy thanksgiving – i’m definitely thankful for you all!
I was lying in bed this morning reading the blog, thinking your typical gratitude thoughts. Family, friends, fish oil, etc.
I reached for my favorite jeans and noticed a new rip in the rump.
Eureka, I thought. The perfect symbol of what’s changed for the better this year.
I am grateful for squatter’s ass.
Just finished a 629 mile drive to Cincinnati, OH. Shithouse weather all the way, but glad to stumble into a house full of warmth affection, and good food!
Bummed to have missed the Filthy 50 – I always seem to miss it.
@DMak: I will make it up with you whenever you want. Pick a day and time. How about Thursday, Dec 2nd?
Thankful for good health, family, and friends. Sometimes when life’s stresses build up a bit, it’s easy to curse one’s lot in life, but it doesn’t take me too long to realize just how damn lucky I am, in too many ways to list here. And all of you play a role in that. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
Cheers Samir, see you Thursday!Happiest of happies everyone.
I’m thankful to walk into a place I love everyday with coworkers that I respect and care about, a diverse community of wonderful people who I get to see kick ass day in day out. Thankful to go home and have a partner in crime who I love very much and a family that has always supported and encouraged me.
im also thankful for naps and Bierkraft.
I’m thankful to have such an amazing job that is more fun and more rewarding than it has any right to be.
I’m thankful to have my health and fitness. A year ago at this time I had so much knee pain that I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to continue coaching. (I’m therefore also thankful for Alec and Deb for sorting me out).
I’m thankful for my family for giving me all that I have.
And I’m thankful to have more things to be thankful about than I have time to sit down and type out.
Happy thanksgiving everyone!