Congratulations to the following athletes on their Grace PR’s
Kristen H: 4:56 (65lbs)
Melissa L: 2:44
Joe O: 3:23
DH3: 2:59
Matt H: 4:04 (and a 6:45.p 2K)
JZ1: 4:51 (45lbs)
Sarah LR: 2:46
Did you PR your Grace? A PR can be a lower time, a higher weight or just let us know if your Grace was somehow “better” than last time. If we didn’t get you in the list above, it’s only because you didn’t write it on the accomplishment’s board! Get writin!
Weightlifters are wanted to be part of filming for a new 2-hour special!
History Channel is looking to cast 20 fun, open-minded, healthy, experienced weightlifters to participate in a once-in a-lifetime event with world-renowned hypnotist Brad Henderson!
We’re also casting a crowd to watch and cheer along! (No hypnotizing involved.)
Apply only with full intent to participate. All weightlifters will be asked to sign an Appearance Release in the event they are chosen to participate in the televised special. There’s no payment but we will provide food and refreshments.
If you’re interested in taking part, you’ll need to email Weightlifters(at) with a photograph, some information about yourself and your contact details and one of the producers will be in touch with you. You can also call 646-688-7913.
Where: Crossfit South Brooklyn
When: 4-8pm Sunday, April 22nd
** Finishing time is a rough approximation – it may run later.
Part 1 of a 3-part video series from our very own Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon: Paleo For Everyone Precision Nutrition
Is Sugar Toxic? 60 Minutes
Meet Katrin Tanja Davidsdottir CrossFit Games
The Ultimate Guide To CrossFit Lingo Greatist