Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Today is your first exposure for the next 6 weeks of Push Pressing. Leave some room to grow, bar speed should remain quick today.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 5 rep set on the Push Press
Next week we’ll be going for heavy triples.
Post loads to comments.
PP e1/6
5 Rounds For Time Of:
8 DB Hang Clean Thrusters
16 Abmat Sit-Ups
5 Rounds For Time Of:
8 DB Hang Clean Thrusters @45% BW
8 Toes To Bars
Post Rx and time to comments.
Commitment to Training: The Myers’/McDowell Garage Gym
Why am I So Hungry?
By Chris Fox
You’ve been doing great with food choices during this first week of The Challenge, but some days find yourself wracked with hunger.WTF? Recognize that by removing grains, legumes, dairy, and refined sugar, you’ve removed potent calorie sources as well. Be sure to make up for those calories by eating enough protein and fat. You cannot expect be satisfied with an egg or two and a few veggies for breakfast if you expect that breakfast to last you any more than a few hours. You need to be eating enough. Don’t throw hunger pangs on top of cravings for foods that you’ve removed from your diet. If you’re starving you’re much more likely to satisfy said cravings. Try combining 2 or more animal protein sources in meals and be sure that you have enough calories coming in. A good drizzle of olive oil or a small handful of nuts added to a meal can make all the difference. Each of your meals should be centered around a generous serving of animal protein and garnished with veggies/fruit/nuts. A plate full of cauliflower and a boiled egg will not provide the energy you need to be a sane, functioning human being. Paleo choices give you the permission to EAT!
Speaking of Hungry… Remember to RSVP for the Paleo Potluck on the 19th! We want to make sure that we get enough table space and cutlery for everyone. Send your RSVP and dish choice to to the comments section of the event page.