Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 3 x 12
Add about 5% to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts 275/185
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
Jason M. ziplining in Costa Rica!
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE UPDATE: Pilates with KH is CANCELED on Tuesday, 4/14, and rescheduled for TODAY at 9am.
- Last fall, Samir C. penned an article for The Allrounder called “Confessions of a Mets and Yankees Fan.” With baseball season upon us, we wanted to share it with you once more!
- Per usual, dozens of new items have been collected in our Lost and Found! Check out shoes and gear here, and copious abandoned clothing here. DOES ANYTHING BELONG TO YOU?! If so, pick it up by 4/23 or we’re giving it away.
- SAVE THE DATE: Our annual Memorial Day “Murph” event is closer than you think! Details here, and registration info coming soon.
Two Updates From Threes Brewing
In case you somehow missed the memo, we’re totally crushing on our neighbors over at Threes Brewing—a brewery, bar, and event space—on 333 Douglass Street. They graciously hosted us after Fight Gone Bad 2014, Iron Maidens, and the OUTWOD. They recently wrote to tell you two cool things:
- Their goal is to turn their backyard into an amazing green space and a symbol for responsible manufacturing. There’s a significant investment required to fully realize the vision and they’re enlisting friends and neighbors to help with a crowdsourced campaign on Kickstarter. Check it out here!
- They also plan on unveiling the (unfinished) yard to the public on May 3rd with a Crawfish Boil from 1-7pm, and they’d love for you to join!
The Moral Bucket List The New York Times
Hip Flexor “Tightness” The Movement Fix
How did you enjoy the sunshine this weekend?