Snatch: 1-1-1
80% x 1 x 2
Warm up to 3 attempts at a max snatch for the day then back off for 2 singles at 80%. Your opener should be a certain make. Plan your warm ups appropriately so you’re not doing a bazillion reps before your opening attempt. A rough example is below:
Opening attempt = 165#
Barbell drills at 45#
50% x 1 (80#)
60%x1 (100#)
70#x1 (120)
80#x1 (135)
90%x1 (150)
170×1 (NEW PR!)
135x1x2 (80% Back Off Reps)
Exposure 6/8
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Row 400m
30 Push Presses 115/75
40 Kettlebell Swings 72/53
30 Ring Dips
Row 400m
The Push Press should be a light weight done in 2-4 sets. Same with the ring dips. Scale for Ring Dips is Ring Push-Ups, Matador Dips (as available), or Push-Ups.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach McDowell and Brett putting in the work
- Richard G.‘s family is looking for a babysitter to help one or two afternoons a week. The work involves picking their two girls (ages 9 and 11) from school at two different locations and shuttling them to various activities and playdates. Typically it will be either Tuesday and/or Wednesday afternoons. Hours will be 3 to 7 with an occasional weekend or weeknight gig is possible as well. If you’re interested, contact Richard at rgreenspan[at]
- Check out Active Recovery at 7:30pm tonight!
Coach Jess set up the teams last night and you should have received an email to you and your team. If you didn’t get an email, contact Jess ASAP at Info [at] Also, there are still about 8 spots available, so THIS IS (OFFICIALLY) YOUR LAST CHANCE. REGISTER HERE
Don’t Miss Your Chance to Register For Strength Cycle!
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
Upcoming Cycle Times and Dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Wednesday Oct 7th – Friday Dec 4th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | THIS OPTION IS FULL
C cycle: Morning beginners, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Wednesday Oct 7th – Wednesday Dec 2nd
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Wednesday Oct 7th – Wednesday Dec 2th
E cycle: Late mornining, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Thursday Oct 8th – Thursday Dec 3rd
F cycle: Noon with Margie, 12pm Mon/Thurs | Thursday Oct 8th – Thursday Dec 3rd
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, December 6th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
How To Use Negativity to Reach Your Goals Eat to Perform
The Clergy Use CrossFit to Get In Shape The Blaze
5K Walk/Run for CHiPS
6am with Jess and JB
This was one of those days in the gym when the stars seemed aligned.
My heavy singles on the snatch were feeling crisp and I was dropping underneath fast. Tied my 1RM at 165# and it felt great. So I opted out of the 80% work and tried for a new 1RM at 170#. Failed the first one trying to stand it up and then after some great cues from Ro on the sidelines I nailed it on the second try. So pumped about this.
WOD Rx'd in 11:46.
Push Press and KB Swings regressed into sets of 5 and Ring Dips regressed to quick doubles.
First row was around 1:53 pace and the second averaged about 1:46.
Good day.
6am with Lady Fox and JB
Snatch – Started out a bit sketchy but after some helpful cues from Jess things aligned and PR'd at 135# for my last single. Pretty happy since I just couldn't will myself under the bar at 135# last cycle. Feel like I made real solid progress with my snatch this cycle.
WOD 12:30 with 95# push press and 20 rings dips
Push press was 10-10-5-5 and KB swings were done in 10s. Ring dips started out in 5s then quickly disappeared and this is where I spent most of my time. Started failing around 16 so decided to scale it to 20.
First row was 1:45 split, second row I went all out at 1:35 to try to make up some time.
That row winded me for a solid 20 minutes. Fox was heckling me on the mat afterwards and by the time I processed what he was saying and came up with a witty comeback it was about 10 minutes later :-/
I've gotten out of the habit of posting on the blog lately. I've been easing my way back into things and focusing on Oly lifting. Got in a little lifting after coaching this morning:
3-position clean
83, 103, 113, 113, 118, 118–my cleans have been feeling a bit lopsided lately. Going to video tape next time to see if I can see what's going on.
2 Power Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
83, 98, 103, 103, 108, 113–jerks did not feel good this morning. I skipped any sort of thoracic mobility (which I've been pretty diligent about lately), and could definitely feel the difference.
Front Squat
143x5x3. Man, building my strength back up in squats is terribly difficult.
Yeah, Matty!
Steve – I wasn't so much heckling as sharing. I know full well what it's like to get beat on "most" WODs by one's wife :/
10am class
205m – solid miss
205m – felt even closer. Sat under but was apparently lopsided. Soon.
WOD Rx'd
Row 1:45 pace
12-10-8 push press
8-8-8-8-8 KB. The worst.
5-5-5-5-5-3-2 ring dips
~ 1:40 pace
Felt pretty fucked up for a few minutes there
GHD sounds like a life-threatening disease BECAUSE IT IS.
24 hours post workout, I sneezed and almost disemboweled myself.
Also, great Lisbeth article posted today. Thanks!
Pause Squat (5@7,8,9RPE, 5@ BO)
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 5, 185 x 5 (7), 195 x 5, (8), 200 x 5 (9), 185 x 5
Bench Press (7@7,8,9RPE, 7@BO)
45 x 7, 65 x 7, 75 x 7, 85 x 7, 95 x 7 (7), 105 x 7 (8), 110 x 7 (9), 105 x 7
Press (7@7,8,9RPE, 7@BO)
45x 7, 55 x 7, 60 x 7 (7), 65 x 7 (8), 70 x 7(9.5) 65 x 7
Joined in with noon class for the WOD- thanks DO.
For Time:
Row 400m
30 Push Presses 75
40 Kettlebell Swings 53
30 Ring Dips
Row 400m
Rxed everything except the dips- subbed 15 x matador dips. Finished in 9:05. Took it really easy on that first row as I knew my strengths were going to be the following two movements and I didn't want to make them harder. Push presses were 12, 8, 5, 5. KB swings unbroken. Dips were rough- I did them in 5, 5, 3, 2. Failed one so close to the top, which was so annoying because I almost had it!!!
This was fun and I believe I scaled and paced appropriately.
6am with Jessica^2
Snatch: 83, 88, 93F, then 73×2
93 would've been a PR, and I got under it, but Jess noted that it got too far forward and I couldn't hold on. Need to work on keeping the bar closer to my body.
WOD in 10 or 11 something. I completely forgot to look at the clock once I finished.
Right shoulder wasn't super happy, so I scaled the push press to 63, KB swing to 20kg Russian and push-ups from the knee. Rows were around a 1:40-1:45 pace. It was fun to do a chipper-style WOD today.
Ran to 4:30 class. Too much rushing and not getting enough sleep. I missed yesterday's workout so I was happy to make it in today but I was dragging.
35kg x1 x3
40 x1 x2
43 x1
45 f
44 x1
45 x1
40 x1 x2 (80%)
Work out in 12min
400m row
30 push presses @30kg
40 Am KB swings @20kg
25 ring dips w red band
400m row
Mad dash to pick up the girls
6:30 class with Whit and Noah
Great day at the gym for me, I can always tell when it's going to be a good day I take the barbell out and it feels lighter than normal, and today it did.
Snatch work
215×2 snatch width deadlifts. I started doing the deadlifts prior to 1 RM attempts to mentally surpass the attempt which has worked really well for me the past few attempts.
205×1 (2.5# PR!!!)
This snatch felt awesome! Went up easy, landed well mid foot, settled for a second at the bottom (to bask in my PR glory!) and stood it up. Then did a little PR dance to finish it off
80%@ 165x1x2 after
WOD RX'ed bar and orange bell. I wanted to work on American swings more.
First row did in about 1:45
PPs 12/10/8 helps me mentally to know I have to do less reps each time
KB swings sets of 10
Dips 8/6/6/5/5
Row in 1:30ish
I probably could have used the red KB But there's always next time!
Snatches: 53, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88 (PR match), 93×2 (F). Snatches felt EASY today, but still working on some form issues. I was so close to getting 93. Dropped down and caught the bar, but it was too far in front of me. I didn't even drop on the second attempt.
WOD in 13:13
Rows: 1:42, 1:41
Push press @73#: 10-8-6-6
53KG Russian swings: 15-10-9-6
Dips on the matador: 15 slow singles. Some kipping attempted.
Snatch: 42, 52, 57, 62, 67f, 67f, 67f, 67f… so close!!! Gotta be aggressive.
Push Press 52#: 10-10-10
20KG bell (white): 30-10…Russian.
Banded Ring Dips: 3 with yellow band, switched to red. Did 5, then sets of 3. Got to 20 and felt like I could keep going: 2's then eventually singles. Definitely had reps not low enough if someone had been no repping me.
Don't remember my final time (in the 12:00s?), but shoutout to Brian M. who started the row after me and motivated me to keep pushing so he wouldn't catch up to me. Yeah, he's on my FGB team. We're taking training seriously…. Better watch out!
Cashout: AR class which was so necessary