Open Workout 13.1
AMRAP 17 minutes:
40 Burpees
30 Snatches, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatches, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatches, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatches, 210 / 120 lbs
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes. This was originally run with the burpees being performed to a target 6″ above the athlete’s max standing reach. We’re not going to use targets today so be sure to fully open at the top of your burpees and reach your arms overhead. The snatches can be performed anyway–power or split are acceptable.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Compare to 3.8.13.
Some of our amazing dudes took this amazing photo at the CrossFit Hoboken Winter Challenge 8.0 yesterday!
- GOOD LUCK to Coach Arturo, Jake L., and Todd C. today! They’re competing in the Holiday Season Open in Garden City, NJ. Get more details here. Let us know how it goes, guys! We’re rooting for you!
Training Cycle Template
Our new training cycle begins TOMORROW. You can always find the information below in the left-hand tab under Member Resources, called Training Cycle Template.
Training Cycle Dates: M 12/14 – Su 2/7
Crush Week: M 2/8 – S 2/14
Transition Week: Will be the first week of the following cycle, starting February 15, 2016
Cycle Goals:
- Prepare for The Open
- Increase aerobic and overall work capacity
- Develop proficiency in cycling the Olympic lifts
- Improve overhead strength and cycling proficiency
Monday: Shoulder-to-Overhead/Handstand Push-Up Work + WOD
Wednesday: Back Squat/Front Squat + WOD
Thursday: Snatch/Overhead Squat Work + WOD
Saturday: Back Squat/Front Squat + WOD
Sunday: Clean work + WOD
The Shoulder-to-Overhead, Snatch/Overhead Squat, and Clean work will be varied. These days will look much like prepping for an Open workout. Warm up, lift heavy enough to prime your body and mind for the lighter weights used in an Open workout, and then attack the met-con.
Performance Squat Cycle
Back Squat (BSQ) first, then move directly into the Front Squat (FSQ). On heavy days, hit the required reps and leave it there. These should feel almost too easy for the first few weeks. On volume days, aim to hit at least 8 reps, pushing the set up to a max of 12. End the set 2-3 reps shy of failure however.
Weeks 1 to 8:
1. Heavy: BSQ 80%x1x2, FSQ 80%x1x2
2- BSQ 50%x8-12×2, FSQ 50%x8-12×2
3- Heavy: BSQ 82.5%x1x2, FSQ 82.5x%x1x2
4- BSQ 55%x8-12×2, FSQ 55%x8-12×2
5- Heavy: BSQ 85%x1x2, FSQ 85x%x1x2
6- BSQ 60%x8-12×2, FSQ 60%x8-12×2
7- Heavy: BSQ 87.5%x1x2, FSQ 87.5%x1x2
8- BSQ 65%x8-12×2, FSQ 65%x8-12×2
9- BSQ 90%x1x2, FSQ 90%x1x2
10- BSQ 70%x8-12×2, FSQ 70%x8-12×2
11- Heavy: BSQ 85%x2x2, FSQ 85%x2x2
12- BSQ 75%x8-12×2, FSQ 75%x8-12×2
13- Heavy: BSQ 87.5%x2x2, FSQ 87.5%x2x2
14- BSQ 80%x8-12×2, FSQ 80%x8-12×2
15- BSQ 90%x2x2, FSQ 90%x2x2
16- BSQ 75%x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure), FSQ 75%x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure) *Rest as needed between sets
Fitness Squat Cycle
Back Squat (BSQ) first then move directly into Front Squat (FSQ). Start the first week light enough to make all the reps without too much difficulty. The goal is to increase the reps by 1 each week using the same weight. If you tested a 3RM at the end of last cycle then start with a weight slightly below it and aim to use that weight for your 2×3 in week 4.
Weeks 1 to 8:
1- BSQ 2×3, FSQ 2×3
2- 90% of E1
3- BSQ 2×4, FSQ 2×4
4- 90% of E3
5- BSQ 2×5, FSQ 2×5
6- 90% of E5
7- BSQ 2×3, FSQ 2×3
8- 90% of E7
9- BSQ 2×4, FSQ 2×4
10- 90% of E9
11- BSQ 2×5, FSQ 2×5
12- 90% of E11
13- BSQ 2×5, FSQ 2×5, heavier than last week
14- 90% of E13
15- BSQ 5RM, FSQ 5RM
16- BSQ 80% of 5RM x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure), FSQ 80% of 5RM x Max Reps (1-2 shy of failure)
Danny MacAskill + a GoPro + Cascadia = NUTS International Mountain Bike Magazine
11am Active Recovery is CANCELLED today
It’s the last day of CRUSH WEEK. Get after it, everyone!