Dan Bench Presses during a recent Starting Strength class. There are just a few spots left in our upcoming Starting Strength program cycles!
- Coach David was recently interviewed for an article in CrossFit Journal about community building and had lots of interesting stuff to say. Check it out here!
- David also just appeared on Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength podcast. We don’t mean to toot our own horn here, but Rippetoe calls us “the best gym in NYC.” (Ok, that’s pretty cool: *toot toot*)
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the Front Desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talking to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FDstaff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who keep a consistent schedule and commit to six months of work with us (barring extenuating circumstances).
We will be interviewing this month and training a new hire for immediate training will begin next week. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule:
- Tuesdays, 4:15p – 9:45p
- Wednesdays, 4:15p – 9:45p
Email Janelle [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Ring Dips | Pull-Ups, Burpees, Power Snatches, Run
Strongman Eugen Sandow’s Endorsement of the “Magic Cold Bath” The Art of Manliness
Bison Bison Bison The New Yorker
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat / Deadlift
Add weight to last week. Use full a full range of motion and control.
3×5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Warm up and perform one heavy (and perfect) set of 6 reps, heavier than last week. Touch-and-go is permitted.
Post loads to comments
In teams of three with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 18 Minutes:
7 Thrusters 95/65lbs
7 Box Jumps 24/20"
7 Russian KB Swings 24/16kg
Partners alternate full rounds of the triplet until the call of time and must "tag" the next partner in. The barbell and kettlebell weights should be on the light side and certainly done unbroken. The Box Jump is Rx'd as a two foot take off.
Post rounds, reps, and partner to comments.
2 Rounds
5e Lateral Box Step ups
5e reverse lunges w/45lb plate
5 db squat press outs
Pull ups
use same weight/assistance as you did the previous week.
5 Rounds
130 m sprint
10 Toes to bar
130m sprint
10 plyo push ups
rest :30
Monday's programming at 6am with Jess Fox:
Ring dips: 4×8, 20 on the rep out (15 strict). Taking away the tempo makes this a whole new ball game.
Metcon: 21:30 Rx. Pullups were all unbroken. Burpess were burpees. Snatches got spicy real fast and I went from Touch & go in the first round to singles by the end of the second round. The runs were actually real runs instead of the zombie shuffle that typically accompanies workouts like this. I think that not having any real squatting movement helped with feeling fresh enough to run like a human being.
730 last night with David
Ring Dips : 11/11/9/8… rep out 10
No tempo but I was still moving deliberately through all the dips focusing on getting as deep as possible and finishing at the top in strong support position. No tempo also allowed me to squeeze out an extra two reps on the last set relative to my last go round at these.
WOD : 23:54 #95
First two rounds PUs were unbroken. After that 5/5 until the last which went 4/3/3. Burpees first 3 rounds moved pretty well through these. Towards the end I was taking one or two breaths between each but still moved at an alright pace. I just can't seem to do these quickly ever. Snatches done as singles all the way through. I think this was the right weight given all the other work but part of me thinks #105 would have been more appropriate. Runs were fairly consistent up to the last one where i sprinted back down the block. Quick 24 minutes for sure.
6am McDowell for some bSquats
Partnered with BK for some low bar squats or high bar with an extra squat to start 🙂
225# 8×3. The last 3-4 reps were brutal. Looking forward to 6 reps next week.
WOD with BK and Sasha. The 2 to 1 rest did not feel like 2 to 1. We completed 24 rounds plus 19 reps. Tried to dethrone Steve, Michael and Mike. Good workout. Look out for that first BJ
7am with Jess doing Wednesday
BSQ – 165 x 8 x 3
This is 91% of my one rep. Moved well. Pumped for less reps, but very happy to be here. Lots of improvement on the squat this cycle for me.
Metcon Rx with John & Chas – ~22 Rounds
Everything unbroken. Thrusters have never gone so well for me. Enjoyed this a lot.
6 am doing Wednesday's work with McDowell:
Back squats were 3×8 at 165#. Deadlifts worked up to 6 at 215#. All felt really good and solid. Excited for 6's next week on the squats.
WOD with Jill and Kayleigh. We did 23 + 2 rounds (I'm pretty sure–could have been 22). Such a competitive 6 am! May I just say Kayleigh's idea of hopping down from the box so you are facing the kettlebell and can start swinging immediately was pretty genius. Loving these partner WODs. It was just the right amount of rest.
After did 3×15 on the ghd across the street alternating with 15, 8, 8 pushups.
7 am with Jess
Yay! Peter is back and because he's scaling while continuing to recover I got to work with him lifting and for the WOD. But, I messed up. Thought that I did 110 last week and decided to stay there because it was super slow, grindy and I missed depth last week. That's the main thing I want to improve is getting the squats down, down, down as it gets heavy. I just checked though and I was at 115 last week. Linear regression. OK, next week 10 lb jump for sure. They were all good at least. Went right to 140 on the Dead lifts and these were all there.
WOD with Peter and our guest from Germany, Astrid. Peter did all the counting and I think I heard him say 18 + ??? I went too light on the thusters too – 42# but at least kept them fast. I made up with the 20" box – at least we're on speaking terms. Tried to drive down the KB for a quick 7. Fun.
6am with McD doing Wed's programming
Squat: 245# x 3 x 8. Went up 10# from last week and things still felt crisp.
Deadlift: 345# x 1 x 6. Went up 10# from last week and moved this pretty well. Excited to eventually test a 1RM.
Metcon: 25 rounds + 3 thrusters, partnered with MikeM and SteveH. This was fun and sweaty, and we had a blast racing against the other two teams.
Loved the Acoustic Morning music during squatting. 🙂
6-6:30am: Coffee house music that wants to make you barf
6:30-7am: Dance party
HBBS: 225x8x3. 10# jump. First and third set was a bit grindy, 2nd set was smooth. I was amazed how well James A managed 8.5 reps each set.
Deadlift: 315×6, touch and go. 10# jump, this moved well.
Metcon w/ James A & Sasha: 24 + 19 reps. Good vibe racing the other teams. Michael A had some brilliant moves.
LBBS: 190 x 8 x 3. Belted for the second and third set. These were hard.
Deadlift: 305 x 6. Back rounded for sure. Last week felt pretty solid, but felt like 10# was too aggressive of a jump.
WOD: Definitely 23 + 2, with Natalie and Jill as outlined above. Very enjoyable partner workout, especially plotting strategies for transitions.
6am with SquatDowell
HBBS – 235 x 8 x 3
Still moved well. 2nd set was a little grindy but 3rd set had a good bounce and rhythm and felt great.
Deadlift – 315 x 6
All touch and go and still feeling easy. Wasn't too long ago 315 x 5 was slow grindy singles for me so happy to see the improvement there.
Wod with Michael and Mike. Victorious.
Hang Muscle Snatch
75×3, 85×3, 95×3
High Hang Snatch
*145x2x4 (70%)
Power Clean + Power Jerk
165x2x4 (70%)
Snatch Pulls
85%, 90%, 95%, 85% x3
180, 190, 200, 180
*Fucked up and did 70% of my best competition snatch instead of my high hang…thank god Arturo learned me otherwise so I was wiser for the PCPJ.
Great interview, DO!
Ring dips: wanted these to be easier sans tempo :/ 7-7-5-7-5 a little shallow. Will go for quality over quantity next week
Wod: 21:34 I think? 53#.snathes started out as singles until I got confidence to cycle them. Best was 5-3-2. Pull-ups 5/5 or 5/3/2.
AG: 2-1-1-1-1 with 20# pull-ups, 4* rounds of 10 push-ups, 130m run, 10 toes close to bar, 130 m run. Thanks klove for calling me out on my toes to bar : P
Good times as usual!
10 x Strict HSPU to 2 abmats
10 x OHS
10 x push-ups
20 x hollow rocks
Bench Press (Wendler 5 week)
45 x 5, 75 x 5, 97.5 x 5, 112.5 x 5, 127.5 x 6 (rep out)
Press (up to 70% of training max for this cycle)
57 x 10 x 5- yeah this is getting spicy.
In complete shock that I actually have the ROM to get into a pistol with the help of a band.
Pull-ups with 25#
WOD in 14:24 ( I think?)
T2B were awful in the beginning but I remembered how to do them after a couple of rounds. Plyo push-ups are really freaking hard. I can't believe I'm saying this but I've actually been almost enjoying running in wods the last few days. If that's what my short-lived half marathon training did for me, I'll take it!
I was pretty beat up today- I think from the ring dips yesterday? Or the volume in the WOD? Not sure, but I was a bit disappointed with my rep out and also was unable to add a pull-up. Going to prioritize sleep and food this week.
7:30 with K harpz
Db bench press with no tempo, 35# each hand 8-8-7-8-9 on the rep out. Thinking about going up to 40s next week and trying to hit 6s
Wod in 23:39 with 63# snatches. Snatches all in 4-3-3.
More running to whole foods!
Monday's workout.
Bench: 40#x6x4, 10 on the rep out. These felt pretty good.
WOD in 21:22
Pullups: All unbroken but had to pause and reorganize my kip on the 7th rep of rounds 3-5.
Burpees: Slower than usual.
Snatches: Done at 53#. 5-5 each round- mostly because I couldn't breath.
Run: pathetically slow
I sort of did it, but was really tired after doing Monday's WOD. Today was my first day back after not having a real workout since Wednesday.
Pistol practice: Was able to do it with the blue band for the first time but they really strained my quads.
Weighted pullups. Haven't done these in a long time. Did 5#, attempted 10#. So close but had to kip a tiny tiny bit. Then I just did handstand walking practice afterwards. Wasn't able to do it today- only took a couple of steps.
WOD: Only did 4 rounds and didn't time myself bc I didn't give it my all. It was good to practice T2B because I haven't been able to string them together consistently lately, but could today.