Deadlift / Handstand Push-Up Superset*
1A) Deadlift
3 x 2
Heavier than last week.
85% x 3 x 3
1B) Handstand Push-Up
3 x 5-10 Box Piked HSPUs
1-2 AbMats are ok. Knees are easier than toes. Sub 8-12 Seated Dumbbell Presses if you don’t have Boxed Pike HSPUs yet.
3 x 6-12 Strict HSPUs
1-3 AbMats are allowed as long as you’re getting some range of motion out of it. If you can do 3 sets of 12 easily, then add a deficit. DC blocks and bumpers work well for this.
*Superset means that you perform a set of exercise A (in this case the Bench Press) and then after a short rest, 30 seconds to a minute, you perform a set of exercise B (in this case the Barbell Bent-Over Row). You then rest a short period before returning to exercise A and continue in this fashion until all warm up and work sets are completed.
Post loads/work to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
5 RNFT or 20 Minutes:
8ea Single Leg Romanian Deadlift, contra-laterally loaded
8 Dumbbell Bench Press, as heavy as possible.
8 Chin-Ups, as heavy as possible.
Use a modest weight on the SDRDLs and focus on staying engaged with the movement. Kettlebells work well for these. Work up to a challenging set of 8 on the other two movements, using bands or adding weight as appropriate on the Chins.
Post work to comments.
Coach MeLo stopped by the gym with Lilyanne yesterday. They’re doing great! | Photo by Rob U.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update
Comrades! We’re almost at $3,000—which is 20% of our fundraising goal for Brooklyn Community Foundation. Team Posterior Chaingang is in the lead with team Bring It On Fleek not far behind. We’re off to a great start!
Now’s a good time to start e-mailing your friends and family. Rip off a version of this one below, and select, replace, or delete adjectives as you feel led. One of our members used this email a couple of years ago (with almost all of the adjectives) and quickly raised over $500. Jump on it!
Dear/Salutations/Greetings/Hola/Aloha/Beloved [insert name],
As you probably know, I’m really into CrossFit. It’s helped me/I love it because _______. Every year at my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, we have an event called Fight Gone Bad, where we do this crazy/hard/weird/incredible/soul-crushing/soul-enhancing workout (which you can see here).
What makes the event even more cool/inspiring/sweet/meaningful is that it’s not just a competition for highest reps, but also a competition to raise money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports a variety of artistic, agricultural, environmental, social, and educational programs in Brooklyn, helping people of all ages.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I need your help! [Insert any crazy story or incentives for hitting certain fundraising markers, i.e., If you donate $XX, I will do X, Y, and/or Z.] Donate here [insert link to your page]!
I will be sure to let you know how the event goes, and probably send along a sweaty/hot/sexy/revolting photo of myself post-workout.
Sincerely/With love/Gratefully/Be well/Shalom,
[Your name]
AND REMEMBER TO SAY THANK YOU WHEN PEOPLE DONATE! It’s what our moms taught us to do.
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Sticky Catch Position CrossFit