Paused Back Squat / Paused Front Squat
Paused Back Squat:
Paused Front Squat:
Pause 2 seconds in the hole before ascending. No bounce. Work up to a challenging but not max-effort set. No failing.
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Exposure 4 of 8
Every 5 minutes for 5 rounds:
30 Double-Unders
15 Toes-to-Bars
5 Hang Cleans 185/125
The barbell load should be medium-heavy and unbroken on the fast end.
Every 5 minutes for 5 rounds:
30 Single-Unders
15 Hanging Knee Raises
5 Hang Cleans
The barbell load should be medium-heavy and unbroken on the fast end. Scale to Hang Power Cleans as needed based on mobility.
Post work to comments.
Here’s Pierre D. killing at at the USA Weightlifting National Masters competition. Pierre hit a 90kg Snatch and a 111kg Clean and Jerk for a total of 201kgs, which is a PR. Congrats, Pierre!
CFSBK Individual Open Leaderboard
We’ll have the Open Intramural recap tomorrow. For now, here’s the individual leaderboard after 17.3!
Friday Night Lights: The Gauntlet
This Friday evening, we’ll once again host a battle of CFSBK’s best during a Gauntlet-Style Friday Night Lights event. There will be two heats, 7:00pm and 7:30pm during which 2 designated competitors from each of our intramural teams will throw down against each other in an epic battle of strength and conditioning.
Team Captains!
Please designate one male and one female competitor to represent your team at The Gauntlet. Email cfsbk.intramural.league [at] by FRIDAY, MARCH 10th at 12pm with your selected competitor’s names and prefered heat time (7pm or 7:30pm).
Also, we need judges! If you are interested in volunteering to judge one of our FNL heats, please email cfsbk.intramural.league [at] and indicate which heat 7:00pm, 7:30pm (or both) that you are available to judge.
Spectators are also encouraged to stop by CFSBK on Friday evening to support your teammates and cheers their success (BYOB)!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
Humpback Whales Are Forming Mysterious “Super-Groups” Atlas Obscura
Quit Resting So Hard & Restore Instead Catalyst Athletics
6am with Ro and McD
Paused HBBS – 245
Paused FS – 215
Completed the 5 rounds. Started at around 1:45 and drifted up to just under 2:30. Cleans were tough to cycle. DU all unbroken except for one trip-up in either round 3 or 4. T2B unbroken through 3, then 11-4, then 9-3-3
Paused LBBS: 145×5, 155×5, 165×5
Paused FSQ: 130×3, 140×3, 150×3
WOD: Did the performance WOD, scaled to 12 T2B for the first two rounds, then did all 15 for the last 3. Doubles unbroken until the last round. Hang cleans were 3-2 until the last round, where I forced myself to go unbroken. All rounds completed between 2:15 to 2:40ish.
Yeah Pierre! Great seeing Snatch Me If You Can teammates out in the world kicking ass.
So glad I left the house yesterday for Short Circuit. I had been on the couch for hours.
7am w/McRo
Paused BSQ: 110# x 5, 115# x 5, 125# x 5
Paused FSQ: 95# x 3, 105# x3, ran out out of time
Again, love these paused squats. 125# felt great, can start heavier next time.
WOD: about 2:30 each round
-aimed for 5-10 DU attempts each round, added 30 single unders if I was tripping up a lot
-15 hanging leg raises, I could find some kipping rhythm in 2 rounds, totally lost in others
-83# on hang cleans, hung on to the bar in each round but bringing the bar down & resetting my grip was a challenge. Starting with a little wider grip seemed to help a little.
Came in for 9am group class, which totally doesn't exist. Oops!
Went across the street and did Wednesday programming. Trying to build back my leg strength after taking so many months off squatting
3×5 pause back squat at 135
3×3 pause front squat at 115, got a little lazy /light here
Wod with only 4 rounds at 93# and 10 ttb.
Short circuit was just what I needed yesterday!
6am w/Ro & McD
Paused BSQ 235#
Paused FSQ 215#
Dubs unbroken except a couple trips round 4
T2B: 15, 10-5, 10-5, 9-6, 7-4-3-1
HCs: 2-2-1, 4-1, 3-2, 3-2, 3-1-1
All rounds pretty consist, 1:50 – 2:30, felt the deadlifts from earlier this week while trying to cycle the cleans. Enjoyed the workout
Jenny, that's totally something I would do if I were ever around at 9 AM!
Makeup post from 6:30 last night (two night classes in a row! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?)
Squatting OMG six sets in fifteen minutes is INSANE. I went conservative and am glad I did. Also Whit pointed out that I have a bit of a shift to the right when I squat, so I guess it's time to start focusing on single-leg movements in warmups.
BSQ 135-145-155
FSQ 105-115-125
I mashed up performance and fitness for the WOD (DUs, hanging knee raises to practice my kip, hang cleans at 103#). Not sure whether I chose the appropriate weight for the cleans since I was doing them all unbroken and getting done pretty fast — on the other hand my 1RM is only 120, and I kinda run into a brick wall around there, so I figured I needed to take it down a bit from there. Anyway, the rest periods were nice!
I am so sore today from all that volume of deadlifts and squatting!
Paused BSQ worked up to 264. Ran late with a client so didn't have time to FSQ…
Scaled the WOD to 10 t2b and cleans at 165 and was still sucking wind. Best round was 1:24 and worst was 1:55.
Quick session:
A. 5 min assault bike, building. 5 min foam roll t-spine/lats.
B. 3x:
10 banded good mornings
1 ea TGU with :02 pause each position 25#
various other stuff… cow/cat, thoracic rotations, double lax t-spine smash
C. 9 MIN, 85% effort
7 DL 155#
11 WB SHOT 16#, 9'
4 rounds + 7 DL + 2 CAL
2:00 / 2:03 / 2:12 / 2:15
I want to be like Pierre when I grow up.
Jumped into Brett's workout before Kids Class
12:00 work up to heavy single Double Clean + Jerk
Worked up to 187, still was just being conservative
For Time
35 Wall Ball Shots (unbroken)
5 Power Clean and Push Jerk 135
4 PC/PJ 155
6 PC PJ 185
15 GHD SitUps
3 Rope Climbs 15'
10 GHD Sit-ps
2 RCs
1 RC
35 Wall Ball Shots (Unbroken)
Maybe 11 something? Forgot to look at the clock. Main goal was to do all the wall balls unbroken and move at a steady pace for the rest of it. FITNESS!
Paused squats:
LBBS: 115×5, 1125×5, 135×5 Oops, meant to do 125, 135, and 145 but thought we had 15s on the bar when we had 10s.
FSQT: 95×5 (by accident), 105×3, 110×5
WOD with 103#, full DUs and after the first round did 10 TTB because each round took too long. times varied from 2:35- just under 3 minutes. Cycled the first round of cleans but it hurt my thumb too much so had to do singles. The cleans crushed me today.
btw, wrote this post Wednesday (it's Friday), never submitted it, but it's still somehow on my computer.