Power Clean + Push Jerk
In 10 Minutes, work up to a heavy Power Clean + Push Jerk.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 2, with one partner working at a time, alternate full rounds to complete…
10 Rounds for Time (5ea):
7 Burpees
7 Power Cleans 95/65
7 Push Jerks
7 Pull-Ups
Scale the Pull-Ups to Jumping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups as needed. The barbell movements should be light and unbroken. Scale accordingly.
Post time, Rx, and partner to comments.
Robert C. captured the essence of 17.4
TODAY: Look, Feel, Perform Better Info Session and Q&A
The final Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge Info Session and Q&A is today at 12:00pm in the Annex. All participants, no matter where you’re at with successes and failures of the challenge, are invited to attend the final meeting of this year’s Challenge. We’ll talk briefly about what to do after 12 weeks of dieting and what to do next, followed by an open Q&A. We hope to see as many of this year’s LFPBers as possible!
Pressure Doesn’t Have to Turn Into Stress Harvard Business Review
Proud of What Your Body Can Do CrossFit
Bar Muscle Up Practice
4 Rounds
7 toes to bar
15 KB swings
20 Alternating goblet reverse lunges 24kg/16kg
17.4 @ Friday Night Lights
181 reps (16 HSPU's) with a tie break time of 9:14.
Deadlifts- 15-10-5-5-5-5-5-5.
WallBall- 5's with short rest.
Row- tried to stay at 800cal.
HSPU's- failed about 3. Legs were shot. So hard.
Very happy to have improved on last year's score by 7 reps and 30 secs on tie break. FNL was a lot of fun- thanks to everyone for the support on the night, especially my teammates Fox and Dan and judge Ryan and of course Coach MeLo for running it. I highly recommend doing this next week if you can.
To me, the repeats are the best part of the Open- it's kind of pointless comparing yourself to other people, since we all have different strengths, and I was a little nervous going in that I wasn't going to do any better this year, since my training has been inconsistent and I've done less well on other benchmarks lately.
But I managed to prove to myself in this instance that I am, indeed, a little fitter than last year, and that's why we do this, right?
Congrats everybody!!
Power Clean and Push Jerk: Worked up to 143#. One attempt at 153#, which might be a max push jerk for me, but had no commitment to it today.
Partner WOD: 16:06 Rx with Joy. Good one to get moving after the open workout yesterday.
Oh, and yesterday: 17.4: 166 Reps with 7:40 tie breaker time. One rep more than last year (a single HSPU) and a faster tie breaker time by 12 sec, I think.
Deadlifts: 25-15-8-7
Wall balls: 15-11-10s-ish…
Row: Averaged out around 1000.
HSPU: Fail to kick-up (which JB called "cute" as I flopped over onto myself), Fail x 4 or 5, 1 make in the last few seconds
Told myself to try to not go too hard so I might have a shot at some HSPUs, but apparently I'm bad at listening to myself. Row just killed my legs and just felt useless at the wall. Did not black out, which I did do last year, though things certainly got a little woozy. Thanks to Jill and Steve for the continued encouragement throughout!
WOW Kayleigh that is FAST!
10 AM with LBFox. Got to 113 on the C&J. It wasn't perfect but it's a damn sight better than that weight has felt before.
WOD with Gene in 14:16 Rx (me). Everything was easy except those dang kipping pullups.
WU: 3 minute row 46cal, 743m.
Power Clean and Push Jerk 45×3, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110, 116, 121 (Had a little press-out on the last one, but all the others were fine)
I blew off the metcon today since Ann took off for a 9 day yoga retreat in Belize on Friday leaving me with solo-parenting of a 2 year-old and a 4 year-old for the next week. I'm going to need all my energy.
10 am w/LBCF. Had a rough go of it. C&Js went up to 175 but weren't dialed in at all. In the second round of the metcon I hit the deck for a burpee and just stayed there for a minute — massive exertion headache, probably something left over from yesterday. Managed to breathe through it and finish Rx'ed at around 16:15, but was pretty shaken up.
Speaking of yesterday, got to 165 reps again in 16.4 redux, and shaved nearly a minute off my tiebreak time from last year. Far from ideal on the deadlifts, though — I really should've just done 11 sets of 5 and focused on form instead of 11-11-8-certain death. Continuous learning experiences, here.
9:30 wakeup/shakeout spin class at monster, then AG today. Back is recovering well but going to stay away from barbells for another week.
Muscle ups are still a work in progress – – at least I got some ideas about what I'm doing wrong today, and some drills to work on outside class… Loved the banded warmups – – #whysohard.
WOD was fine, 8:34 @ 24kg with 5 strict hspu to 1 or 2 mats (alternating on rounds) . First two rounds I managed kipping t2b which is great progress for me! Then they were just… Gone.
Hotel gym workout in Orlando
db push press-
200 calorie row plus 7 push-ups
every minute starting on the two minute mark.
total row time was 10:58- thankfully saving me
the 10th round of push-ups.
10 w/Fox & Lauren
Power C&J's up to 108# which I'm pretty sure is a PR. Wanted to make one more jump, but ran out of time.
WOD w/April in 14:45 at 65# & jumping pull ups for me. Smacked the sh* out of my shins w/the bar in the 3rd round so stepped out in burpees after that. Jerks got a heavy but such a fun WOD otherwise!
1pm class
Up to 215 on the PC+PJ. Had zero power.
WOD with Steven in 11:03.
Forearms were blown up. I gave up on the last round and broke the power cleans at 6, otherwise all unbroken.
17.4 at Friday Night Lights did not go as well as I would have liked. 9 HSPU which was far worse than last year. I threw up in my mouth a little bit upon my first kick up, and then for real after the workout. That has only happened once to me and it was about 9 years ago… (I might redo it? Who am I?)