Snatch Complex
Every 2 Minutes for 16 Minutes (8 sets):
Mid Hang Snatch Pull + Knee Hang Snatch Pull + Low Hang Snatch Pull + Low Hang Snatch
Pause for a 2 count at the Low Hang position before the Snatch. Focus on staying balanced and finishing your pulls vertically by extending the knees and shrugging the shoulders. The time that you’ll be hanging on to the bar and maintaining tension for this complex will limit the load. Build to a point that feels heavy but allows for perfect execution.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 7 of 8
3 Rounds:
AMRAP 1 Minute Double-Unders
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 1 Minute Kettlebell Swings
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 1 Minute Pull-Ups
Rest 1 Minute
Perfect day to practice jumping rope if you don’t have Doubles dialed in. Scale to Singles only if they are a work in progress. Choose a kettlebell load that you can swing for 20+ reps, and try to stay unbroken for the full minutes. Scale the Pull-Ups to banded or challenging Ring Rows as needed. Score total reps for each movement.
Post total reps for each movement and Rx to comments.
Fight Fall FOMO!
Today is the last day of summer, which is an extremely overrated season. So buck up! We have lots of cool stuff on tap for you this fall. Here are 2 upcoming you really won’t want to miss out on:
- Tomorrow is the last day to register for Fight Gone Bad 2018, a day loaded with fun costumes, camaraderie, and fundraising for a great cause. On Monday, we gave you 5 reasons why you should sign up if you’re still on the fence. Do it! Do it! Do it!
- In our effort to create a community of support for people from all walks of life, we are hosting a FREE workout tomorrow night at 7:00pm for anyone struggling with addiction, in recovery from addiction, or whose lives have been affected by addiction.This event will feature a beginner-friendly circuit workout, the opportunity to share and connect, and information about Shatterproof, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to ending the devastation addiction causes families. To learn more about Stronger Than Addiction and Shatterproof head over to the event page.
We’re looking forward to a fun, FOMO-free fall with you!
News and Notes
- MTA’s Brooklyn Community Conversation about Fast Forward, its plan to improve the organization, takes place on Tuesday September 25th from 6:30pm – 8:30pm at Medgar Evers College. Go here to learn more. Thanks to Karl for the info!
- Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy today and tomorrow. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
- We’ll be running on a modified schedule this weekend as we host the Birthfit Coach Seminar. All CrossFit group classes will run on our regular schedule, but there are a few cancellations. Check out the Schedule page to find out what’s happening.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat | NFT Work
How We Walk Depends on Who We Walk With and Where We Live NY Times
5 Benefits of Heavy Thrusters BarBend
Team Sprint/Bench Metcon
In teams of 3…
4 Rounds:
In 5 Minutes…
400m Sprint
AMRAP Bench Press
Rest 5 minutes between rounds.
Partners run 400m together. Once all partners have returned from the run, the Bench Pressing may begin. Every lift MUST have a spotter, with one partner Bench Pressing at a time while one partner spots. Rotating through in this fashion allows for the person who just finished to have a bit of a break before spotting. The 400s should be sprints. If your 400m time is over 2 minutes, scale the distance to 270m. For the Bench you should be able to complete a set of at least 10 reps when fresh, choose an appropriate scaling option accordingly. The goal is max reps overall so finish each set a few reps short of failure. Score load and reps.
Bench Press Load Options:
A) 135 B) 115 C) 95 D) 75 E) 55 F) 35
Post load, total reps, and partners to comments.
Whatever you do, don’t invited Pearl into your house, or she might jump on your boxes and Sumo Deadlift High Pull your barbells (oh and drink your blood). One week left to sign up for Fight Gone Bad 2018, a day full of fun costumes, badass athletic feats, and fundraising for a great cause! Go HERE to get in on the fun!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Leslie B., Micheline G., Jesse M., and Jack L. are representing CFSBK today at Flex on the Beach. Let’s show them some love in the comments!
2. On Wednesday, we introduced you to Alchemy Nutrition & Wellness, a client centered coaching program that provides the structure and accountability you need to finally make nutrition work for you. It’s run by our own Coaches Jess and Chris Fox, and you can check out the program page to learn more!
3. Missing something? Maybe a water bottle, lifters, or a jump rope? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
4. From September 11th to the 23rd, Leah D. will be offering extended evening hours (until 8pm most days) for massage therapy. Go here to learn more about Leah’s services and to book an appointment.
5. On Thursday, we brought you Subway Series Event 1 recaps from the winners of the Female Rx’d Division, Coaches Whitney Hubbard and Jess Fox. You saw them on the podium, now read about it from their perspective!
6. Sunday’s 12pm Pilates class with Karina is cancelled.