Power Snatch
Every 2 Minutes for 6 Sets:
Power Snatch
Work sets across at a moderate load, around 70-80% of your best Power Snatch. Focus on speed, timing, and proper footwork, keeping the load low enough to move as perfectly as possible.
Post loads to comments.
Week 3 of 6
For Time:
50-40-30-20-10 Double-Unders
20-16-12-8-4 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
5-4-3-2-1 Bar Muscle-Ups
Modify Dubs to Alternating Foot Steps or 2x Singles and Bar Muscle-Ups to 2x Chest-to-Bars/Chin-over-Bar or 2x Ring Rows as needed. There is a 20 minute time cap on this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
What’s that Pumping Iron-style machine in the back left corner of 608? In this all-new vid, Coach David demonstrates a few ways you can work the Freemotion Dual Cable Cross into your training. Give it a try today!
The Iron Maidens Raw Open: Call for Volunteers!
We’re just a month away from the 2019 Iron Maidens Raw Open, our annual women-only powerlifting meet. Competitors will test their 1-rep maxes in an all-women environment of badassery. Mark your calendars! It’s one of our biggest and best events of the year.
We’d love your help on this very fun day! There are a variety of ways to get involved. Fill out this volunteer form to learn more and share your availability. Check out photos from last year’s event to get a sense of what it’s all about.
This year, our goal is to raise $30,000 to continue supporting students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach. After Tuesday’s post, we’re now at $2,431 raised. Donate to your favorite lifter(s) here!
How Much Money Did Athletes Win at the CrossFit Games? Boxrox
Strength and Its Derivatives Starting Strength
The dog days of summer are upon us, so you know what that means. Time to do something nice for yourself! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we’re very happy to offer massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT.