“The 12 Years of CFSBK: Strength, Conditioning, Community”
Working with a partner, each complete the following for quality….
12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of:
Hang Power Clean
Push Jerk
Partner “A” completes the round of 12 and rests as Partner “B” completes the round of 12. Partner “A” then completes the round of 11 and rests while Partner “B” completes the round of 11. Continue in this manner until each partner completes the round of 1.
Loading Options
Rx: 135/95
Rx+: 155/105
Scaled A: 115/75
Scaled B: 95/65
The Hang Power Cleans or the Push Jerks will be the limiter here. Choose a challenging load that allows you to complete the round of 12 in 1-3 sets with short rests if breaking them up. Use this workout as an opportunity to exemplify the CFSBK ethos. Work hard, move well (not just fast), support your fellow members, and most importantly, have fun. Thanks for over a decade of hard effort!
Post work, Rx, and partner to comments.
As you may have deduced from today’s workout, September 19th is CFSBK’s 12th anniversary. Here’s a special message from Coach David to our members and staff on this occasion. THANK YOU to everyone who hopped into our boat and made the gym what it is today! (The traditional 12th anniversary gift is silk, in case you wanted to get David a really cool kimono or something.)
Steal This Fundraising Email for Fight Gone Bad!
There are just 17 days left until Fight Gone Bad 2019, but there’s still plenty of time to email your friends and family. Rip off a version of this one below, and select, replace, or delete adjectives as you see fit. One of our members used a version of this email a few years ago (with almost all of the adjectives) and quickly raised over $500. Jump on it!
Dear/Salutations/Greetings/Hola/Aloha/Beloved [insert name],
As you probably know, I’m really into CrossFit. It’s helped me/I love it because _______. Every year at my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, we have an event called Fight Gone Bad, where we do this crazy/hard/weird/incredible/soul-crushing/soul-enhancing workout (which you can see here).
What makes the event even more cool/inspiring/sweet/meaningful is that it’s not just a competition for highest reps, but also a competition to raise money for the Sunrise Movement, a coalition of young people fighting to make climate change an urgent priority across America, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.
So, why am I telling you all of this? Because I need your help! [Insert any crazy story or incentives for hitting certain fundraising markers, i.e., If you donate $XX, I will do X, Y, and/or Z.] Donate here [insert link to your page]!
I will be sure to let you know how the event goes, and probably send along a sweaty/hot/sexy/revolting photo of myself post-workout.
Sincerely/With love/Gratefully/Be well/Shalom,
[Your name]
AND REMEMBER TO SAY THANK YOU WHEN PEOPLE DONATE! It’s what our moms taught us to do.
Lateral Movement Training Breaking Muscle
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